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About Japanese School Textbook

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About Japanese School Textbook

Postby poon299057436 » June 28th, 2010 5:27 am

Does anybody know any sort of textbook that Japanese school use in elementary, middle, high school? I mean, I want to study japanese grammar/vocabulary in its traditional way (that's how i effectively learned my English language)... I want to avoid using Japanese Vocab/Grammar explained-in-English textbooks. I'm still a slow reader, but I want to simulate the situation that all Japanese students met in school (from kg to 12). If anybody know that sort of textbooks, please tell me about it.

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Postby Belton » June 28th, 2010 9:24 am

Do a search for "国語 文法" on

There's a Doraemon grammar book, I have a kanji book in that series which I like, it might be suitable for what you want.

I've read good things about the ちびまる子ちゃん series of books but I haven't had the opportunity to buy one yet.

Vocabulary is probably covered by 読解力

下村式-小学漢字学習辞典 is a good grade school level dictionary interspersed with little encyclopaedia articles that's good for vocabulary and reading comprehension.

You should also be able to find grade school texts. Maybe by starting with 1年生 you could learn Japanese through Japanese, but it won't be easy by any means, even a 6 year old first grader has much more Japanese knowledge compared to most second language learners.
Rather than buy off the web if you have a chance check out a Japanese book store and have a read through some textbooks to see if you can understand them.

I understand your thinking but I think initially you'd be better off approaching grammar explanations through your own language or a second language you are strong in. Immersive learning from scratch might be best achieved with the help of a teacher using a communicative method. I'd say you'd need the immediate feedback of a face to face situation.

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Postby poon299057436 » June 28th, 2010 2:23 pm

Yeah, I know that through second language it'd be a hell lot easier but from what i see in my country, there's a huge drawback with such method. The drawback is you unconsciously translate the text and meaning into your own language before understanding it. A person I know who learned English through their mother language usually use time before replying. This is because, i think, they literally translate (i heard eventually heard them saying the translated word out).

By the way, I did not study intensive English until my 5th grade (where I moved to international curriculum). Yeah, when I enter 5th grade, I wasn't able to read things fast. A single short story took me hour - -", but thanks to the circumstance, i was forced to improve my reading/writing/speaking. Now I'm in college and those stuffs aren't problems anymore.

When I start seeing how ineffectively my Japanese study is (I starts getting the habit of translating My language-to-Japanese before saying and vice versa for hearing). Therefore, I just said to myself "Why don't I approach it the same way as how I became fluent in English?".

So, if there's Japanese kg or 1-2 grade's textbooks, It'd be a great guideline for me.

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Postby mayumi » June 29th, 2010 5:49 am

I think Japanese kids don't study Japanese grammar at the 1st -2nd grade of elementary schools. Mainly they read short stories as well as learn how to write hiragana, katakana and simple kanji. Probably, from 4th grade or 5th grade they start to learn Japanese grammar.

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Postby rwhurt » July 1st, 2010 7:04 am

Good luck. Japanese style explanation of grammar is ridiculous and antiquated.

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Postby mutley » July 1st, 2010 8:17 am

1st grade textbooks mostly deal with very simple grammer e.g. use of particles の、を、に etc. in very simple sentences, converting hiragana to katakana, putting nouns into groups etc. I wouldn't really recommend them for learning grammer but they can be quite good for improving vocab or practicing grammer that you already know.

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