I'm new to this forum, but it seems like you have a really great community here!
I was wondering if maybe there was anyone who could answer a few questions I have. I am currently studying Japanese at College at pre-intermediate level. I know where I want to be but don't exactly know how to get there.
I want to teach english as a foreign language in japan and move out there to live for a minimum of 2 years, now the questions I have are as follows:
- To move out there to live and work, do you need a working visa?
- How long does this allow you to stay in the country?
- Will you be allowed back after it expires?
- Will I be able to get a job out there teaching english without a degree?
- Will I need some kind of TEFL qualification?
- What kind of standard will my Japanese have to be before I go?
Everyone has that "thing" inside them that makes them tick, and Japan is mine. I am fascinated by everything about it, the architecture, the people, the culture, the language, the writing, gets me excited just thinking about the prospect of being a part of that

My course at college will probably struggle to stay going just before it hits Intermediate and I am panicing a little because after a talk with my teacher she didn't seem to really know what my options were when the inevitable hits... It seems I am just going to be stuck in limbo with no direction, hence my action to define a future for me in Japan.
If anyone can do or say anything to help and shed some light on my questions or any options I might have to move forward, please they would be most welcome and I will be so greatful

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!