I'm studying for JLPT Level 5 now and am at the point where I'm starting the practice exams here to see where my weaknesses are.
The kanji section went just fine, but when I got to the grammar quizzes, I stumbled badly. I've been through all the beginner and 2 seasons into lower intermediate, but there were things in the grammar quizzes that I don't remember seeing before, so a few of them did not turn out well at all.
I noticed that the individual sections quizzes were titled like "N5 文法・ぶんぽう・Grammar #11" - what is that "Grammar #11?" They weren't in numerical order on the page and I'm wondering if the title isn't referring back to a particular section on the site or lesson. If it does, I'd go there immediately and study it. Or is it just numbering the quizzes/sections of the test?
I saw some statements here saying that the beginner lessons should cover what's needed for N5. I'm already trying to review the grammar, but it's slower going than I'd like.
Next I'm going to move on to the vocabulary. I did very well on the kanji/kana quizzes, which I thought was encouraging.
