
Vocabulary (Review)

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Rebecca: What will they say if you come bearing gifts in Japan?
Naomi: Naomiです (desu).
Rebecca: Rebecca here. こんにちは、なおみ先生。 (Kon'nichiwa, Naomi sensei.)
Naomi: こんにちは、レベッカさん。お元気ですか。 (Kon'nichiwa, Rebekka-san. Ogenki desuka.)
Rebecca: はい、おかげさまで。 (Hai, okage-sa made). Today we are going to look at introducing family members.
Naomi: 家族。 (Kazoku.)
Rebecca: 家族 (Kazoku), “family,” yes. And we are also going to review the adjective conjunction. So we will be looking again at I- Adjectives and Na-Adjectives, is that right?
Naomi: そうですね。美味しくて安い。新鮮でおいしいとかね。 (Sō desu ne. Oishikute yasui. Shinsen de oishii toka ne.)
Rebecca: Yes there is a lot in today’s lesson. We are also going to be looking at polite self introductions, 自己紹介 (jiko shōkai).
Naomi: They will be very, very, very handy.
Rebecca: Yeah that’s right if you ever come to stay in Japan. All right. So Fuyuka is introducing Fabrizio to her family.
Naomi: 冬果さんの家にいます。 (Fuyuka-san no uchi ni imasu.)
Rebecca: Let’s listen to the conversation.
冬果: ファブリツィオ、うちの父と 母と 祖母と 弟と 妹です。
Fuyuka: Faburitsio, uchi no chichi to haha to sobo to o-tōto to imōto desu.
ファブリツィオ: お父さん、お母さん、おばあさん、弟さん、妹さんですね。ファブ
リツィオと 申します。どうぞ よろしく おねがい いたします。こ
Fabrizio: O-tō-san, okā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san desu ne. Faburitsuio to mōshi masu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. Kore, tsumaranai mono desu ga, dōzo.
母: あら、すみません。わざわざ、ありがとう ございます。
Mother: Ara, sumimasen. Waza waza, arigatō gozaimasu.
父: さあ、さあ、ファブリツィオさん、ビールどうぞ。(ビールを注
ぐ)じゃ、ファブリツィオさんに 乾杯!
Father: Sā, sā, Faburitsio-san, bīru dōzo. (Bīru o sosogu) ja, Faburitsio-san ni kanpai
ファブリツィオ: プファー。冷たくて 美味しいですね。
Fabrizio: Pufā. Tsumetakute oishii desu ne.
Naomi: もう一度おねがいします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
冬果: ファブリツィオ、うちの父と 母と 祖母と 弟と 妹です。
Fuyuka: Faburitsio, uchi no chichi to haha to sobo to o-tōto to imōto desu.
ファブリツィオ: お父さん、お母さん、おばあさん、弟さん、妹さんですね。ファブ
リツィオと 申します。どうぞ よろしく おねがい いたします。こ
Fabrizio: O-tō-san, okā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san desu ne. Faburitsuio to mōshi masu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. Kore, tsumaranai mono desu ga, dōzo.
母: あら、すみません。わざわざ、ありがとう ございます。
Mother: Ara, sumimasen. Waza waza, arigatō gozaimasu.
父: さあ、さあ、ファブリツィオさん、ビールどうぞ。(ビールを注
ぐ)じゃ、ファブリツィオさんに 乾杯!
Father: Sā, sā, Faburitsio-san, bīru dōzo. (Bīru o sosogu) ja, Faburitsio-san ni kanpai
ファブリツィオ: プファー。冷たくて 美味しいですね。
Fabrizio: Pufā. Tsumetakute oishii desu ne.
Naomi: 今度は英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa eigo ga hairimasu.)
冬果: ファブリツィオ、うちの父と 母と 祖母と 弟と 妹です。
Fuyuka: Faburitsio, uchi no chichi to haha to sobo to o-tōto to imōto desu.
FUYUKA: Fabrizio, this is my father,and mother, grandmother, younger
brother, and younger sister.
ファブリツィオ: お父さん、お母さん、おばあさん、弟さん、妹さんですね。ファブ
リツィオと 申します。どうぞ よろしく おねがい いたします。こ
Fabrizio: O-tō-san, okā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san desu ne. Faburitsuio to mōshi masu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. Kore, tsumaranai mono desu ga, dōzo.
FABRIZIO: Father, mother, grandmother, younger brother, and younger sister,
huh. My name is Fabrizio. It's very nice to meet you. Please be kind
to me. This is just a trivial thing, but please have it.
母: あら、すみません。わざわざ、ありがとう ございます。
Mother: Ara, sumimasen. Waza waza, arigatō gozaimasu.
MOTHER: Oh, thank you. Thank you for going out of your way.
父: さあ、さあ、ファブリツィオさん、ビールどうぞ。(ビールを注
ぐ)じゃ、ファブリツィオさんに 乾杯!
Father: Sā, sā, Faburitsio-san, bīru dōzo. (Bīru o sosogu) ja, Faburitsio-san ni kanpai
FATHER: Here, here, Fabrizio, have a beer. (Pours a beer) To Fabrizio!
