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About contact person in Japan

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About contact person in Japan

Postby lucytoltek » February 28th, 2010 10:38 pm

I want to apply for Jasso' s Tokyo Japanese intitute, but the thing is that they require
a contact person in Japan to represent you and to give your documents by hand sufficiently speaking Japanese.
Is there anybody who 'd like to help me with it? I'm a student and I don't have a work but I can pay some money also..

Waiting for replies :)

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Postby mieth » March 17th, 2010 4:06 pm

um if you are applying for a language school you can do it without a contact in japan if you say that you are sponsoring yourself. You have to show enough money to pay for tuition and cover living expenses for an entire year without working. However I have heard that you only need 10k from others. Anyway I did self sponsorship for my pre college visa. So just put your money in your account even if you are getting it from you parents let it sit there for a few months and you should be ok. By the way you will need to show 2 years worth of bank statement for the app so be prepair and order those from your bank ahead of time. If that school is too difficult to deal with dont worry there are plenty others. You could try looking up human academy on google. They have a couple people there that speak English decently. Cheers.

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