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JLPT quiz every day

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JLPT quiz every day

Postby chewkale_511557 » May 31st, 2016 1:13 am

Hello everyone! I've recently created a Facebook page called Japanime aimed at making Japanese learning easier by posting a JLPT Quiz almost every day! Answer will be provided at the end of the day! I will also share some anime stuff regularly and provide "vocab of the day" so that we can learn Japanese through anime and this will definitely make learning more entertaining! Feel free to check it out and do like it if you find it useful ! :oiwai:

Here is the link:

ありがとうごさいます!!一緒に日本語を勉強しましょう! Let's learn Japanese together! :kokoro:

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Re: JLPT quiz every day

Postby community.japanese » June 5th, 2016 9:50 pm

Konnichiwa. :)
Thank you for sharing the information.
Yuki  由紀
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