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Women going out, guns coming in

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Women going out, guns coming in

Postby lafarfelue » November 5th, 2009 4:26 pm

Hello. I am reading a book about Tokugawa period in Japan (Andrew Gordon) and I found a citation that was apparently 'a watchword at the guard posts of Edo' - "Beware of women going out, guns coming in". It refers to the fact that daimyo's wifes couldn't leave Edo due to the sankin koutai system, so if women were going out or guns were coming in, it was considered a rebellion sign.

The question is, does somebody know the original citation, in Japanese? I'm really curious to find out how it sounds (and looks in kanji, of course). Thank you :)

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Postby mayumi » May 11th, 2010 3:41 am

Sorry for the late reply! I hope it's too late.
It's written as "入り鉄砲に出女" and read "Iri deppou ni de onna".

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