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Studying for JLPT Level 5

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Studying for JLPT Level 5

Postby JohnHaig924653 » July 12th, 2012 8:06 pm

Hey everyone just a quick question hope you can help me out. I've just started learning Japanese, i hope someday to be able to speak it fluently and travel in Japan. I researched learning a lot before i started and i've set myself the goal of getting my JLPT Level 5 after a year of study. Do you think this goal is possible, i am certainly going to try.

Any feedback and info ob the Level 5 would be much appreciated.
Thanks guys.

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Postby natsukoy9313 » July 13th, 2012 9:04 am

First of all, we welcome you to Japanese world!! :D
We wish you all the best; hope you can enjoy learning Japanese!!
Your goal, JLPT level 5 after 1 year seems to be a perfect goal to set! It's possible, and if you have any questions, we're happy to help!
Good luck!


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Postby mwbeale6642 » July 18th, 2012 1:19 pm

I think JLPT N5 after a year is a definitely feasible. I passed N5 after studying for nearly that time. My tips would be:

- Listen to Jpod 101. You probably want to have studied beginner series 4,5 and 6, and any appropriate earlier newbie series to get you going, to be at the appropriate level. I couldn't understand the Jpod101 podcasts first time round by the time I took the test, but I still did OK on the test's listening comprehension
- I think you need to make sure you know the specific vocab and kanji for N5. Just knowing 750 words vocab without necessarily knowing the ones in the test isn't going to help. I'm studying for N3 now and the first thing I am doing is learning the N3 vocab
- The level is about half way through Japanese for Busy People 2 (I suspect that would be half way through Genki 2, but I've never looked at that book)
- There is a really good book for N5 by a company called Unicom ( It's well worth the money. It covers the vocab, grammar and kanji you need

N5 is a great goal. Passing it felt like a greater achievement than getting my PhD.



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Postby JohnHaig924653 » July 18th, 2012 5:13 pm

Thanks for the advice i really appreciate it and good luck with your N3!

natsukoy9313 Team Member
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Postby natsukoy9313 » July 20th, 2012 10:31 am

Good luck for N5!! :wink:


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Re: Studying for JLPT Level 5

Postby mrsspooky5154 » November 17th, 2013 3:18 pm

I'm studying for JLPT Level 5 now and am at the point where I'm starting the practice exams here to see where my weaknesses are.

The kanji section went just fine, but when I got to the grammar quizzes, I stumbled badly. I've been through all the beginner and 2 seasons into lower intermediate, but there were things in the grammar quizzes that I don't remember seeing before, so a few of them did not turn out well at all.

I noticed that the individual sections quizzes were titled like "N5 文法・ぶんぽう・Grammar #11" - what is that "Grammar #11?" They weren't in numerical order on the page and I'm wondering if the title isn't referring back to a particular section on the site or lesson. If it does, I'd go there immediately and study it. Or is it just numbering the quizzes/sections of the test?

I saw some statements here saying that the beginner lessons should cover what's needed for N5. I'm already trying to review the grammar, but it's slower going than I'd like.

Next I'm going to move on to the vocabulary. I did very well on the kanji/kana quizzes, which I thought was encouraging. :)


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Re: Studying for JLPT Level 5

Postby team.relationships » December 4th, 2013 1:08 am

Hi mrsspooky5154!

Sorry for the delay.
If you have already taken the test, we hope it went well!

Yes, "Grammar #11" just refers to the section!
To find the test topics that you have never seen before, you can copy and paste in the search field at the top, on the right ("Search Lessons & Dictionaries"), and you will be shown any related lesson.

がんばってください! :o
Thank you!

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Re: Studying for JLPT Level 5

Postby mrsspooky5154 » December 4th, 2013 2:22 am

Hi Ofelia san,

I haven't taken the test yet, but have been going through the test preparation lessons. We have to write the kanji? I know the meanings and can select the right one when typing and presented with options, but to actually write them, I need to work on that.

Also going through the grammar - I learned it but don't remember, apparently.

It doesn't help that I'm morbidly shy about speaking Japanese here in the US, but I had no problem at all when I was in Tokyo back in October. Is that weird?

Anyway, there is a writing section?


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Re: Studying for JLPT Level 5

Postby community.japanese » December 15th, 2013 9:17 am

if your focus is only to pass the exam, you don't have to write kanji by hand.
It's a multiple choice exam. You can give a look at the sample exam here:

I think it's pretty normal that you hesitate to speak Japanese or talk with someone in Japanese
in US while you were not shy or anything when you were in Japan.
So, don't worry too much about it! :wink:
If you wish, please check some forum pages: there are people who want to practice Japanese
on Skype and many are looking for studdy buddies.

Natsuko (奈津子),

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