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JLPT N5- do I need to learn all readings for the kanji?

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JLPT N5- do I need to learn all readings for the kanji?

Postby Yogajedi108 » August 30th, 2016 1:06 am

Hi all,

I know I need to learn around 650/800 vocab words and around 100 kanji for JLPT N5. Do I only need to know these Kanji in terms of the 650/800 vocab words? Or do I have to learn al possible readings for every one of those 100(ish) kanji?



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Re: JLPT N5- do I need to learn all readings for the kanji?

Postby motoko.innovative » September 16th, 2016 3:10 am

Brett-san konnichiwa,

Thank you for your post.
You're right. The vocabulary you need to learn are the basic ones, and relating kanji reading are also the common readings.
So as far as you know know the basic reading of the kanji, including those relates to the vocabulary, you'll be fine.

For example, the kanji 長, If you can see the screenshot below;
The pointed reading, 'osa' is one of the minor readings so that you don't need to learn that.

Hope this helps,

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