
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Rebecca: How do you get more of the best in Japan?
Naomi: Naomiです (desu).
Rebecca: Rebecca here.
Naomi: 長いタイトルですね。 (Nagai taitoru desu ne.)
Rebecca: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) It’s a very long title. こんにちは (kon'nichiwa), Naomi Sensei.
Naomi: こんにちは。今日もよろしくお願いします。 (Kon'nichiwa. Kyō mo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.)
Rebecca: よろしくお願いします。 (Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.) Today’s lesson is about breakfast again and we are going to look at casual speech and offer someone a drink. We will be having another look at class 1 verbs and how to put them in the dictionary form. Okay so today’s conversation takes place at…
Naomi: 冬果の家 (Fuyuka no uchi)
Rebecca: Fuyuka’s home and it’s continuing the storyline from last week.
Naomi: Fabrizio, Fuyuka and Fuyuka’s mother are in the conversation. They are talking about coffee.
Rebecca: Right and when Fuyuka’s mother talks to Fabrizio, she uses polite Japanese.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: And when she talks to her daughter, she is using casual Japanese. Okay, let’s listen to the dialogue.
お母さん: ファブリツィオさん。コーヒーのお代わり、いかがですか?
Mother: Faburitsio-san. Kōhī no o-kawari, ikaga desu ka?
ファブリツィオ: あ、はい。お願いします。うーん。苦くて おいしいです。お母さん
のコーヒーは 最高ですね。
Fabrizio: A, hai. O-negai-shimasu.Ūn. Nigakute oishii desu. O-kā-san no kōhī wa saikō desu ne.
お母さん: あら、ありがとう、ファブリツィオさん。冬果も コーヒー、飲む?
Mother: Ara, arigatō, Faburitsio-san. Fuyuka mo kōhī, nomu?
冬果: うん。飲む。
Fuyuka: Un. Nomu.
(Kōhī o ireru)
お母さん: 今日、どこ 行くの?
Mother: Kyō, doko iku no?
冬果: 車で こんぴらさんに 行く。
Fuyuka: Kuruma de Konpirasan ni iku.
Naomi: もう一度おねがいします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
お母さん: ファブリツィオさん。コーヒーのお代わり、いかがですか?
Mother: Faburitsio-san. Kōhī no o-kawari, ikaga desu ka?
ファブリツィオ: あ、はい。お願いします。うーん。苦くて おいしいです。お母さん
のコーヒーは 最高ですね。
Fabrizio: A, hai. O-negai-shimasu.Ūn. Nigakute oishii desu. O-kā-san no kōhī wa saikō desu ne.
お母さん: あら、ありがとう、ファブリツィオさん。冬果も コーヒー、飲む?
Mother: Ara, arigatō, Faburitsio-san. Fuyuka mo kōhī, nomu?
冬果: うん。飲む。
Fuyuka: Un. Nomu.
(Kōhī o ireru)
お母さん: 今日、どこ 行くの?
Mother: Kyō, doko iku no?
冬果: 車で こんぴらさんに 行く。
Fuyuka: Kuruma de Konpirasan ni iku.
Naomi: 今度は英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa eigo ga hairimasu.)
お母さん: ファブリツィオさん。コーヒーのお代わり、いかがですか?
Mother: Faburitsio-san. Kōhī no o-kawari, ikaga desu ka?
MOTHER:Fabrizio, would you like another cup of coffee?
ファブリツィオ: あ、はい。お願いします。うーん。苦くて おいしいです。お母さん
のコーヒーは 最高ですね。
Fabrizio: A, hai. O-negai-shimasu.Ūn. Nigakute oishii desu. O-kā-san no kōhī wa saikō desu ne.
FABRIZIO: Yes, please. Mmmmm it's bitter and delicious. Your coffee is the
お母さん: あら、ありがとう、ファブリツィオさん。冬果も コーヒー、飲む?
