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Certain pronunciations in anime?

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Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby Zelg » April 11th, 2013 4:25 am

So I think unlike most people (at least on the anime subforum:)) I didnt start learning japanese because of anime and apart from seeing the occasional anime clips at friends houses when I was younger, I had never actually watched a full anime. I started learning Japanese just because I find the culture and language more interesting than European or Latin langauges that i'd actually have a use for in my daily life. So its purely for the fun or it and my hope is to be able to maybe watch japanese movies w/o subtitles and read websites.

Anyways, to my issue. I went looking for an anime I might enjoy on youtube and came across one called Amnesia, about a girl who keeps waking up in parallel universes. The first episode hooked me and I'm now on episode 12. I've enjoyed being able to pick out bits of my very limited vocabulary and I'm certainly not using it as a tool to learn but mostly to just get used to listening to spoken japanese as I understand most of it will be informal and maybe unusual for day to day speaking.

One thing I kept noticing is when the girl says, I believe its 'thats right" I think she is saying そうですね、which would make sense but the way she says it sounds more like "soda ne".

Here's an example,
Its at the 8:10 mark.

Am I just not hearing properly, is she saying something different that means the same or is the S sound in です not said normally?

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Re: Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby ericf » April 11th, 2013 6:43 am

です is the polite form.
だ is the plain form.

Verbs have both forms so you'll probably hear a lot of plain form if you listen closely. Some examples:
Polite      Plain
します      する
しています    している
しました     した
しません     しない
しませんでした  しなかった

たべます     たべる
たべています   たべている
たべました    たべた
たべません    たべない
たべませんでした たべなかった

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Re: Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby mmmason8967 » April 11th, 2013 7:05 am

Zelg wrote:One thing I kept noticing is when the girl says, I believe its 'thats right" I think she is saying そうですね、which would make sense but the way she says it sounds more like "soda ne".

You're right: she is saying そうだね and it does mean the same as そうですね.

だ is the casual (aka plain) form of です. Most of the time you can make a sentence casual by replacing です with だ. In some sentences です is only there to add politeness, so you can't replace it with だ; you just remove it and don't replace it with anything.

Curses! Ninja-ed by エリックさん!

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Re: Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby Zelg » April 11th, 2013 6:52 pm

ありがとうございます both of yo. I think sometime soon I need to start studying verbs and their different forms.
Thanks again. :)

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Re: Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby community.japanese » April 12th, 2013 1:22 pm

Zelg-san, エリックsan, マイケルsan,
kon'nichiwa :D

Wow, Zelg-san has got two brilliant teachers here already :mrgreen:
Thank you very much for brilliant helps, エリックsan & マイケルsan! :kokoro:

Zelg-san, hope you can enjoy learning verb conjugations and other conjugations in lessons :wink:


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Re: Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby mrmoonfield2239 » May 22nd, 2013 11:59 pm

That some basic stuff, just saying.

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Re: Certain pronunciations in anime?

Postby team.relationships » May 27th, 2013 6:54 am

Hi Mrmoonfield,

Thanks for your comment!
Great to have you here!
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