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IT jobs in japan

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IT jobs in japan

Postby kpm1301 » November 22nd, 2007 10:13 pm

hi everyone,

I've recently visited tokyo this year, fell in love w/ the city and was interested in living there for a few years mostly for a change of scenery and fun.

Currently, I'm living in San Francisco working as a computer programmer. My japanese is pretty bad, i've taken one year of it in college and now currently enrolled in night school for level 2 japanese and a basic kanji class.

My plan is to finish this year of studying japanese, try to find a computer/web programmer job in the tokyo area and move there. Also, i'm already a college graduate with a BS in computer science.

I was wondering if this plan sounds a good idea and realistic and how difficult it is to find a IT job there with only 2 years worth of studying japanese.

Also, I feel like once I get there, my learning of the language will be accelerated, like when I went for my trip there and learned a lot just from the 2 weeks of staying there.



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it depends

Postby JonB » November 26th, 2007 3:04 am

For a Japanese company then probably not but there are many international companies here as well. Also you can work for consultancy companies (mainly Indian - and you don't have to be Indian to work for them) who will train you up but they expect you to stay for a certain amount of time after training (but as we found out with a couple of recruits this year it is not written in any contracts so keep quiet).

The problem with the Indian consultanct companies is that pay is quite low... (Good when we go recruiting though as it makes us look really generous!!!)

There are a number of recruitment agencies that could help you - we just recently hired a new guy from the US - so look around, check out the International Companies

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Postby kpm1301 » November 27th, 2007 3:49 am

Thanks for the info, I will look into what you mentioned.

In terms of low salary, what is the range I should expect in the IT field there?
Just from visiting tokyo and seeing some of the cost of living. It seems like it'll be hard to get by with anything less than 70k in u.s. dollars.

Also, if you ever need a computer programmer for your company, let me know :D

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it will depend

Postby JonB » November 28th, 2007 3:57 am

Salary will depend on skill set and experience. It would also depend which industry you go into but I would think that you would find salaries comparable with the US if not a little higher than SF.

Here are a couple for you:
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Postby kpm1301 » December 2nd, 2007 8:44 am

Thanks for the links and the information.
Greatly appreciate it.

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Postby blackhorne » July 3rd, 2009 2:52 pm

Wondering about these international companies you speak of. Is there a decent recourse site with such companies? how would one begin looking for these companies and so forth?

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Postby Jessi » July 6th, 2009 1:11 am


Try the links that JonB posted above, and also try Daijob and CareerCross for job listings in Japan (lots of IT stuff on there too).
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Postby untmdsprt » July 6th, 2009 4:14 am

kpm1301 wrote:Thanks for the info, I will look into what you mentioned.

In terms of low salary, what is the range I should expect in the IT field there?
Just from visiting tokyo and seeing some of the cost of living. It seems like it'll be hard to get by with anything less than 70k in u.s. dollars.

Also, if you ever need a computer programmer for your company, let me know :D

70K?!? You're joking right? Cost of living depends on how you live and what you expect for your standard of living. If you expect the best apartment within walking distance of where you work, then yes be prepared to pay through the nose in rent. Most people commute by train a good 30 to 60 min from where they live. I live about 40 min from Shinjuku, and during that time I can get some studying done.

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Postby blackhorne » July 6th, 2009 9:21 pm

Thank you for pointing out the links.

One thing I have noticed a lot of, is that many of the companies require permission to work in Japan. Currently I do not hold any type of visa to do so, but was wondering if this is something that can be done by myself or how this process works?

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Postby JonB » July 29th, 2009 2:08 am

At the moment the job market is really tough here but there are jobs around for developers - just not for me :-(

It is a buyers market and the salaries have gone right down and Japanese language ability is really a must have - even for foreign companies.

Looks like I will be leaving Japan soon....

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