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JLPT July 2010 Thoughts

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Jessi Team Member
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JLPT July 2010 Thoughts

Postby Jessi » July 5th, 2010 3:12 am

Hi everyone!

July 4th has come and gone, which means the first JLPT test of this year is over! We'd like to hear from those who took it - what did you think? Did you find the test easy/hard? Did anything surprise you? We'd love to hear from test takers of all levels :)

If there was also anything you think future test takers should know that isn't exactly related to the content of the test itself (concerning the test environment, etc.), please feel free to share that as well.
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JLPT July 2010 Thoughts

Postby brad12 » October 11th, 2010 8:15 am

I don't know about July 4 , according to my knowledge JLPT exam will held on December's first week.....I hope I am not wrong.

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Jessi Team Member
Posts: 822
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Postby Jessi » October 12th, 2010 12:58 am

Hello Brad,
The JLPT is now being held twice a year. The test in July was only for Levels 1-3, while the upcoming test in December will be for all levels. :)
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Postby weal53001521 » April 13th, 2012 1:59 am

The JLPT is now being held twice a year. The test in July was only for Levels 1-3, while the upcoming test in December will be for all levels
that mean I take the test the jlpt 4 Kyuu at (december 2012 not july 2012)

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