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さくら: さくらです。
Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia lesson 11. Just Disgusting.
さくら: こんにちは、みなさん Hi everybody, this is Sakura.
Peter: Welcome to japanesepod101.com’s onomatopoeia series. In this series, we are exploring the world of Japanese onomatopoeia.
さくら: そうですね。There are two types of Japanese onomatopoeia 擬音語 and 擬態語
Peter: 擬音語 are the true onomatopoeia that mimic sounds just like in English.
さくら: So just ワンワン、にゃんにゃん
Peter: Woof woof, meow, meow. 擬態語 on the other hand describes a situation, feeling or a state using a sound.
さくら: Such as ぺらぺらfluent in foreign language.
Peter: So we hope you will join us on this enjoyable ride into the wonderful world of Japanese onomatopoeia. Without further adieu, let’s get on with this lesson. So far, we’ve learned Onomatopoeia that describes smile, laughter, cry and complaint.
さくら: Such as ゲラゲラ笑う
Peter: Laughing hard.
さくら: ぎゃあぎゃあ泣く
Peter: Crying out loud.
さくら: ガミガミ言う
Peter: Nagging.
さくら: Umm…
Peter: Umm…You know the last one quite well Sakura san.
さくら: はい。いつもガミガミ。早くしなさいとか。
Peter: Sorry so it’s quite an array of emotions but in this lesson, you will learn some Onomatopoeia that expresses the emotion of
さくら: Anger.
Peter: Such as
さくら: カンカン イライラand むかむか
Peter: Uh…Now we can’t translate them without context. So Sakura san, can we hear them in context?
さくら: Okay here are some passages that include today’s lesson’s target onomatopoeia. その日コンピュータが何度もフリーズをして僕は本当にイライラした。しかも隣のうちのテレビがうるさくてむかむかしていた。だから僕は壁を蹴った。壁に大きい穴が開いた。妻はカンカンに怒った。
Peter: Really good sentences.
さくら: Umm…
Peter: Let’s do them one at a time and put in the translation.
さくら: Okay その日コンピュータが何度もフリーズをして僕は本当にイライラした
Peter: On that day, my computer froze multiple times which really made me irritated.
さくら: しかも、隣のうちのテレビがうるさくて、むかむかしていた。
Peter: What’s more? My neighbor’s TV was on really loud which disgusted me.
さくら: だから、僕は壁をけった。
Peter: So I kicked the wall.
さくら: 壁に、大きい穴があいた。
Peter: And made a big hole in it.
さくら: 妻はかんかんに怒った。
Peter: My wife is furious. Now we covered three onomatopoeia phrases right?
さくら: はい Yes.
Peter: Sakura san, what’s the first one?
さくら: イライラした
Peter: I got irritated. Second we had
さくら: むかむかしていた
Peter: Feeling disgusted. Finally,
さくら: カンカンに怒った
Peter: Was furious. First let’s take a look at イライラ which refers to the feeling of irritation or frustration caused by things not going smoothly and it’s used with the following verb
さくら: Suru.
Peter: So
さくら: イライラする
Peter: To feel irritated. Now can you read sentence one more time.
さくら: その日、コンピューターが何度もフリーズをして、僕は本当に、いらいらした。
Peter: On that day, my computer froze multiple times which really made me irritated.
さくら: So the speaker felt イライラirritated because things were not going smoothly.
Peter: Well the computer freezing.
さくら: So フリーズしていたから
Peter: Again and again.
さくら: Yes.
Peter: Okay what’s the second onomatopoeia?
さくら: むかむか
Peter: In context please.
さくら: 隣のうちのテレビがうるさくて、むかむかしていた。
Peter: My neighbor’s TV was on really loud which disgusted me.
さくら: むかむか indicates a feeling of discomfort due to anger or nausea.
Peter: So both.
さくら: Both. そうそう
Peter: So むかむか is usually followed by the verb.
さくら: Suru.
Peter: Suru, to do just like
さくら: イライラ
Peter: And lastly, the third onomatopoeia is
さくら: カンカン 妻はかんかんに怒った
Peter: My wife was furious. My wife became furious. Now カンカンdescribes the state of being sunny.
さくら: あー、sunね。
Peter: Right.
さくら: カンカンに照っているお日様
Peter: In context, with extremely strong sunshine or it’s kind of think of it as intense. Right, the sunshine is intense.
さくら: Yes.
Peter: So when it’s used with anger, it’s intense anger.
さくら: Yes.
Peter: Furious.
さくら: そうです
Peter: So when カンカン refers to anger, it precedes or comes before the particle.
さくら: に
Peter: Plus the verb
さくら: 怒る
Peter: To get angry.
さくら: Umm カンカンcan be followed by copula or linking verbs. For example, you can say 妻はカンカンです or 妻はカンカンだfor my wife is furious.
Peter: Furious.
さくら: Furious.
