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Experience with language schools in Japan?

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Experience with language schools in Japan?

Postby jjkimball » October 7th, 2009 1:43 pm

Let me promote this to a separate topic. Mieth helpfully provided one answer over in the "Living in Japan - Colleges and Jobs" thread; I'm hoping there are also more people who can chime in with information.

Here's my question(s):

If you want to attend a language school in Japan to study Japanese pre-college, what is a good way to find a good school?

Which language schools are well thought of? Are there ones to avoid?

Does anyone have experience with a school that they'd like to recommend?


John K

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Postby Jessi » October 8th, 2009 1:38 am

I haven't studied at a language school, so I don't have any personal experience to share, but I would recommend checking out this Japanese Language School guide that Metropolis has put together:

If you check out the Learning Japanese forum at Gaijinpot, you will find many threads about language schools where you can read other peoples' recommendations. I hope that helps somewhat! :D
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Postby jjkimball » December 1st, 2009 5:03 pm

Thanks for the info!

(I was travelling for work, and just had the chance to check out the recommended sources over Thanksgiving. Thanks!)

John K

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