ファブリツィオ: プファー。冷たくて 美味しいですね。
Fabrizio: Pufā. Tsumetakute oishii desu ne.
FABRIZIO: Ohhhh, it's cold and delicious.
Naomi: レベッカさん (Rebekka-san), when somebody gives you a present, do you always open the present in front of the person?
Rebecca: Yes I do.
Naomi: Is that the manner for western people?
Rebecca: I think so. I mean you don’t tear into it greedily and ignore the card and – that’s not a thing but you know, first I’d open the card and read the card if there is one and then or I’d say, do you mind if I open this or something like that and then I open it and have a look at it because usually in Australia if someone has bought you a present, they want to see your reaction when you get it.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne). They want to see your happy face.
Rebecca: Yeah so you open it and you say oh well, thank you and that kind of thing even if it’s really bad but it’s different in Japan. Isn’t it?
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) I think that things are changing and I think now it depends on what kind of present it is.
Rebecca: Oh really.
Naomi: Yeah if it’s a birthday present or a wedding gift, people might open it in front of you but if somebody brings you a present to home, you might not open it in front of the guest.
Rebecca: And what’s the difference? Why would you open a wedding present or a birthday present but not something someone brought when they were visiting your home? What’s the difference?
Naomi: For the wedding gift or birthday gift, you have no idea what you are getting.
Rebecca: Right yeah.
Naomi: So you want to see it and you also want to show how happy you are but for the gift when somebody is visiting your hose.
Rebecca: Yes.
Naomi: You can kind of guess what’s in it.
Rebecca: Really.
Naomi: It’s probably cookies or like some kind of sweet.
Rebecca: Oh I see yeah, yeah.
Naomi: So in that case, we don’t usually open it unless you are really hungry.
Rebecca: Okay I get it. I see. It’s kind of almost like it’s just the present is quite symbolic if you go to visit someone’s house. It’s sort of saying thank you for having me or whatever. It’s not what’s in that that’s important. It’s the sentiment behind it and with the birthday present though maybe someone has gone through a lot of trouble and they have picked up something that they know you are like and that kind of thing. Yeah so I see what you mean.
Naomi: すごい、上手な説明だと思います。 (Sugoi, jōzuna setsumeida to omoimasu.)
Rebecca: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Naomi: I think that’s a really good explanation. Yeah because when my mother or father received a present from a guest, they never open it in front of the guest but they put it in front of the Buddhist altar. It sounds so strange to you but…
Rebecca: Yeah I have seen this. Actually I have had that happen when I visited a Japanese person’s home, particularly older people. Like they put it in front of the altar and actually on a couple of occasions, I sort of – I was hoping they would open it because you know, I’d gone to the trouble of picking something I thought they would like and then they didn’t open it. They just put it on the altar and but now I understand that that was really sort of – I don’t know, it’s like a showing thanks for it. You know, they want to show it. One lady with her husband’s altar and so.
Naomi: Okay.
Rebecca: It was like a really big compliment for her to show it to her husband first or I don’t know.
Naomi: So you kind of just show it to your ancestor first. Then you appreciate a gift and open it after the guests leave.
Rebecca: Well I am used to that now but at first, I was a bit surprised.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) It’s very, very different.
Rebecca: Yeah, yeah gift giving culture in Japan is fascinating but we have vocabulary to look at. So let’s move on to today’s vocab items.
Rebecca:The first item is.
Naomi: 父 (chichi)
Rebecca: My father.
Naomi: (slow)ちち (chi chi) (natural speed) 父 (chichi)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 母 (haha)
Rebecca: My mother.
Naomi: (slow) はは (wa wa) (natural speed)母 (haha)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 祖母 (sobo)
Rebecca: My grandmother.
Naomi: (slow) そぼ (so bo) (natural speed 祖母 (sobo)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 弟 (o-tōto)
Rebecca: My younger brother.
Naomi: (slow) おとうと (o tōto) (natural speed) 弟 (o-tōto)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 妹 (imōto)
Rebecca: My younger sister.
Naomi: (slow) いもうと (imou to) (natural speed) 妹 (imōto)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: お父さん (o-tō-san)
Rebecca: Father.
Naomi: (slow) おとうさん (o-tō-san) (natural speed) お父さん (o-tō-san)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: お母さん (o-kā-san)
Rebecca: Mother.
Naomi: (slow) おかあさん (o-kā-san) (natural speed) お母さん (o-kā-san)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: お婆さん (o-bā-san)
Rebecca: Grandmother.
Naomi: (slow) おばあさん (o-bā-san) (natural speed)お婆さん (o-bā-san)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 申します (mōshimasu)
Rebecca: The humble form of to be cold or to say in the mas- form.
Naomi: (slow)もうします (mōshimasu) (natural speed)申します (mōshimasu)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: つまらない (tsumaranai)
Rebecca: Dull, uninteresting or boring. This is an I- adjective.
Naomi: (slow) つまらない (tsumaranai) (natural speed) つまらない (tsumaranai)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 物 (mono)
Rebecca: Thing, object.
