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app for using Unicode in Halpern 2nd Edition KLD

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app for using Unicode in Halpern 2nd Edition KLD

Postby rshiplett » August 11th, 2014 11:06 am

Over at I have an image of the desktop applet that I use to grab a character using the Unicode value not in the Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary. will also allow you to search using that value.

My explanation is over at

Having the Unicode value is great, especially with the 2013 Kodansha course book by Conning being indexed to the 2nd Ed. of Halpern's KLD.

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Re: app for using Unicode in Halpern 2nd Edition KLD

Postby community.japanese » August 24th, 2014 9:22 am

rshiplett san,

Thank you for sharing the information.

Yuki  由紀

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