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Making the decision to work in Japan?

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Making the decision to work in Japan?

Postby o_von4970 » December 28th, 2009 6:54 am

Konnichiwa minnasan,

I have been interested in Japan and its beautiful culture for as long as I can remember. And now that I have graduated with my Bachelor's, I now have the opportunity to leave the U.S. and work in Japan teaching English. I understand the competition is quite firece these days, and it's not easy to get accepted anymore, but that's okay with me. I don't mind hard work, or waiting for my time. What I DO have a problem with, however, is the thought of leaving my friends and family for such an extended period of time. How did you all who have left their homes/family/friends make the decision to do it?

I've told myself that I won't let friends/family (or what I like to call 'anchors') hold me down and stop me from something I truly want to do, but when it comes down to it, it's really a hard decision to make. I spent a semester in Mexico this year, and after about a week or so it wasn't so bad, but I'm thinking if I go to Japan to work, that I would live there for at least two years (I'm not sure if my mother could take it, to be honest ha).

I know I need to do this sort of thing while I'm young and don't have a wife/kids/career 'anchoring' me down, but the thought of being away from home makes me shy away, but the adventures I'd be sure to have and the excitement of the experience make me really want to do it.

So, I was wondering how YOU made the decision, and also, if you wouldn't mind, for those who went to Japan to teach English, to tell me about your experiences, and what program you went through, and any tips you could give a nooby. I've read a few websites about working in Japan, and obviously some of the threads posted on this forum, but I still have doubts/uncertainties.

I know a few people I'm hoping can help "get my foot in the door" so to speak, but before making any kind of commitments (like applying to something, for instance), I want to be dead set on this decision. Arigatou,


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Do what you want to do

Postby knadolny » December 28th, 2009 9:39 am

If this is something that you want to do then I think you should. You don't want to live your whole life wondering "what if". That's why I am here and I am loving it. I don't teach English though.

Living abroad is a rich experience that makes you a better person. You're friends will be waiting for you when you return.

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Postby JonB » January 11th, 2010 5:23 am

I came he on an ex-pat package so it was easy :-)

However, these days it is a lot easier living away from home thanks to tools like Skype - it has certainly made being away from family a whole lot easier. And hopefully the reverse will be true for staying in touch now it is time to go back home :-(

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