So ATM I'm kind of skeptical. Could somebody maybe reassure me with a positive review? Because I am in the middle of developing some games and TV-Series with some friends and I'm gonna delete it and I can't download it again since it's a one time offer. Also I'm aware motivation has a lot to do with it. When it comes to learning languages I've only done english(my mother tongue) and latin. Latin I have a very hard time learning because it uses the same alpha-numeric characters and it just leaves my brain messed up. Japanese on the other hand has kanji and kansai which looks really fun in comparison to trying to train my brain into categorizing two languages under the same character set.
Also I'm very determined to learn japanese because I made some bets saying that I could. Another thing you could put in the review if you recall, how long it took you to learn japanese and how much time it took out of your day on average. Thanks in advanced to anyone who reads the whole thing and replies with what I need