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Japanese Art Universities

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Joined: June 30th, 2008 2:08 am

Japanese Art Universities

Postby Blizzard » August 2nd, 2008 3:40 am

Hey I wanna move to Japan to study art(Manga mostly). I live in New York now but in 3 years tops I wanna move to Japan in order to study art there.(Manga creation). Im not too sure of which school to go to or how to even set up a way of applying for school in Japan and actually getting accepted. Can annyone help me out B4 its too late and I end up going to college here in NY.

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Joined: September 3rd, 2008 1:18 am

manga/animation school

Postby hikaruwings » September 9th, 2008 5:00 am

Hey there! I'm a new member and I also want to study art(manga) in Japan! I've also just become a junior in high school and I really want to persue a career in manga! I can't really tell you alot but I have heard of a school that teaches manga art. It's called Yoyogi Animation Gakuin. It's supposedly a school where they teach you how to draw manga(of course) but they also offer other things like voice acting, backround painting, computer animation, and even a class for camera people. Iv'e heard that to get into this school you have to take an entrance exam(which they mail to you) and the instructions are all in japanese!
If you go to and then click the link at the bottom that says animeco you can find a very inspirational story about a student from hawaii who went to this school. If you want you can just google limepub - animeco and you'll go directly there. I'm having a hard time finding out more about this school (like how much it costs, how to take the entrance exam) so if you decide to check it out and you find out more please let me know about it!
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