Name is Daniel Goffin and I am going to study manga at Kyoto Seika for one semester. I have one, no actually two questions, that bug me a bit. I have read a lot about the importance of business cards in Japan but I still don't know how much of this applies to me since I am still a student. Is it advisable to have these or doesn't it matter that much?
Sorry for not searching just found the "name translation" thread.

[EDIT]Second questions would be how I would go at writing my name in katakana. I have studied the tables and tried to assemble something that I assume might work but that is the main problem. I would rather have someone more fluent in Japanese than me make that choice. I am really not that good, yet.
Third, albeit minor problem would be that I am German and my last name is pronounced in French. I suspect the translation would be a little different. Not sure though?[EDIT]
I would be really happy if someone could help me out. Thanks much in advance and kind regards.