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How to find a good medical doctor?

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How to find a good medical doctor?

Postby untmdsprt » October 21st, 2009 5:34 am

Does anyone have experience in finding a good doctor here? I'm in the need for a chiropractor, and after searching the net for suggestions, I'm left wondering if I need to make a trip to Alaska or Hawaii. I've never been to these states, so it will be good to visit them at least once. :D

Eye doctors are actually pretty good, and very cheap. It only cost me 990 yen to go to a local clinic for my annual exam. I am on the national health care here though. The doctors and nurses all loved seeing my blue eyes too! 8) They asked about eye doctors in the states, and I said that most people can go to Wal-Mart and have everything done. My bf had to translate though for most of it. They were shocked at the convenience, but also the prices. Contact lens prescriptions here are only good for 6 months. I went ahead and bought the entire 6 months' worth. The shop had my brand in stock, and I believe they carry all the major brands.


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Postby Jessi » October 21st, 2009 6:27 am

Sorry that I don't have any personal experience to offer, but do you know the site SunnyPages? It's a good English-language resource for finding lots of places in Tokyo. I found this page with information on chiropractors in Tokyo: ... iropractic

I'm interested in learning more about getting an eye exam here. For that exam that cost you 990 yen, you got the contact lens prescription? Are the contacts expensive? I usually had eye exams done at Costco back home, but they are expensive and require them once a year. if I can have it done in Japan for much less, that'd be great!!
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Postby untmdsprt » October 21st, 2009 11:56 am

Jessi wrote:I'm interested in learning more about getting an eye exam here. For that exam that cost you 990 yen, you got the contact lens prescription? Are the contacts expensive? I usually had eye exams done at Costco back home, but they are expensive and require them once a year. if I can have it done in Japan for much less, that'd be great!!

Yes, it came with the contact lens prescription. They didn't ask about glasses, but my bf was having to translate most of the important stuff. If your Japanese is at a high level, then you shouldn't have a problem. Most of what they did was the same as in the states.

I went to the Minami Eye Clinic in Tachikawa. It's one stop from where I live so it was very convenient. Also there are a lot of street hawkers giving away coupons for contacts.

I'll try the link you suggested and see what I can find.


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