
Vocabulary (Review)

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Rebecca: What great things is your Japanese cooking up?
Naomi: Naomi です (desu).
Rebecca: Hello Rebecca here.
Naomi: こんにちは、レベッカさん。 (Kon'nichiwa, Rebekka-san.)
Rebecca: こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa), Naomi Sensei, お元気ですか (ogenki desu ka).
Naomi: 元気です。 (Genki desu.) So what are we looking at today?
Rebecca: Today we are going to look at something really important. We are going to look at the difference between verbs when they are in their dictionary form and when they are in the mas- form.
Naomi: 難しい。 (Muzukashii.)
Rebecca: Well luckily Japanese I don’t think this is as difficult grammatically as English. Most of the verbs obey their rules very obediently. Anyway, so we are going to look at that and we are going to pay attention to the differences in the use of these two verb forms like who you use, which verb form with. You know matters of politeness.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: So there is a lot in today’s lesson.
Naomi: はい。大変。 (Hai. Taihen.)
Rebecca: Yeah so it’s going to be bit tricky but 頑張りましょう (ganbarimashō). Okay so where is today’s conversation taking place?
Naomi: Fuyuka さんの家 (san no ie)
Rebecca: At Fuyuka’s home and the conversation is between
Naomi: ファブリツィオと冬果さんのお母さん (Faburitsio to Fuyuka-san no o-kā-san) Fabrizio and Fuyuka’s mother それから、冬果とお母さん (sorekara, Fuyuka to o-kā-san) Fuyuka and her mother.
Rebecca: Right. So we are going to be hearing polite Japanese in the conversation between Fabrizio and Fuyuka’s mother but we can expect to hear casual Japanese when Fuyuka and her mom are speaking. Is that right?
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.)
Rebecca: Okay so let’s listen to the dialogue.
トントントン あるくおと・カチャ ドアのおと
(Tontonton aruku oto kacha doa no oto)
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)おはようございます。みなさん。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) Ohayō gozaimasu. Mina-san.
お母さん: おはようございます。ファブリツィオさん。朝ごはん、いかがです
か。いつも、ファブリツィオさんは、何を 食べますか。ご飯?パ
ン?シリアル?ヨーグルト?それとも フルーツ?
Mother: Ohayō gozaimasu. Faburitsio-san. asagohan, ikaga desu ka. Itsumo, Faburitsio-san wa, nani o tabemasu ka. Gohan? Pa n? Shiriaru? Yōguruto? Soretomo furūtsu?
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)いつも、朝ごはんは 食べません。でも…じ
ゃ、ヨーグルトと フルーツを お願いします。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) itsumo, asagohan wa tabemasen. Demo…ja, yōguruto to furūtsu o o-negai shimasu.
(Doa; kacha)
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)おはよう。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ohayō.
お母さん: あら、冬果。おはよう。何 食べる?
Mother: Ara, Fuyuka. Ohayō. Nani taberu?
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)じゃ、トースト 食べる。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ja, tōsuto taberu.
Naomi: もう一度おねがいします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri o-negai shimasu.)
トントントン あるくおと・カチャ ドアのおと
(Tontonton aruku oto kacha doa no oto)
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)おはようございます。みなさん。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) Ohayō gozaimasu. Mina-san.
お母さん: おはようございます。ファブリツィオさん。朝ごはん、いかがです
か。いつも、ファブリツィオさんは、何を 食べますか。ご飯?パ
ン?シリアル?ヨーグルト?それとも フルーツ?
Mother: Ohayō gozaimasu. Faburitsio-san. asagohan, ikaga desu ka. Itsumo, Faburitsio-san wa, nani o tabemasu ka. Gohan? Pa n? Shiriaru? Yōguruto? Soretomo furūtsu?
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)いつも、朝ごはんは 食べません。でも…じ
ゃ、ヨーグルトと フルーツを お願いします。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) itsumo, asagohan wa tabemasen. Demo…ja, yōguruto to furūtsu o o-negai shimasu.
