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JLPT Practice tests - N2

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JLPT Practice tests - N2

Postby Furzik » April 8th, 2016 4:59 am

Hi everybody!
I might oversee, but... There is really no JLPT Practice tests for N2? I see only N4&N5 in the 'Japanese resources' section.

Desperately preparing for N2,

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Re: JLPT Practice tests - N2

Postby motoko.innovative » April 18th, 2016 2:13 am

Furz-san konnichiwa,

Thank you for the post.
Unfortunately we don't have JLPT practice test for N2 yet.

Upper Intermediate series would be helpful for your preparation.

Thank you for your understanding,

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Re: JLPT Practice tests - N2

Postby MicahT » January 6th, 2017 3:21 am

It's disappointing, I'm looking for N2 resources too. Are there any plans to add content for that level in the future?

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Re: JLPT Practice tests - N2

Postby lena_511666 » February 3rd, 2017 3:29 am

Hello MicahT,

Thank you for posting.
Unfortunately we don't have plans yet.

Please check Motoko's advice:
Upper Intermediate series would be helpful for your preparation.


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Re: JLPT Practice tests - N2

Postby josiahnelsn856_519252 » December 20th, 2017 11:06 am

Can you please upload the practice tests for the bar exams? I am studying for the bars with TestMax bar Exam Prep course and I just wanted to check out how the exam structure is. I know, and no I haven’t bought any book for that yet. I am checking online right now.

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