Mother: Ara, arigatō, Faburitsio-san. Fuyuka mo kōhī, nomu?
MOTHER: Wow, thank you, Fabrizio. Fuyuka, do you wanna drink coffee, too?
冬果: うん。飲む。
Fuyuka: Un. Nomu.
FUYUKA: Sure, I'll drink some
(Kōhī o ireru)
pouring coffee
お母さん: 今日、どこ 行くの?
Mother: Kyō, doko iku no?
MOTHER: Today, where are you going?
冬果: 車で こんぴらさんに 行く。
Fuyuka: Kuruma de Konpirasan ni iku.
FUYUKA: We're going to Kompirasan by car.
Rebecca: Fabrizio and Fuyuka are off to...
Naomi: 金比羅山 (Konpirasan). I found the article about Kompirasan and I gave it to Rebecca-san.
Rebecca: So I will explain it.
Naomi: お願いします。 (O-negai-shimasu.)
Rebecca: Okay Kompirasan is a mountain where there is a shrine. The Kotohira shrine and in this shrine, the sea god is worshipped. This sea god I think comes from India.
Naomi: そうですね。インドからです。 (Sō desu ne. Indo kara desu.)
Rebecca:So the word kompira is actually a Sanskrit word. It comes from a Sanskrit word and the god that is being worshipped was a river god. In India, it was a crocodile.
Naomi: 知らなかった (Shiranakatta) I didn’t know that.
Rebecca: Yeah so this crocodile is considered a river god or a sea god and it protects fishermen I think. So maybe fishermen go to Kompirasan to pray for a good catch or something like that.
Naomi: そうですね。金比羅山の階段は有名です。 (Sō desu ne. Konpirasan no kaidan wa yūmei desu.)
Rebecca: Kompirasan is famous for the stairway leading up to the front entrance. It is very long. I have been there myself. Have you been there Naomi Sensei?
Naomi: I have.
Rebecca: Did you climb the stairs?
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Was it hard?
Naomi: It’s not as bad as I expected but 大変でした (taihen deshita)
Rebecca: But it was a bit hard. Well let’s have a look at the vocab from today’s dialogue.
Rebecca: First item.
Naomi:コーヒー (kōhī)
Naomi: (slow) コーヒー (kōhī) (natural speed) コーヒー (kōhī)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: お代わり (o-kawari)
Rebecca: A second helping, another cup.
Naomi: (slow) おかわり(o-kawari) (natural speed) お代わり (o-kawari)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: 苦い (nigai)
Rebecca: Bitter. This is an I- adjective.
Naomi: (slow) にがい ( nigai) (natural speed) 苦い (nigai)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 最高 (saikō)
Rebecca: The most, the extreme.
Naomi: (slow) さいこう (sa ikou) (natural speed) 最高 (saikō)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: 飲みます (nomimasu)
Naomi: To drink. This is the masu- form.
Naomi: (slow) のみます (nomimasu) (natural speed) 飲みます (nomimasu)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 飲む (nomu)
Rebecca: To drink. This is the dictionary form.
Naomi: (slow) のむ (nomu) (natural speed) 飲む (nomu)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: 行く(iku)
Naomi: To go. This is the dictionary form.
Naomi: (slow) いく (iku) (natural speed) 行く (iku)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 金比羅山 (Konpirasan)
Rebecca: Mount Kompira and the shrine on it.
Naomi: (slow) こんぴらさん (Konpirasan) (natural speed) 金比羅山 (Konpirasan)
Rebecca: Well the useful phrase we are going to look at today is how to ask for seconds お代わり (o-kawari).
Naomi: はい (hai)
Rebecca: And what is the sentence from the dialogue that has this in it?
Naomi: コーヒーのお代わりいかがですか (Kōhī no o-kawari ikaga desu ka)
Rebecca: Would you like more coffee or literally how about a second serving of coffee. If we break down the sentence into its parts, we have
Naomi: コーヒー (kōhī)
Rebecca: Coffee.
