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Advice from those who have passed N5

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Advice from those who have passed N5

Postby Valeriedreid6207 » March 29th, 2013 8:03 pm

I am planning on sitting for the N5 level this year (Dec. 2013) and would love some advice as far as what podcasts I should listen to in order to improve my vocabulary and listening skills. I am currently listening to:
- absolute beginner season 1 (which is a bit slow passed, but it helps to build my confidence!)
- newbie season 1 (I am doing 1 of these a day and currently on lesson #5.)

Other than this site, I am using the Elementary Japanese Volume One text book (on chapter 3), various kana and kanji workbooks/ apps, and the Human Japanese app (where I am on chapter 8.)

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Re: Advice from those who have passed N5

Postby community.japanese » April 1st, 2013 10:41 am

kon'nichiwa! :D

Glad to know you've built confidence with Absolute Beginner lessons! Well done! :oiwai:
Have you checked our JLPT preparation lessons? Hope you'll find those lessons useful too!
In meanwhile, listening skill can be improved with any lessons you listen to, and if you're interested in
trying out some vocabulary study resources, we have "Word of the Day" and "100/2000 Most Common Words"
under "Japanese Resouces" :wink:

Good luck!


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Re: Advice from those who have passed N5

Postby JoeMorton » April 2nd, 2013 7:04 pm

Hi Valeriedreid6207,

I would recommend working your way through the 170 lesson beginner course here on Jpod, I did and it was great for learning the grammar needed for JLPT N5, what I do when I learn a new grammar point is type a couple of example sentences into the notes section on my phone and read through them whenever I get any time alone.

For Kanji I added 5 at a time from the 108 required for JLPT N5 into my kanji bank on Jpod and memorized them with the flashcard feature, then added another 5 and so on until I had them all memorized.

For vocab I found an awsome app for my phone by Renzo inc, it's the best Japanese app I've found, it has a set of flash cards for the vocab for each JLPT level.

Hope this helps, it worked for me.


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Re: Advice from those who have passed N5

Postby community.japanese » April 4th, 2013 1:44 pm

thank you very much for clearer advice!! :D
Suggestions and advice from experienced listeners are always very helpful! :wink:


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Re: Advice from those who have passed N5

Postby ribeiroalberto7173 » December 10th, 2013 8:24 am

Hello People

I want to know where can get the kanji list for N5 test?
I mean the list with the kanji more often on the N5 exam.


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Re: Advice from those who have passed N5

Postby community.japanese » December 17th, 2013 1:31 pm


Detailed information on JLPT is not published by the exam body.
If you wish to know "frequently asked kanji on actual exam", only way to find out is to analyse
past exams. There are some websites with list exactly for your needs, so maybe you can search on internet.

We also have some kanji study resources and JLPT preparation materials, so hopefully you can enjoy those.
There's no shortcut unfortunately, but patience is always the key to success.


Natsuko (奈津子),

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