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Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia lesson 18. Cast Your Gaze Upon This Japanese Lesson.
なおみ: なおみです。こんにちはHi everyone, this is Naomi ようこそ、擬音語擬態語のレッスンへ
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring a wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
なおみ: There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語and 擬態語.
Peter: 擬音語are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds, just like our English onomatopoeia. For example, アチュー
なおみ: ハクション
Peter: Or knock, knock.
なおみ: トントン
Peter: Now, 擬態語on the other hand describe a situation, feeling or a state using sound such as
なおみ: ドンドン as in どんどん食べて
Peter: Eat up. This was covered in the previous lesson, lesson 17. We hope you’ve joined us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s go in with the lesson. Now in this lesson, you will learn some onomatopoeia that explain the action
なおみ: 見る
Peter: To see, to look.
なおみ: Such as じろっ じろじろ and きょろきょろ
Peter: It’s hard to translate them without context. So Naomi Sensei,
なおみ: はい
Peter: Can we hear them in context?
なおみ: Sure. 彼女のお父さんに初めて会った。彼は僕をじろっと見たあと、部屋から出て行った
Peter: I met my girlfriend’s father for the first time. After quickly glaring at me, he left the room.
なおみ: 怖いですね Bit scary.
Peter: Ah Naomi Sensei そういう経験はないですね like you’ve never experienced that.
なおみ: I hope not. ないですね
Peter: Well of course not like – well for guys, it’s something that we experience quite a few times in our lives.
なおみ: Right 経験がありますか
Peter: 懐かしいですねSo I’ve been there.
なおみ: じろっと見られました
Peter: The passive for this sentence is actually a very nice fit. Was glared at, Naomi Sensei, let’s go over the onomatopoeia used in these sentences. First we have
なおみ: じろっas in じろっと見る
Peter: To glare at, to give someone a sharp glance. Actually とis a quotation particle. So the onomatopoeia is
なおみ: じろっ
Peter: じろっ indicates the action of looking sternly for a moment or giving an accusing look.
なおみ: Accusing look?
Peter: It’s usually associated with anger or uncomfortable feelings.
なおみ: そうですね。right. So in this sample sentence, you can tell that the father doesn’t have the good feeling about his daughter’s boyfriend.
Peter: And じろっis used with a verb 見るto look or にらむto glare.
なおみ: Right. So じろっと見るor じろっとにらむor you can use them in a passive voice. じろっとにらまれる or じろっと見られる. Some people use じろり instead of じろっor you might hear ぎろり or ぎろっ.
Peter: Now they also indicate a sharp glance, correct?
なおみ: そうですね。 Right. However ぎろりor ぎろっsounds more scary to me.
Peter: Okay on to the next onomatopoeia.
なおみ: 彼氏のお母さんは苦手だ。いつも私をじろじろと見る
Peter: I don’t really like my boyfriend’s mother. She is always blatantly looking me up and down. See, you laughed. You can relate more to this, right?
なおみ: そうですね。
Peter: Now it’s quite interesting and the previous sentence was written from a guy’s point of view and this sentence was written from a girl’s point of view.
なおみ: And the onomatopoeia used in this sentence is じろじろ as in じろじろ見る
Peter: じろじろ refers to the action of blatantly and repeatedly looking something up and down usually in an offensive way.
なおみ: そうですね。 So in this case, the mother always looks the speaker up and down and makes her really uncomfortable.
Peter: Kind of like with the judging eyes.
なおみ: そう、そうです
Peter: Not saying it, but looking with her eyes and saying, oh so you wore those shoes with that skirt with that top and that hairstyle.
なおみ: そうそうそう、そうです。
Peter: I see.
なおみ: Exactly.
Peter: Okay the next onomatopoeia is
なおみ: ちらちら Here is a sample sentence. ねえ、あの人ちらちらと何度もこっち見ている。知り合い?
Peter: Hey that person keeps glancing this way at us, do you know him?
なおみ: チラチラ見る
Peter: It means to glance at, to take a glance. Basically ちらちらrefers to something being invisible from time to time. When this onomatopoeia is used with a verb 見るto look, it means to glance at something repeatedly or to steal a glance at something.
なおみ: そうですね。Steal a glance って感じかな
Peter: So that invisible is kind of like to do it, to look without being seen.
なおみ: そうです
Peter: And that’s where the invisible comes in.
なおみ: If someone glances at something just once, that will be ちらっ
Peter: Okay and lastly we have
なおみ: きょろきょろ For example 女の子はきょろきょろと周りを見て100円玉を拾った
Peter: The girl looked around nervously before picking up the ¥100 coin.
なおみ: 可愛いですね。きょろきょろ見る means to look around.
Peter: きょろきょろ describes the action of looking around curiously or nervously. This onomatopoeia is usually followed by the verb 見る to look or するor do.
なおみ: When people go sightseeing, they usually go きょろきょろ.
Peter: So maybe きょろきょろするor きょろきょろ見る is like looking around curiously or restlessly.
なおみ: そうですね。There is a character called きょろちゃん. Have you heard of it?
Peter: No. What’s that?
なおみ: きょろちゃんis a bird character that is the mascot of the brand of Morinaga chocolate known as Chocoball 知らない. I think he had his own anime series.
Peter: 知りません I don’t know about it.
なおみ: And you are not really interested in…
Peter: あんまりNot really but anyway, he is named after the onomatopoeia きょろきょろ.
なおみ: そうです、そうですThat’s the point. According to the home page, the character was named きょろちゃんbecause it always moves its eyes around curiously.
Peter: 有難うございます。Thank you for researching that Naomi Sensei.
なおみ: You are very welcome.
Peter: Okay. Other than those onomatopoeia, I’ve also heard じっー like じっと見る.
なおみ: あー
Peter: To stare. Is that related to じろじろ
なおみ: I am not sure if it’s related but じっーと or じっとmeans to stare something for long time or maybe to gaze.
Peter: Can we have a sample sentence?
なおみ: 赤ちゃんはじっとピーターの顔をみて、その後泣き出した
Peter: The baby stared at Peter’s face for a long time and then burst into tears.
なおみ: そうですね。 When you say じろじろ見る your eyes moves up and down whereas じっと見るyour eyes don’t move. You are just staring at one direction probably without blinking.
Peter: And ぎろっ is the glare.
なおみ: Right. じろっis to glare but just once for short period whereas じろじろis a consecutive action.
Peter: I got it. じろじろis a repetitive onomatopoeia. So it means to glare multiple times.
なおみ: そうですWe also introduced チラチラ見る is to glance but if you say ちらっ it means you take just one glance.
Peter: Let’s compare them with the sample sentence.
なおみ: 鈴木さんは、時計を何回もチラチラと見ている。
Peter: Mr. Suzuki has been checking the clock multiple times. I think maybe he wants to go home.
なおみ: そうですね。まだかな。
Peter: So you can kind of picture an elementary school you know, about 10 or 20 minutes before the school day ends and keep looking at the clock while they are doing their assignment.
なおみ: そうですね。The another example sentence is 鈴木さんは時計をちらっと見て、帰りましょうかと言った
Peter: Mr. Suzuki glanced the clock and said, shall we go home. He looked at the clock or the watch not multiple times but just once.
なおみ: そうです。ちらっ、1回だけです。
Peter: Let’s recap the usage of the words we covered in this lesson. And we are going to do that with sample sentences.

