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4 question about modern japanese history

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4 question about modern japanese history

Postby burcu-celebi_499765 » June 4th, 2014 9:40 am

1. How did new thinking about knowledge and scholarship influence political ideology in Japan before the Meij Restoration?

2. How did the japanese react to American and European demands to begin diplomatic and trade relations?

3. Describe the Boshin War (the war of the Meiji Restoration)

4. Explain the problems that the Meiji goverment encountered when it tried to draft and implement a constitution.

I would be very happy, if you help me.

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Re: 4 question about modern japanese history

Postby ofeliadgrd » June 13th, 2014 12:11 am

Hi burcu-celebi,

These look more like a school assignement!
Maybe you can find inspiration in our Advanced Audio Blog Season 4, in the lessons about Meiji's era authors. :D
Advanced Audio Blog #4

There is also the English translation.

Thank you,

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Joined: June 5th, 2015 9:49 am

Re: 4 question about modern japanese history

Postby LeesaJohnson » January 17th, 2017 10:06 am

You should Google it.

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