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Lesson Transcript

Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia Lesson 22. Rain or Shine, Your Japanese Will Never Be Dull After This.
なおみ: なおみです。こんにちはHi everyone, this is Naomi.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
なおみ: There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語and 擬態語
Peter: 擬音語are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds like our English onomatopoeia.
なおみ: そうですね。 such as チューチュー
Peter: Squeak squeak! The sound of a mouse or a rat.
なおみ: ゴロゴロ
Peter: The rumbling sound of thunder over on stomach.
なおみ: Right like お腹がゴロゴロする
Peter: I have an upset stomach. 擬態語 on the other hand describe the situation, feeling or state using sound.
なおみ: For example キリキリ as in 胃がキリキリする
Peter: To have a sharp pain in one’s stomach. We hope you will join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get on with the lesson. In this lesson, we will be introducing onomatopoeia in situations within upper beginner, lower intermediate level dialogue. So Naomi Sensei, what are we learning in this lesson?
なおみ: 天気の擬音語擬態語ですね You will learn how to describe the weather using onomatopoeia.
Peter: The conversation is between
なおみ: 男の人と女の人です
Peter: A man and a woman.
なおみ: 多分同僚ですね。
Peter: They are colleagues. Where does the conversation take place?
なおみ: 道です
Peter: On the street.
なおみ: 天気について話しています
Peter: And they are talking about the weather. So please try to listen for what kind of weather is taking place in the dialogue. Okay let’s listen to the conversation.
1. (ゴロゴロゴロゴロ)
2. 左 絵理花: 嫌な天気ですね、先輩。
3. 下山 新: じめじめしているから、そのうち、ザーッと降り始めるんじゃない
4. 左 絵理花: さっきまで、からっと晴れてたのに・・・
5. (ドドーン)
6. 左 絵理花: きゃ! あー、今の大きかったですね。
7. (ザザー)
8. 下山 新: うわー。ざあざあ降りだ。急げ!駅まで、走るぞ。
9. 左 絵理花: ちょっと、まって、先輩。ここ、つるつるしてて。あ、(ドスン)
1. (ゴロゴロゴロゴロ)
2. 左 絵理花: 嫌な天気ですね、先輩。
3. 下山 新: じめじめしているから、そのうち、ザーッと降り始めるんじゃない
4. 左 絵理花: さっきまで、からっと晴れてたのに・・・
5. (ドドーン)
6. 左 絵理花: きゃ! あー、今の大きかったですね。
7. (ザザー)
8. 下山 新: うわー。ざあざあ降りだ。急げ!駅まで、走るぞ。
9. 左 絵理花: ちょっと、まって、先輩。ここ、つるつるしてて。あ、(ドスン)
1. (ゴロゴロゴロゴロ)
2. 左 絵理花: 嫌な天気ですね、先輩。
3. 下山 新: じめじめしているから、そのうち、ザーッと降り始めるんじゃない
4. 左 絵理花: さっきまで、からっと晴れてたのに・・・
5. (ドドーン)
6. 左 絵理花: きゃ! あー、今の大きかったですね。
7. (ザザー)
8. 下山 新: うわー。ざあざあ降りだ。急げ!駅まで、走るぞ。
9. 左 絵理花: ちょっと、まって、先輩。ここ、つるつるしてて。あ、(ドスン)
1. (rumbling sounds)
2. ERIKA HIDARI: What awful weather, isn't it, Mr. Shimoyama?
The sky is gloomy and cloudy, it's thundering, and it's dark outside.
It's starting to feel a bit damp, so it's probably going to start pouring
4. ERIKA HIDARI: Up until a little while ago, it was so bright and sunny, too.
Oh, the sky lit up just now!
5. (crash)
6. ERIKA HIDARI: Eeek! That was really loud.
Ah, it's started to rain!
7. (rain falling)
Whoa, it's coming down pretty hard. Hurry! Let's make a dash for the
9. ERIKA HIDARI: W-wait up, Mr. Shimoyama! This area is slippery. Ah- (thud) Ow ow
Aww, my brand new suit is all soaking wet!
なおみ: 可哀想ですね、えりかさんね。新しいスーツがびしょびしょ
Peter: My brand new suit is soaking wet. 梅雨が頭に浮かんできますね。
なおみ: そうですね。
Peter: So I think about rainy season in Japan. It’s just like a wall of water.
なおみ: Wall of water そうそう
Peter: And you have an umbrella to cover like the top part of your body. So like your shoulders are kind of dry but your legs are soaking wet.
なおみ: びしょびしょになりますねAnd this is a bit off topic but you know the anime character ピカチュウright?
Peter: もちろんOf course. For those of you who don’t know what ピカチュウ is, ピカチュウis one of the main characters in the famous Japanese anime series called pocket monsters or ポケモンwhich is short for pocket monsters.
なおみ: そうそう、ポケモン
Peter: What’s the full word?
なおみ: ポケットモンスター
Peter: But much like many things in Japanese, it gets trimmed down, so ポケモン
なおみ: そうそう、ポケモン
Peter: Little past time but anyway the point is, it’s or it was also very popular abroad. So I am sure most of our listeners are familiar with ピカチュウ
なおみ: And did you notice that he was named after the onomatopoeia?
Peter: No.
なおみ: ほんと
Peter: ほんと
なおみ: あれは光るネズミでしょ ぴかっ! チュー It’s like ピカチュウ is basically a sparkling rat
Peter: You just called him a sparkling rat.
なおみ: Eh! Mouse.
Peter: Okay. Umm so the word ぴかthat we have in this lesson’s dialogue means to flash, to spark, to shine and ちゅうis a squeak of a mouse or a rat.
なおみ: So mouse or rat なんですね. By the way, in Japanese, both rats and mice are called ねずみ. That’s why I confused.