Peter: Okay. Now as we mentioned this in previous lessons, repetitive onomatopoeia indicates a continuous action or state. So whereas shorter versions describe actions that only occur once, right?
さくら: Right イライラするbecomes イラッとする
Peter: A little irritated.
さくら: So that irritation just comes and goes イラッ
Peter: Yeah. You don’t snap. You know like you go to your limit but – and you calm back down. You kind of calm back down.
さくら: 例えば、ピーターのジョークを聞いてイラッとした
Peter: So Sakura san was saying that my jokes are pretty funny and she wants to laugh but she pulls back. No, so it makes her a little bit irritated but it doesn’t kind of push her over the edge and get her into the state of the イライラする
さくら: So the イライラするis for a certain you know, amount of time イライラするlike my daughter is you know, not getting ready for school or come on みたいなイライラする
Peter: And the state is kind of ongoing, so what about むかむか it becomes
さくら: ムカッとするor ムッとする
Peter: Can we have a sample sentence?
さくら: それを聞いて昨日はずっとむかむかしていた
Peter: So since I heard that yesterday, I’ve been feeling disgusted. So the ongoing state.
さくら: そうだね。
Peter: vers
さくら: それを聞いて一瞬ムカッとした
Peter: When I heard that, I got upset for a moment. So I heard my X has a new person. So if you still like that person, maybe it’s like むかむか
さくら: そうですね。
Peter: But if you don’t really, you are kind of over that person.
さくら: ちょっとムカッとした でもいいや
Peter: Yeah I don’t really care anymore.
さくら: そうそうそう、しょうがないよ
Peter: Now Sakura san, is ムカッとする related with むかつくwhich is a pretty strong way to say, I am ticked off or I am kind of pissed.
さくら: ムカつくis a strong word. ムカつくis from the onomatopoeia むかむかする and it also describes the state of being disgusted.
Peter: So they are related. Now Sakura san,
さくら: はい
Peter: I often like hear むかむかするwhen it’s kind of related to symptoms with stomach.
さくら: Yes. そうそうそう、like if you are you know driving and 乗り物酔い
Peter: Ah you feel kind of sick like motion sickness.
さくら: そうそうそう、Or if you drink too much 気持ちが悪くなるyou feel sick, you say ちょっとむかむかする
Peter: So the feeling of being nauseous.
さくら: そうそうそうそう、そうですAnd it’s quite popular to add 胃stomach in front of ムカつく むかむかする
Peter: And that means that’s describing a symptom.
さくら: そうです。胃がムカつくor 胃がむかむかするyou feel sick. So you are not really disgusted or anything. So you are just feeling sick. So it’s used in you know, both – different cases.
Peter: So one is – the first one we kind of spoke about is a feeling and the second one is more like a symptom of your stomach.
さくら: そうです
Peter: Okay again, inside the lesson notes, there will be an explanation about this. Okay Sakura san, let’s recap the usage of the words we looked at today and we are going to do this with sample sentences. So first phrase please.
さくら: The first phrase is イライラする
Peter: To feel irritated.
さくら: 車が大渋滞でイライラした
Peter: I got frustrated because of the traffic jam. Okay second word.
さくら: むかむかするTo feel disgusted. 嫌な事を言われて、むかむかした
Peter: Someone said some really bad things to me and I was disgusted. Lastly,
さくら: カンカンに怒る
Peter: To be furious.
さくら: 学生が宿題を忘れたので、先生はカンカンに怒った
Peter: Since the students didn’t do their homework, the teacher was furious.
さくら: そうですね。イライラするoften relates with time, doesn’t it like you want to go 早く kind of feeling. むかむかis more 何て言うんだろう、感情的
Peter: Emotions.
さくら: そう
Peter: Yeah but I think イライラ is the most important because you are going to use this quite a bit.
さくら: そうですね。 Can I just say another one. よくGirls often say like ムカつく. You might hear that often. It’s not as bad as disgusted but ムカつく
Peter: Yeah you will often hear this especially with close friends.
さくら: Yes.
Peter: The closer the relationship, the stronger the words.
さくら: そうですね。
Peter: And this is a strong word. So when interacting with friends or like Sakura san said like high school girls when they are interacting with each other and someone is teasing or having fun with someone else.
さくら: そうそうそう、Teasing ね。そうそうそう
Peter: You will often hear this.
さくら: Umm あームカつくってね。


Peter: Okay that is going to do for this lesson. Now remember, learning onomatopoeia is essential for greater fluency and for taking your Japanese to the next level. Be sure to stop by the website japanesepod101.com and pick up the lesson notes. There you will find a detailed write up of onomatopoeia that appeared in this lesson. Also, on the website you can access some of the previous lessons. With a basic or premium membership, you can access all the audio and lesson notes from this and other lessons. To find out more, stop by japanesepod101.com. That’s going to do for this lesson.
さくら: はい。またね。


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