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Today's JLPT (December 2015)

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Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby Kenjhee » December 7th, 2015 1:27 am

Anyone else sit this one? I just rolled out of the N5. I thought it was hard. Glad I didn't try for N4 now.

Where I took it (SF State) the classroom for N5 was full, but it was a small room. Only about 30 people. I'd guess a little over a hundred taking at all levels.
Last edited by Kenjhee on December 7th, 2015 3:59 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby NihongoWaBenkyotte_500383 » December 7th, 2015 2:51 am

I did n4. I think I did well on the grammar, not sure about the listening (I think every question is a trick question, and then trying to unwrap all of the tricks I can't seem to remember which went where!). The repeated format of the listening questions was they would say every single answer in the dialogue at least once, so you have to pick up on the modifiers. And they are going by quickly, with positives and negatives.

But you know what was the worst? Kanji. Kanji everywhere. I think I need to spend the next year working on kanji. Even if you know the grammar rules fairly well, it's all written in kanji. Essays in kanji. Nightmare, but I know I have to address it eventually. I guess that's this year. I just wonder if I'm able to memorize that many kanji. I know it's possible for people who live there and are surrounded by it, but what about somebody trying to learn Japanese as a second language on an hour or two per day? I don't know. Very discouraging.

Also, the n4 format according to the crash course on this website is a bit out of date. The question format, such as the "tadashi/tadashikunai" no longer exists.

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby Kenjhee » December 7th, 2015 3:56 am

Weird...I got the direct opposite impression with the N5. I think I got most of the kanji easily, which has never been my strong suit. The grammar was tough in the time allowed- I think I could have whipped it if given more time, but in the time allowed you pretty much had to nail it with the first reading and then move to the next question. It was almost like listening! I actually didn't finish this section- just marked guess answers in the last 5 or 6 questions. And the actual listening was like you said- they sprinkle keywords and modifiers around so you really have to comprehend the entire sentence. I guess real life is like that, too, but dang.

I was seated at the very front of the room- lucky me. About 3 feet from the boombox, and it was loud from where I was sitting. Nobody could complain about not hearing, I don't think even from the back.

No other drama. Nobody's phone went off or anything like that. Not even a warning card.

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby yola3243 » December 7th, 2015 6:50 am

I took N4. Vocabulary and Listening went well for me. Like Kevinka, I didn't have enough time to really think over grammar. I just started reading the last question when it was announced that we have only 5 minutes left. Some answers were a guess, just because I din't have time to go over the text again.

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby community.japanese » December 13th, 2015 4:10 am

yola3243 san, Kevinka san, san
Tesuto otsukaresamadeshita.

Yuki  由紀

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby Kenjhee » January 27th, 2016 2:05 pm

Can't believe it, but I managed to pass! Not the most stellar score, but as long as I jumped the hoop. A for Vocabulary, A for Grammar, and C(?!) for reading. Anyone else download results?

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby yola3243 » January 27th, 2016 3:43 pm

Congratulations, Kevinka!
I passed as well! Mine are Vocabulary A, Grammar B, Reading A. I'm pleased with these scores, considering that it has been a long time since I've taken any test, haha. Also, it gives me an idea what I should focus on in my studies.

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Re: Today's JLPT (December 2015)

Postby community.japanese » January 30th, 2016 10:19 am

yola3243 さん、Kevinkaさん、
ごうかく、おめでとうございます。  :oiwai:
Yuki  由紀

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