(Doa; kacha)
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)おはよう。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ohayō.
お母さん: あら、冬果。おはよう。何 食べる?
Mother: Ara, Fuyuka. Ohayō. Nani taberu?
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)じゃ、トースト 食べる。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ja, tōsuto taberu.
Naomi: 今度は英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa eigo ga hairimasu.)
トントントン あるくおと・カチャ ドアのおと
(Tontonton aruku oto kacha doa no oto)
Walking sounds, door opens
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)おはようございます。みなさん。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) Ohayō gozaimasu. Mina-san.
FABRIZIO: (yawning) Good morning, everybody!
お母さん: おはようございます。ファブリツィオさん。朝ごはん、いかがです
か。いつも、ファブリツィオさんは、何を 食べますか。ご飯?パ
ン?シリアル?ヨーグルト?それとも フルーツ?
Mother: Ohayō gozaimasu. Faburitsio-san. asagohan, ikaga desu ka. Itsumo, Faburitsio-san wa, nani o tabemasu ka. Gohan? Pa n? Shiriaru? Yōguruto? Soretomo furūtsu?
MOTHER: Good Morning, Fabrizio. How about some breakfast? What do you
usually eat? Rice? Bread? Cereal? Yogurt? Or fruit?
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)いつも、朝ごはんは 食べません。でも…じ
ゃ、ヨーグルトと フルーツを お願いします。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) itsumo, asagohan wa tabemasen. Demo…ja, yōguruto to furūtsu o o-negai shimasu.
FABRIZIO: (Yawning) Usually I never eat breakfast. But, Yogurt and fruit,
(Doa; kacha)
door open
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)おはよう。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ohayō.
FUYUKA: (Yawning) Good morning.
お母さん: あら、冬果。おはよう。何 食べる?
Mother: Ara, Fuyuka. Ohayō. Nani taberu?
MOTHER: Oh, Fuyuka, good morning. What would you like to eat?
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)じゃ、トースト 食べる。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ja, tōsuto taberu.
FUYUKA: (Yawning) I'll have some toast.
Rebecca: Naomi Sensei 先生、朝ごはんは何を食べますか。 (Sensei, asagohan wa nani o tabemasu ka.) What do you have for breakfast?
Naomi: いつも食べません。 (Itsumo tabemasen.) I don’t eat breakfast.
Rebecca: You always skip breakfast. それは良くないですよ。 (Sore wa yokunai desu yo.)
Naomi: それはそうなんですよ。 (Sore wa sōna n desu yo.)
Rebecca: That’s not very good for you, is it?
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) When I have time, I’d like to have rice and 納豆 (nattō).
Rebecca: Wow, that’s really healthy.
Naomi: So でも (demo) I usually don’t have time.
Rebecca: Okay because my next question was going to be, does your mom make you breakfast?
Naomi: 私の母は、作りません。 (Watashi no haha wa, tsukurimasen.) My mother doesn’t cook breakfast for me.
Rebecca: Well Fabrizio and Fuyuka are very lucky.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) What about you, Rebecca さん (san)、朝ごはん、何を食べますか (asagohan, nani o tabemasu ka).
Rebecca: What do I eat? シリアルとヨーグルトとフルーツを食べます。 (Shiriaru to yōguruto to furūtsu o tabemasu.)
Naomi: You eat cereal, yogurt and fruit?
Rebecca: Yes every day.
Naomi: すごい。ヘルシーですね。 (Sugoi. Herushī desu ne.)
Rebecca: Well 納豆 (nattō) is healthy too that you have but I usually don’t need breakfast so. So why don’t we have a look at the vocabulary we will be focusing on today.
Rebecca: First item.
Naomi: みなさん (mina-san)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 朝ごはん (asagohan)
Rebecca: Breakfast.
Naomi: (slow) あさごはん (a sa gohan) (natural speed) 朝ごはん (asagohan)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: ご飯 (gohan)
Rebecca: Cooked rice or meal.
