Here's the situation, coming fall semester (september 15th) I'll be going to Japan (yaay!!).
I've been accepted to the SKP program of Ritsumeikan University (Shiga) and well, I'm going there.
Since I'm a selfpaying student, at first I was not eligible for a room in the dormitory, but a little while ago, I received notice that they had an extra room available so lucky me. However, due to miscommunication over there, no room for me.

I'm quite lost now and seem to be unable to come up with a solution. I need a place to stay for the first weeks or so, so I have time to find an apartment through the on-campus housing cooperation (or whatever they call it) because then the university will be my guarantor. I'm afraid I have to wait with my house search untill I actually get in Japan. But where on earth am I gonna live??
So has anyone got any ideas, recommendations or anything that can be usefull to me? Off course, I'll do my best to get the university to help me as well.

Mina-san, thank you for reading and even more if you leave me a usefull reply.
