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Looking for work in Tokyo

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Looking for work in Tokyo

Postby jdproulx » August 19th, 2008 11:12 pm

Hey everybody,

This is my first post on the site, but definitely won't be my last! My name is Josh, and I'm a business student at a Canadian University. I'm entering my third year, so I still have a little bit of time to think about my future before graduating.

My goal since entering university has been to learn Japanese; the language and the culture. I've taken up to the end of 202 and am about to enter 301 right now.

My plan was to work in Japan for a year after finishing my degree. However, this is where I'm at a loss. I want to work in Tokyo for sure, because of my degree in business and my love for the city. This unfortunately rules out the JET program.

I'm currently thinking about going on exchange via AIESEC, an international program. Before I commit to joining AIESEC, I was wondering if I could get any advice from japanesepod101 listeners!

My qualifications are as follows:

Business student, majoring in Finance with a minor in International Business
Consistent 3.8 GPA
Large amounts of leadership involvement
Large amounts of faculty involvement
Dean's List
Top 5% in the Faculty

Likely, one semester of applicable job experience in a finance firm (I've been offered a job for next summer)

So how about it? Does anybody have any suggestions for Finance-related jobs in Tokyo, and how I could go about applying for it?

Thank you very much!

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Postby skrba » October 1st, 2008 5:46 am

Hi Josh,

Your post is one month old but I haven't track the forum for a while so my message is maybe a bit late...

You mentioned Aiesec and I just want to tell you that if you can, take that chance! I came from Europe 3 years ago on Aiesec traineeship and stayed one year in Kyoto. I don't need to mention amazing and unforgettablse time spent here and so many friends (thanks a lot Aiesec guys!!!), but also later that Japanese experience helped me to land good job with quite big salary at home, and more of that, helped me to come to Japan again as a real employee because I had working experience in Japanese company. The hardest thing is to open the first door, later is going easier.

My traineeship was technical but Aiesec is running various kinds so it should be similar to your. If you need any other advice, don't hesitate to ask.

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Postby jdproulx » October 1st, 2008 8:19 pm

Thank you for the response!

Actually, since posting this message I've looked at all of my opportunities, and joined AIESEC. I am actually already planning on taking a leadership role with them, and hopefully I'll have my internship set up for May 2010 in Tokyo.

I'm glad to hear you've had a good experience with AIESEC! It feels like a really great organization.

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