Naomi: (slow) ごはん (gohan) (natural speed) ご飯 (gohan)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: パン (pan)
Rebecca: Bread.
Naomi: (slow) ぱん (pan) (natural speed) パン (pan)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: シリアル (shiriaru)
Rebecca: Cereal.
Naomi: (slow)しりある (shiri aru) (natural speed) シリアル (shiriaru)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: ヨーグルト (yōguruto)
Rebecca: Yogurt.
Naomi: (slow) ヨーグルト (yōguruto) (natural speed)ヨーグルト (yōguruto)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: フルーツ (furūtsu)
Rebecca: Fruit.
Naomi: (slow) フルーツ (furūtsu) (natural speed) フルーツ (furūtsu)
Rebecca: The next item has two pronunciations. First pronunciation is.
Naomi: トースト (tōsuto)
Rebecca: And the next pronunciation is
Naomi: トースト (tōsuto) I would say トースト (tōsuto)
Rebecca: They both mean toast all right? Can you say that again for us.
Naomi: (slow) トースト (tōsuto) (natural speed)トースト (tōsuto)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: いかが (ikaga)
Rebecca: How?
Naomi: (slow) いかが (ikaga) (natural speed) いかが (ikaga)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: いつも (itsumo)
Rebecca: Always, usually, every time.
Naomi: (slow) いつも (itsumo) (natural speed) いつも (itsumo)
Rebecca: In today’s dialogue, we heard the word 朝ごはん (asagohan). That means breakfast.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: What are some other meal words?
Naomi: 昼ごはん (hirugohan)
Rebecca: Lunch.
Naomi: ご飯 (Gohan) is cooked rice or meal. So 昼ごはん (hirugohan) literally means new meal.
Rebecca: Right. So is that because rice is the staple of Japan’s diet and people will have ごはん (gohan) with every meal.
Naomi: そうです。その通りです。 (Sō desu. Sonotōri desu.)
Rebecca: Well I did in the past anyway yeah. Okay so what about supper. How do we say dinner?
Naomi: There are two ways to say it. First one is 夕ご飯 (yū gohan). The other one is 晩御飯 (ban gohan) like 今晩は (konban wa).
Rebecca: Okay and is there a difference when they used or can you use either one?
Naomi: I would say, same.
Rebecca: Right. So the sentence that we heard in the dialogue was
Naomi: 朝ごはんいかがですか。 (asagohan ikaga desu ka.)
Rebecca: Would you like some breakfast? Well literally how about breakfast and breaking this sentence down into its component parts, we have
Naomi: 朝ごはん (asagohan)
Rebecca: Breakfast.
Naomi: いかが (ikaga)
Rebecca: How.
Naomi: です (desu)
Rebecca: Copula.
Naomi: か (ka)
Rebecca: Question marker.
Naomi: Instead of いかがですか (ikaga desu ka), you can say どうですか (dōdesu ka).
Rebecca: Do they mean the same thing?
Naomi: そうですね。いかがですか (Sō desu ne. Ikaga desu ka) is politer than どうですか (Dōdesu ka).
Rebecca: Okay.

Lesson focus

Rebecca:Today’s grammar point picks up on something you may have noticed in the conversation. Fuyuka’s mom when she asked Fabrizio what he would like for breakfast said.
Naomi: 何を食べますか。 (Nani o tabemasu ka.)
Rebecca: But when she asked Fuyuka she said.
Naomi: 何食べる (nani taberu)
Rebecca: Now both times she used the verb to eat but in Fabrizio's case she said 食べますか (tabemasu ka).
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: And in her daughter’s case, she said 食べる (taberu)
Naomi: はい (Hai) which is a dictionary form.
Rebecca: It is a dictionary form right and it’s non-polite. Is that the way to describe it. So it is nothing rude but why is she using the non-polite form Naomi Sensei, can you tell us about that?
Naomi: Because she is her daughter and Fabrizio is her guest. Does that make sense?
