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Good, "cheap" accomodation in Tokyo (Chiba)

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Good, "cheap" accomodation in Tokyo (Chiba)

Postby Bissen » September 5th, 2012 3:40 pm

Hey all J-pod'ers!

My time has finally come to study abroad in Japan! From March I'll be studying at Kanda University, and heard from a senpai that the dorms they offer are ridiculously expensive, so I figured I'd ask here if you know any places that are nice and affordable, preferably somewhere in Chiba (though not necessary).

Any recommendations? :)

natsukoy9313 Team Member
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Postby natsukoy9313 » September 7th, 2012 8:16 am

Wow! Congratulations!! You must be really excited :D

How much was your university dorm? Usually the university's dorms are the cheapest.
This could be even more expensive, but just as an information....

You might be able to find flat share information online too. Google under ゲストハウス or ルームシェア; you might find something interesting!
Hope you can find a good place to live :wink:


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Postby Bissen » September 7th, 2012 8:31 am

I am - it's only about 4 months, but it's still Japan ;)
I heard from my senpais that the dorm at the university are really expensive, and that they'd all found somewhere else to stay.

I actually found something around Funabashi called Tokyo Happy House, and it's definitely some of the cheapest I've found!
However, it's always good to have some more places, in case they happen to not have room for me when I'm going there. Thanks for the link - I'll have a look at it!

natsukoy9313 Team Member
Posts: 176
Joined: May 11th, 2012 12:00 pm

Postby natsukoy9313 » September 11th, 2012 5:06 am

Tokyo Happy House seems to be a great idea!!
Hope you can arrange a lovely room :wink:
Good luck!!


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