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Postby yaroujidai » December 29th, 2009 12:31 am

untmdsprt wrote:I'm in Japan, and my conversation skills are still not very good because nobody speaks Japanese to me.

I had different experience in Osaka. actually nobody speaks English to me. Although I had to listen to their Japanese it is not much of learning without proper explanation.
If they ever use english it is just a simple sentence or a bunch of words. The only relief is that they switch from kansai ben to standard japanese.

I'm working for japanese company in London but they are speaking english even between themselves. I forgot most of my japanese I learnt before I started to work. no progress and bad luck I guess. That is why I'm here on japanesepod101. I hope to learn more japanese here.

It is difficult to find any job in Japan without fluent Japanese.
it is a long way to go through the learning before I can go to japan for good. :orz:

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