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Berlitz and ECC Japan

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Postby untmdsprt » December 18th, 2007 9:53 am

Update: never work for Berlitz. This company will never help people ever. They expect you to find your own way to the school. I was never given the school's address, just the name. I found out the address on my own off the internet. The visa they still issued to me is basically worthless for other schools. It's a specialist in humanities visa, which Interac and other companies can't use. I'm having to cancel the visa after all so I can get the proper visa. I could take a chance and come over with this visa, but who knows what Berlitz has said to the immigration. I certainly don't want to be arrested just for coming over on a "valid" visa.

This company will also fire you in a heartbeat if you even think of interviewing with another branch in the same company. Yes, you read that right! I was hired with Osaka, Tokyo wanted to interview me, so Tokyo promptly told Osaka that, and Osaka hired someone else. There was no telling me this would happen.

I'm still here in the states trying to find another employer to work for. This has been a nightmare for me instead of a dream come true.

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Postby markystar » December 22nd, 2007 10:23 am

did you apply directly to another branch without telling them you're already working for them? or did you put in a transfer request thru the HR office?

i know some people who work for berlitz and put in for transfers and got them easily (2 or 3 months is all they waited, i think).
i think if you apply to another branch without going thru the HR office of any company they might perceive that action as dishonest. obviously, i don't know the specifics of your case, but seems like berlitz has some internal mechanism for shuffling employees who want to change branches. generally companies would prefer to transfer someone with experience than take a risk training an unknown person. :D

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Postby untmdsprt » December 23rd, 2007 3:56 pm

I had applied to the Tokyo branch first when the Osaka branch contacted me. The Tokyo branch took their time in contacting me so I interviewed with Osaka. They had just hired me when the Tokyo branch finally wanted to interview me. Since Osaka was being extremely vague about everything I went ahead with the Tokyo interview. At least I have three friends in the Tokyo area to help give directions, etc.

Berlitz needs to hire people within Japan if they refuse to provide any kind of help. Even simple directions from the airport to the school would have made me happy.

From what I understand, the more Japanese you know, the better your chances of choosing where you want to be. I've got my butt in gear and paid for the premium JPod101 service to get access to the JLPT tests. Hopefully by the time I hear back from Interac, I've improved my Japanese!

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Postby markystar » December 24th, 2007 1:25 pm

wow. sounds like they have some communication issues.
they should get a message board like this one and then people stay in touch easier. :lol:

From what I understand, the more Japanese you know, the better your chances of choosing where you want to be.

i think this is true in any country. and it sounds like you have a feisty attitude about it, so i think you can make the most of any situation!

I've got my butt in gear and paid for the premium JPod101 service to get access to the JLPT tests.

do you know, i joined japanesepod101 for the same reason? so i can say, it works!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



Expert on Something
Posts: 774
Joined: May 14th, 2006 10:06 pm

Postby untmdsprt » December 24th, 2007 6:35 pm

markystar wrote:i think this is true in any country. and it sounds like you have a feisty attitude about it, so i think you can make the most of any situation!

I've got my butt in gear and paid for the premium JPod101 service to get access to the JLPT tests.

do you know, i joined japanesepod101 for the same reason? so i can say, it works!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



Well that attitude got me through two weeks in Germany! I went to visit my cousin in Heidelberg and he had to keep calling me to see if I was alright! He had to work so I was on my own in a foreign country. All I asked him was how do I say such and such in German, and what do I do if I got lost and needed to come back to his place. I can just imagine being in Japan with all those wonderful survival phrases I've learned! :D

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