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All Girls School?

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All Girls School?

Postby SeannaBirchwood » May 3rd, 2009 9:41 pm

I'm going on the rotary exchange program this august, and I will be living in Nagasaki for about a year, and going to an all girls school called Junshin High school. I have to re-dye my hair (right now its blonde on top of brown) back to brown, and I can't wear my piercings (I have five holes, 2 on one ear, 3 on the other), I can't wear make up (I dont anyway), can't pluck my eyebrows, can't wear jewelry or accessories of any kind.

Are all schools in Japan so strict, and are all schools segregated by gender? It's kind of disheartening.

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Postby zakojanai » May 4th, 2009 1:54 am

Most schools are not separated by gender, but it is pretty common. And pretty much every school will have those rules, but enforcement will vary. I googled your school, and I'm betting the enforcement will be pretty strict since it's, well, Catholic.

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Postby SeannaBirchwood » May 4th, 2009 8:40 pm

I definitely missed that picture when I browsed the website before...

I guess that explains some things then. My counterpart goes there, and his family are Buddhist, so I think it won't be as bad as some of the catholic schools around here.

Thank you for this, I'm glad not all schools are segregated, at least.

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Postby unique07 » July 28th, 2009 11:58 am

Some schools are separated by gender but not all. Yes, I think mostly all schools of Japan are so strict about their rules.

high school exchange program

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Postby atashashane8287 » June 16th, 2011 4:06 pm

I went to an all girl boarding schools starting in grade 7. It worked well for me. I think it really depends on the kid. I had a hard time in elementary and going all girls, with a uniform and the whole bit, there was just a lot less stress, it was a fresh start.

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