Peter: Naomi Sensei, there is really no getting around that you called him a rat and in English, it is pretty bad. Kids are probably crying somewhere because you just called their hero sparkling rat.
なおみ: ごめんなさい And the point is, they both make チューチューsound.
Peter: But that’s really interesting. ピカチュウSo sparkling rat.
なおみ: Mouse.
Peter: Mouse. なるほど I’ve learned something. I had no idea hah!
なおみ: Now you know.
Peter: I look at him in a different kind of light. Okay first of all, let’s introduce onomatopoeia that describes thunder and lightning. Naomi Sensei,
なおみ: はい
Peter: Can you introduce us to the first onomatopoeia with context?
なおみ: Sure 雷がゴロゴロなる
Peter: Thunder rumbles. As we explained in lesson 21, ゴロゴロ expresses the rumbling sound of thunder. One stomach or a heavy object rolling.
なおみ: この音が、ごろごろごろごろですね This sound is ごろごろごろごろ
Peter: What’s the next onomatopoeia?
なおみ: ぴかっas in 空がぴかっと光る.
Peter: The sky lights up.
なおみ: ぴかっis not a repetitive onomatopoeia. So ぴかっmeans that it lights up only once.
Peter: In contrast to that of ピカピカwhich describes a state of something giving off a bright light.
なおみ: Umm…
Peter: In succession.
なおみ: はい Also the verb in the sentence is 光る
Peter: To shine.
なおみ: And it is said that this verb is created from the onomatopoeia ピカピカ or ぴかっ.
Peter: So the onomatopoeia became a verb?
なおみ: そうです。 Right. ピカピカ became 光る. There is some verbs like that too. For example, we learned that ペコペコ
Peter: Dented
なおみ: Became へこむ
Peter: Become dented.
なおみ: This rule is very complicated and it doesn’t always work though.
Peter: But it’s a good pneumatic for building a vocabulary.
なおみ: そうですね。
Peter: ピカピカ becomes 光る ぺこぺこ becomes へこむ.
なおみ: そうです
Peter: Okay what’s next?
なおみ: ドーンor どどーん
Peter: ドーン describes a heavy impact sound similar to a bang in English.
なおみ: Umm…
Peter: In the dialogue, it’s used to express the sound of both the lightning and striking.
なおみ: Actually in the transcript, it was written as どどーんthe first syllable どis doubled to give more emphasis.
Peter: Okay. Now we will look at more weather related onomatopoeia. The first one is
なおみ: どんより
Peter: Overcast, dull, sullen. どんより describes a cloudy sky.
なおみ: Right. For instance, どんよりした雲ですね。雨が降りそうですね
Peter: What an overcast day! It looks like we are going to get some rain.
なおみ: どんより also can indicate a gloomy atmosphere or a glassy eyes.
Peter: どんよりした空気 gloomy atmosphere and どんよりした目 mean glassy eyes.
なおみ: そうそう、どんよりした空気 could mean actual air maybe because of the pollution or something or it could be talking about atmosphere. For example, 試合に負けてみんなどんよりしている
Peter: Since they lost the game, everyone seems so gloomy.
なおみ: 後、どんよりした目も使いますね
Peter: Like this is so sad to say, animals in the zoo.
なおみ: I think that’s a really good example.
Peter: So you could see like how they are kind of like not happy to be there.
なおみ: Umm and the kind of opposite word is からっと or からりと
Peter: Fair weather. からっと or からりとis often used to describe fair weather or a cloudless sky and creates and carries a positive connotation kind of clear, crisp.
なおみ: そうそうそう、Crisp 良いですね crisp っていう感じ からっとした天気 or からりとした天気
Peter: Fair weather. Naomi Sensei, can’t you also use からっとfor someone’s personality?
なおみ: そうですね Right. からっとした人
Peter: A refreshing person. からっと is also used to refer to a cheery personality.
なおみ: We learned the onomatopoeia からからas in 喉がからから
Peter: Thirsty or my throat is dried up.
なおみ: からから is the repetitive onomatopoeia of からりor から. I think onomatopoeia からindicated dryness.
Peter: Okay. Now there is also an onomatopoeia that expresses humidity in the dialogue right?
なおみ: そうですね。じめじめ
Peter: じめじめ refers to high humidity associated with an uncomfortable feeling.
なおみ: じめっとも使いますね。
Peter: The variant じめっと is also used. Okay Naomi Sensei, can we hear a sample sentence please?
なおみ: はい。 日本の6月はジメジメしている
Peter: It’s humid in June in Japan. Naomi Sensei,
なおみ: はい
Peter: 蒸し暑い also means humid right?
なおみ: そうですね 蒸し暑い or iむしむしする is humid, maybe steaming hot whereas じめじめ is humid but it doesn’t have to be hot 両方使える時も多いですけどね
Peter: So sometimes it is interchangeable.
なおみ: そうですねSo to me, からっと is like California weather.
Peter: Ah!
なおみ: And じめじめ is Japanese summer. And どんより is like British winter.
Peter: Ah!
なおみ: Or Seattle.


Peter: So in this lesson, we introduced onomatopoeia that describe weather. In the next onomatopoeia lesson, you will learn how to describe the texture of food.
なおみ: 楽しみにしていてください
Peter: Please look forward to it.


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