Lesson focus

なおみ: The first phrase is じろっと見る
Peter: To glare at.
なおみ: 先生は1回だけ私の顔をじろっと見た
Peter: The teacher gave me one quick glare. What’s the second phrase?
なおみ: じろじろと見る
Peter: To stare, to look up and down.
なおみ: 先生は、私を上から下までじろじろと見た
Peter: The teacher looked me up and down. The third phrase is
なおみ: チラチラと見る
Peter: To glance at.
なおみ: けんは綺麗な女の子をチラチラと見ている
Peter: Ken has been glancing at a beautiful girl. You know, when I hear this one like the ちらちら you know like you are at a party and you are talking to someone but that person keeps every 10 or 15 seconds taking his eyes and looking somewhere else in the room real quick but then he brings in back, that’s the ちらちらrepetitively.
なおみ: ちらちら
Peter: You know he’s got his mind somewhere else. Okay lastly,
なおみ: きょろきょろと見るor きょろきょろとする
Peter: To look around curiously.
なおみ: けんは東京が初めてなのできょろきょろしている
Peter: Since its Ken’s first time in Tokyo, he is looking around curiously. So Naomi Sensei, have you experienced any of this lesson’s onomatopoeia recently like じろじろor ちらちら.
なおみ: I am not sure but I think you look things きょろきょろ
Peter: Me?
なおみ: Umm. ピーターはいつも結構きょろきょろしています That’s my image of you.
Peter: What was that guy きょろちゃん okay Choco Ball bird.
なおみ: そうそうそう
Peter: For me actually the ちらっと見る is pretty much every day in the train, there is always something weird going on. So I will take a quick glance because usually it involves, if they catch you staring at them, it could be a big problem.
なおみ: Right. So you can’t じろじろ見る
Peter: So that’s why ちらっと見る
なおみ: Just once.
Peter: Just once.
なおみ: なるほど I see.


Peter: Okay. That’s all for today. Remember, learning onomatopoeia is essential for greater fluency and for taking your Japanese to the next level. Be sure to stop by the website and pick up the lesson notes. There you will find the detailed write up of the lesson. Also with a basic or premium subscription, you can access all of the audio and lesson notes from this and other series. You can get more information at japanesepod101.com
なおみ: じゃあまた。


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