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Question about a semi-common phrase

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Question about a semi-common phrase

Postby AznCherryCola_2460 » July 3rd, 2006 5:27 am

so there is this one phrase in japanese that has been bugging me because I hear it everywhere but I don't know how to write/say it.

It sounds like "sei oh" or "sei o" or "sei to" or something and it means 'one two three GO!' or 'ready set go!' for example when you are trying to say something in unison you would say "ready set go" and say it, or when you are trying to draw straws or something. It is not the same ready set go as in starting a race or something.

>_< anyway thats about it

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Postby Jason » July 3rd, 2006 6:42 am

The phrase is "せいの!/seino!" I don't know the kanji for it, or if it even has kanji or if it's just a "1, 2..." phrase without any more meaning than that.
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Postby AznCherryCola_2460 » July 3rd, 2006 2:56 pm

:D :D yay thank you so much!!

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