Naomi: の (no)
Rebecca: A particle that indicates position or attribution.
Naomi: お代わり (o-kawari)
Rebecca: A second helping, another cup
Naomi: いかが (ikaga)
Rebecca: How, how about.
Naomi: です (desu)
Rebecca: Copula.
Naomi: か (ka)
Rebecca: Question marker.
Naomi: コーヒーのお代わりいかがですか (Kōhī no o-kawari ikaga desu ka)
Rebecca: Actually we already looked at いかがですか (ikaga desu ka). Didn’t we? Well it’s lesson Style You and Beyond 19.
Naomi: そうです。レッスン19です。 (Sō desu. Ressun 19 desu.)
Rebecca: Okay. Let’s practice using this お代わり (o-kawari).
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.) If you are going to say like would you like more bread パンのお代わりいかがですか (pan no o-kawari ikaga desu ka).
Rebecca: Okay and if I wanted to ask for more bread, how can I do that if I am really hungry and nobody offers me, what do I say?
Naomi: パンのお代わりお願いします。 (Pan no o-kawari onegaishimasu.)
Rebecca: Okay. パンのお代わりお願いします。 (Pan no o-kawari onegaishimasu.)
Naomi: Yeah.
Rebecca: Please may I have more bread?
Naomi: And to get the waiter or waitresses attention, maybe you can put すみません (sumimasen) in front of the sentence.
Rebecca: Excuse me. So that means excuse me oh okay. So we would say すみません、パンのお代わりお願いします (sumimasen, pan no o-kawari onegaishimasu).
Rebecca: Okay.
Naomi: And you might probably want to ask お代わりはタダですか (o-kawari wa tada desu ka).
Rebecca: It is the second helping phrase. Yeah actually yeah I wonder. I often use this especially at lunch time.
Naomi: I can’t guarantee but if the waiter or waitress said, パンのお代わりいかがですか (pan no o-kawari ikaga desu ka) it means it’s free.
Rebecca: Oh I see. So if they offer it to you, usually that’s because it’s part of the meal deal or whatever.
Naomi: そうだと思います。 (Sōda to omoimasu.) I guess.
Rebecca: Probably.
Naomi: It depends on the restaurant.
Rebecca: Okay well I think Japanese restaurants have very good lunch deals.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Yeah they often have お代わり (o-kawari). You can have like お代わり (o-kawari) of like Indian restaurants, you can get extra-naan or sort of second helping sort of things lunch time anyway.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Alright. Well let’s have a look at the grammar point from today’s lesson.

Lesson focus

Rebecca:We are going to be revising how to put class 1 verbs in their dictionary form. The sentence which appeared in the dialogue was
Naomi: 車で金比羅山に行く (Kuruma de Konpirasan ni iku)
Rebecca: We are going to Kompirasan by car. So 行きます (ikimasu) is a class 1 verb because you dropped the います (imasu) form and you add U. So 行きます (ikimasu) becomes
Naomi: 行く(Iku.)
Rebecca: Right. Some other verbs in this class 1 group are for example
Naomi: 話します (hanashimasu)
Rebecca: To speak. If we put this in the dictionary form, it becomes.
Naomi: 話す. (Hanasu.)
Rebecca: All right. What’s another one?
Naomi: 待ちます. (Machimasu.)
Rebecca: Becomes
Naomi:待つ. (Matsu.)
Rebecca: And one more.
Naomi: 飲みます. (Nomimasu.)
Rebecca: Becomes
Naomi: 飲む. (Nomu.)
Rebecca: 飲む (Nomu). Okay so by now I think the pattern should become clear.
Naomi: I hope so.
Rebecca: Yeah I think so. Another sentence from today’s dialogue which had the dictionary form in it was
Naomi: 冬果もコーヒー飲む. (Fuyuka mo kōhī nomu.)
