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Logistics Job in Japan

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Logistics Job in Japan

Postby mint » October 12th, 2008 10:08 am

Morning Folks,

I\'ll be moving to Japan in January 2010 and applying for my Working/Holiday 12 month Visa mid next year. Iam going over with my best friend and his brother.

I have been to Japan 3 times before and due back this January for the Tokyo Auto Salon again. I have obviously been looking for jobs with little luck.

I was going to go for an English teaching job as i know little Japanese and i have only recently started to Read/Write hiragana. I currently work in Scotland for Shell UK / Bristow Helicopters within the Logistics department and have a rather important role here. I manage flights flying offshore for all of the Shell Rigs/Platforms. So the wage is great for my age (22)

I have no University qualifications however i have been to college and Iam a dab hand with website coding and HTML. I have just this second (While looking for jobs) considered taking my logistics to Japan with me..

Do you think that this could be possible? Im not looking for the wage im on now but still looking at the pay for English teaching there is a considerable loss to be made there >.<\' Would be a shame to lose a potention oppertunity with the job im in.

Any thoughts on this or a place to point me in the right direction? I have a great love for cars (Currently Drive a Silvia s15) and would plan on getting my Drifting up to scratch in Japan and eventually make a buisness out of Exporting Cars / Parts.

[dori - dori! ^^]

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Postby jkid » October 12th, 2008 12:49 pm

Logistics jobs are going to be difficult to find as you have discovered. Perhaps consider given that you are already working in the field asking within your company about Japan based work. That would probably be your best bet.

Regarding English teaching it is defiantly the most common job for foreigners but usually it does require a degree. Although there may be some employers who do not require this.

Have a look at:

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Postby skrba » October 12th, 2008 11:40 pm


I was told that you can find English teaching job even without degree if you are native speaker.

Not sure what kind of visa you need for logistics job but I guess there are some stronger requirements because otherwise everybody could get it and land here easily, but we all know that many people are having troubles to get working visa. For example, for engineering visa you need either university degree or 10 years professional experience. The best is if you check at Japanese embassy or some web site.

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Postby mint » October 13th, 2008 2:36 pm

domo arigato folks.

hai i have found it to be rather hard to find much in terms of this type of work. Yes English is native to me however going by a Gap Year program i have been enquiring in with they have informed me teaching English without a degree wouldnt be a problem.

So there is always that, however if i can find some form of other work there thats on a better sort of pay then id be able to rest assured sort of thing.

Iv been checking on Gajinpot aswell, thank you for that. I\'ll keep an eye out as i have plenty of time. So fingers crossed.

If any of you come across something that could be suited for me please let me know, that would be fantastic.

-Minto San
[dori - dori! ^^]

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Postby skrba » October 14th, 2008 3:00 pm

Minto san,

Just one friendly advice: never put "san" next to your name, in Japan it's terribly big mistake. As you see, other people will put it when referring to you, but never do it for yourself. This is not directly related to your job question but it will make the difference once when you apply for job or do any other communication with Japanese people.

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Joined: October 19th, 2007 3:14 pm

Postby mint » October 14th, 2008 3:06 pm

oh wow really!? haha i didnt know that ;) thanks for the heads up!

I speak to Japanese people every day and no one has EVER mentioned :p lol
[dori - dori! ^^]

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