Rebecca: Yeah, yeah that makes sense okay. So now let’s look at how to put H verb in the mas- form or the dictionary form?
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Well not each verb but the different verb groups. So Japanese verbs can be divided up into three different classes. Class 1 verbs, class 2 verbs and class 3 verbs or class 3 verbs are also called irregular verbs. Class 1 verbs are the most common.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) I think there are more class 1 verbs than class 2.
Rebecca: You can check out the table and the PDF. So class 1 verbs sound like なになにいます (nani nani imasu).
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) I sound plus ます (masu).
Rebecca: Like いきます、話します、飲みます、待ちます (Ikimasu, hanashimasu, nomimasu, machimasu) You can hear that います sound and when you put them in their dictionary form which is what we are looking at today, you drop this います (imasu) and you add う (u).
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.) So あいます (aimasu) becomes あう (asu).
Rebecca: And what about 行きます (ikimasu)
Naomi: 行きます (Ikimasu) becomes 行く (iku)
Rebecca: And 話します (hanashimasu)
Naomi: 話す (hanasu)
Rebecca: Okay so I think you can probably see the pattern emerging there. Now class 2 verbs are also known as
Naomi: る (ru) verbs
Rebecca: And this is because when you drop the masu, you just add る (ru). This is to make the dictionary form. You drop the mass.
Naomi: Very simple.
Rebecca: And add る (ru). And examples of some class II verbs are 食べます (tabemasu)
Naomi: 食べる (taberu)
Rebecca: And 見ます (mimasu)
Naomi: 見る (miru)
Rebecca: And 寝ます (nemasu)
Naomi: 寝る (neru)
Rebecca: So in today’s dialogue we heard the word 食べます (tabemasu)
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: When she spoke to Fabrizio, Fuyuka’s mother said 食べます (tabemasu). When she spoke to her daughter, she said.
Naomi: 食べる (taberu)
Rebecca: The last class is the class III verbs, the irregular verbs. Now they are not very many unlike English. So for now, all you have to do is remember します (shimasu) and きます (kimasu).
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: So if we are looking at the dictionary form which is the subject of today’s grammar point, します (shimasu) becomes する (suru) and 来ます (kimasu) is 来る (kuru).
Naomi: You have to memorize them.
Rebecca: Yeah, but the good thing is there are only two. Other verbs sometimes misbehave but for now just remember します (shimasu) and 来ます (kimasu) become する (suru) and 来る (kuru).
Naomi: はい。みなさん、大丈夫ですか。 (Hai. Mina-san, daijōbu desu ka.)
Rebecca: Are you alright with that?


Rebecca: And we will see you next week.
Naomi: また来週! (Mata raishū!)
トントントン あるくおと・カチャ ドアのおと
(Tontonton aruku oto kacha doa no oto)
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)おはようございます。みなさん。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) Ohayō gozaimasu. Mina-san.
お母さん: おはようございます。ファブリツィオさん。朝ごはん、いかがです
か。いつも、ファブリツィオさんは、何を 食べますか。ご飯?パ
ン?シリアル?ヨーグルト?それとも フルーツ?
Mother: Ohayō gozaimasu. Faburitsio-san. asagohan, ikaga desu ka. Itsumo, Faburitsio-san wa, nani o tabemasu ka. Gohan? Pa n? Shiriaru? Yōguruto? Soretomo furūtsu?
ファブリツィオ: (あくび;ファーア)いつも、朝ごはんは 食べません。でも…じ
ゃ、ヨーグルトと フルーツを お願いします。
Fabrizio: (Akubi; fāa) itsumo, asagohan wa tabemasen. Demo…ja, yōguruto to furūtsu o o-negai shimasu.
(Doa; kacha)
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)おはよう。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ohayō.
お母さん: あら、冬果。おはよう。何 食べる?
Mother: Ara, Fuyuka. Ohayō. Nani taberu?
冬果: (あくび;ファーア)じゃ、トースト 食べる。
Fuyuka: (Akubi; fāa) ja, tōsuto taberu.


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