Rebecca: Do you want coffee too Fuyuka? So this was Fuyuka-san’s mom who is asking this which is why she is using the casual form although the dictionary form of the verb 飲みます (nomimasu). So she is saying 飲む (nomu) and how does Fuyuka reply?
Naomi: うん、飲む. (Un, nomu.)
Rebecca: She says yeah. うん、飲む (Un, nomu). What’s this うん (un)? Can you explain that to us please?
Naomi: うん (Un) means yes but less polite than はい (hai) or ええ (e e).
Rebecca: So you would only use it in an informal situation.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) The first thing the Japanese kid corrected by teacher at school at elementary school is don’t say うん (un,) say hi.
Rebecca: Actually I had one teacher at university. He used to say that to me. I am very grateful that he did but I used to say うん、うん (un, un). Maybe because I didn’t know any better but also because in English we say うん、うん (un, un). That’s like ええ (e e) but this teacher used to say to me うんじゃなくてはい (u n janakute hai).
Naomi: そうそうそう (Sō sō sō). Yeah my elementary teachers kept saying that.
Rebecca: うんじゃなくてはい (U n janakute hai). Not うん (un), it’s はい (hai). So my Japanese teacher at university was teaching me what elementary school students know, embarrassing while I suppose, in Japanese language, I was an elementary school student.
Naomi: そんな事はないです (Son'na koto wanai desu) but yeah you know I think older people are more conservative about the language. So I think your professor is trying to teach you something.
Rebecca: Oh I am very grateful. He did because I didn’t know that except that we are speaking English and that’s okay in English to say umm, so you think that it’s okay in Japanese but actually that sound which is okay in English in Japanese, it is rude. It doesn’t display enough respect towards your listener. You have to say ええ (e e) or hi.
Naomi: Hi そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Otherwise it sounds like you are going yeah, yeah, yeah.
Naomi: あ、はみたいな感じです. (A, wa mitaina kanji desu.)
Rebecca: Yeah whatever and so always remember in a polite situation to say はい (hai) or ええ (e e). Can guys say ええ(e e)?
Naomi: In a business situation, yes.
Rebecca: They can, okay. Yeah as usual, guys don’t have to be quite as polite. That’s what I learn in Japanese I guess anyway. For now, I just remember to say Hi and ええ (e e) when in doubt, うんじゃなくて 、はい (u n janakute, hai).
Naomi: うんじゃなくて、はい. そうですね。 (U n janakute, hai. Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Well I think that’s what we’ve got time for today.
Naomi: はい. (Hai.)
Rebecca: Check out the PDF. We will be continuing next week with practicing more of these different verb conjugations.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) Actually we are going to learn class 3?
Rebecca: Class 3, the irregular verbs.
Naomi: はい、そうです。 (Hai, sō desu.)


Rebecca:じゃあ、お楽しみに。 (Jā, o-tanoshimi ni.)
Naomi:じゃ、また来週。 (Ja, mata raishū.)
お母さん: ファブリツィオさん。コーヒーのお代わり、いかがですか?
Mother: Faburitsio-san. Kōhī no o-kawari, ikaga desu ka?
ファブリツィオ: あ、はい。お願いします。うーん。苦くて おいしいです。お母さん
のコーヒーは 最高ですね。
Fabrizio: A, hai. O-negai-shimasu.Ūn. Nigakute oishii desu. O-kā-san no kōhī wa saikō desu ne.
お母さん: あら、ありがとう、ファブリツィオさん。冬果も コーヒー、飲む?
Mother: Ara, arigatō, Faburitsio-san. Fuyuka mo kōhī, nomu?
冬果: うん。飲む。
Fuyuka: Un. Nomu.
(Kōhī o ireru)
お母さん: 今日、どこ 行くの?
Mother: Kyō, doko iku no?
冬果: 車で こんぴらさんに 行く。
Fuyuka: Kuruma de Konpirasan ni iku.


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