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What dialect is this?

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What dialect is this?

Postby Brody » August 2nd, 2006 9:51 pm

So I've been reading and I came across some Japanese that was incomprehensible to me. I figure it's a special dialect and I tried looking it up but I didn't have much luck.
Could anyone identify it for me so I could investigate it?

Thanks! (and sorry, it's all in hiragana)

ばーちゃんが ここに おっけんちゅーて だいにでん おしゆっぎ 
でけんぼ。 ばーちゃんたちゃ まーだ なーご いきとかんばけんけんね。
よーしとかんば。 よーしとかんば。 よーしとかんば。 よかね。 
ねぇ じーちゃん

ほんなこと。 ばーちゃんの ゆーとおりばい。 じーちゃんたちが ここに 
おっちゅーことが だいかに しるっざんた おいどんのごたー としよいはしゃーいでんなか。

I can identify a few things (ばあちゃん=お婆さん; じいちゃん=お爺さん; まだ; ここに, etc.) Still, pretty lost though. Thanks for any help.
AKA パンク野郎

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Postby Jason » August 3rd, 2006 2:43 pm

I don't know. I have seen the ばい ending in part of a manga that was set about 100 years ago. I don't know what region it's from, though.
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Postby Brody » August 4th, 2006 4:18 am

^^^Makes sense, I got the impression that the characters were supposed to be elderly. I'm just trying to figure out now how to look things up...
AKA パンク野郎

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Postby ssomers » August 9th, 2006 1:41 am

It sounds like Kumamoto-ken dialect . . . Amakusa district.

'ばい’ is very Nagasaki/Kumamoto kind of talk, and 'けん' instead of 'ます'-stem is pretty standard in informal Kyuushu speech.

That's my guess based on the example provided.

-Sean Somers

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Postby Brody » August 9th, 2006 3:19 am

Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.
AKA パンク野郎

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