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Lost but with Direction: Looking for a little help! :(

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Lost but with Direction: Looking for a little help! :(

Postby strivetobe8332 » January 21st, 2011 1:56 am

Hello :)

I'm new to this forum, but it seems like you have a really great community here!

I was wondering if maybe there was anyone who could answer a few questions I have. I am currently studying Japanese at College at pre-intermediate level. I know where I want to be but don't exactly know how to get there.

I want to teach english as a foreign language in japan and move out there to live for a minimum of 2 years, now the questions I have are as follows:

- To move out there to live and work, do you need a working visa?
- How long does this allow you to stay in the country?
- Will you be allowed back after it expires?
- Will I be able to get a job out there teaching english without a degree?
- Will I need some kind of TEFL qualification?
- What kind of standard will my Japanese have to be before I go?

Everyone has that "thing" inside them that makes them tick, and Japan is mine. I am fascinated by everything about it, the architecture, the people, the culture, the language, the writing, gets me excited just thinking about the prospect of being a part of that :) I love working with people and really think I could be a great teacher. I also really want to take my music out there too!

My course at college will probably struggle to stay going just before it hits Intermediate and I am panicing a little because after a talk with my teacher she didn't seem to really know what my options were when the inevitable hits... It seems I am just going to be stuck in limbo with no direction, hence my action to define a future for me in Japan.

If anyone can do or say anything to help and shed some light on my questions or any options I might have to move forward, please they would be most welcome and I will be so greatful :)

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

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Re: Lost but with Direction: Looking for a little help! :(

Postby Javizy » January 21st, 2011 5:25 pm

strivetobe8332 wrote:- To move out there to live and work, do you need a working visa?
- How long does this allow you to stay in the country?
- Will you be allowed back after it expires?
- Will I be able to get a job out there teaching english without a degree?
- Will I need some kind of TEFL qualification?
- What kind of standard will my Japanese have to be before I go?

I don't know much about visas, except that you might have difficulty without a bachelor's degree. As for teaching English itself, all you need to be is a native English speaker. Whether or not you know anything about English or teaching itself, or even if you can't spell the days of the week, you'll probably be able to find a job. Japanese people themselves who could barely pass for mediocre pre-intermediate students masquerade as English teachers.

With such low standards, there's obviously a lot of competition, so a TEFL qualification might help your chances, and I've heard it can lead to a better paying job. It'll also teach you what you need to know to do the job well. The industry is on the decline though, and a lot of people grow disillusioned being the stereotypical gaijin who teaches English and can't speak Japanese, so you might want to plan for an alternative career in the future if you want to live their long-term.

As for Japanese, you don't need to know a word to teach English. A large percentage of foreigners teaching English can barely introduce themselves in Japanese, even those who've been there for years. If you're a bit more ambitious than these people, you should be pushing towards N1 as you can so you can expand your options and live like a normal member of Japanese society.

If you want more detailed answers, try posting on this forum

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Postby chalkboard1017 » January 26th, 2011 5:16 pm


To answer your questions...

1) Yes, you will need a work visa. This is something your employer will help you arrange when you sign your teaching contract.
2) Your visa allows you to stay in the country for the length of your teaching contract. This is usally 12 months initially. Of course, if you find another job after that or extend your contract, your employer will help you extend your visa.
3) Your work visa doesn't affect your eligibility to get a tourist visa if you want to return to Japan.
4) You won't be able to teach English in Japan without a degree - having a degree is an essential part of getting your work visa.
5) Yes, you will need a TEFL qualification of at least 120 hours, with some face-to-face training.
6) Your Japanese can be at a very basic level as you won't need to speak Japanese in the classroom, you'll only need it for day-to-day life.

There's more information about teaching in Japan here:

Hope that all helps - good luck!

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Postby Javizy » January 26th, 2011 5:59 pm

chalkboard1017 wrote:5) Yes, you will need a TEFL qualification of at least 120 hours, with some face-to-face training.

For what jobs? You don't need them for JET, and you'll see many ads for 英会話 schools that don't require anything. I recently heard about an acquaintance of my Japanese friend who just moved to Japan and got a job teaching English in a kindergarten on 280,000 after tax + benefits with absolutely no qualifications or experience.

Still, if you have time and money, it's definitely worth doing for the experience as well as the qualification. I also recommend the book Teaching English As a Foreign Language, which covers just about everything on a CELTA course in under 300 pages. If you can read something like this before starting a course, you'll have a much better chance of getting higher than pass grade, and it won't hurt your confidence either!

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