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How Do Japanese Children Learn Kanji?

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How Do Japanese Children Learn Kanji?

Postby Kenjhee » July 14th, 2015 5:21 pm

Do they start out by mastering the radicals, then move on to more complicated characters? How do they improve the "artitistic" quality of the various strokes?

Is there an app that leads you through a similar process? Or must you pretty much take a class or get a tutor?

Thank you!

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Re: How Do Japanese Children Learn Kanji?

Postby Murius » July 15th, 2015 7:59 pm

Ask the question to Mr.Google, ye shall be answered.

Sadly they do not use a secret method that makes it super easy to learn kanji. Apparently the traditional way involves hachimaki, sweat and tears...

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Re: How Do Japanese Children Learn Kanji?

Postby community.japanese » July 16th, 2015 3:51 am

Kevinka san,
Japanese children learn easy kanji first for example, 一、大、小 and so on.
They already know the meaning so they just need to memorize knaji.
They have to write them many times. Cover, write and check…
It should be every day’s homework and students have to take tests almost every week.
Japanese primary school teachers are strict about the marking.
As you can see the middle line has a hook in 小.
If kanji which you write doesn’t have a hook properly, you can’t get the mark.

Murius san,
Yes, I agree with you.

Yuki 由紀

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