Naomi: (slow) もの (mono) (natural speed) 物 (mono)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: わざわざ (wazawaza)
Rebecca: Deliberately. To take the trouble.
Naomi: (slow) わざわざ (wazawaza) (natural speed) わざわざ (wazawaza)
Rebecca: Last.
Naomi: 冷たい (tsumetai)
Rebecca: Cold to the touch. Chilly. This is an I- adjective.
Naomi: (slow) つめたい (tsumetai) (natural speed) 冷たい (tsumetai)
Rebecca: Okay. A useful phrase from today’s dialogue is where Fabrizio is introducing himself. Can you repeat that for us please.
Naomi: はい。ファブリツィオと申します (Hai. Faburitsio tomōshimasu)
Rebecca: I am cold Fabrizio.
Naomi: そうですね。とても丁寧ですね。(Sō desu ne. Totemo teinei desu ne.) It sounds very polite.
Rebecca: Yes, yes. You can use it in any situation when you are introducing yourself. Is that okay?
Naomi: そうですね。 ファブリツィオです (Sō desu ne. Faburitsio desu)
I agree. This is is a polite way to introduce your name but Fabrizioと申します (tomōshimasu) is even more polite.
Rebecca: Okay and then he says something afterwards. What does he say?
Naomi: どうぞよろしくお願いいたします (Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu)
Rebecca: Well I guess he is using this in place of how do you do or nice to meet you in English but literally it means please be nice to me.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) Please be kind to me, please be nice to me.
Rebecca: Yeah.
Naomi: In this sentence, the word いたします (Itashimasu) is the polite form of します (shimasu).
Rebecca: Right and I think we had a similar sentence in Welcome to Style You 1.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne). In that lesson, we have learned ファブリツィオです。どうぞよろしくお願いします (Faburitsio desu. Dōzoyoroshikuonegaishimasu).
Rebecca: Right. So that’s very similar to this one but it’s he is saying です (desu) instead of 申します (mōshimasu).
Naomi: ファブリツィオと申します。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。(Faburitsio tomōshimasu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu).That sounds very polite.
Rebecca: レベッカと申します。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 (Rebekka tomōshimasu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.)
Naomi: なおみと申します。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 (Naomi to mōshimasu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.)
Rebecca: Let’s have a look at the grammar point now.
Rebecca: Today’s target grammar is the difference between terms for family members. Is that right?
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) 父 (Chichi) my father and お父さん (o-tō-san) father.
Rebecca: So in today’s dialogue, Fuyuka introduced her family members. What words did you use?
Naomi: She used 父、母、祖母、弟 (chichi, haha, sobo, o-tōto) and 妹 (imōto).
Rebecca: Right and when Fabrizio was confirming who each family member was, he used a different set of words. Didn’t he?
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) He said お父さん、お母さん、お婆さん、弟さん、妹さん (o-tō-san, o-kā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san).
Rebecca: Well Fuyuka was introducing her own family. So she is using these non-respectful forms.
Naomi: 父、母、祖母、弟、妹 (Chichi, haha, sobo, o-tōto, imōto)
Rebecca: Whereas Fabrizio is confirming Fuyuka’s family members and he is an outsider. So he is using the respectful form.
Naomi: お父さん、お母さん、お婆さん、弟さん、妹さん (o-tō-san, o-kā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san).
Rebecca: So if you meet your host family, you would refer to them as お父さん (o-tō-san) and お母さん (o-kā-san).
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Et cetera.
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Not 父、母 (chichi, haha). That’s weird.
Naomi: When you are talking about your own family in a polite situation, I recommend you to use 父、母、弟、妹 (chichi, haha, o-tōto, imōto) that kind of non respectful terms.
Rebecca: Otherwise it sounds childish or it can even sound a little bit what’s the word, it’s not rude but.
Naomi: In the casual situation, people use the respectful terms for their own family but in a polite situation, it sounds bit childish, I would say.
Rebecca: Yeah all right. So check out the PDF and have a look at those two lists. The list of respectful words for family members and the words that you would use to describe your own family members.
Naomi: レベッカさんの家族は、何人ですか。 (Rebekka-san no kazoku wa, nan nin desu ka.)
Rebecca: 4人です。 (4-nin desu.)
Naomi: 4人 (4-nin) You mean four people.
Rebecca: Yes. 父と、母と、弟と私です。 (Chichi to, haha to, o-tōto to watashi desu.)
Naomi: そうですか。お父さんと、お母さんと、弟さんとレベッカさんですね。 (Sō desu ka. o-tō-san to, o-kā-san to, o-tōto-san to Rebekka-san desu ne.)
Rebecca: はい。 (Hai.)
Naomi: 後、犬もいますよね。 (Ato, inu mo imasu yo ne.)
Rebecca: 犬もいます。あの、大きい犬がいます。 (Inu mo imasu. Ano, ōkī inu ga imasu.)
Naomi: そうですか。じゃあ、家族は、お父さん、お母さん、弟さん、レベッカさんと大きい犬。 (Sō desu ka. Jā, kazoku wa, o-tō-san, o-kā-san, o-tōto-san, Rebekka-san to ōkī inu.)
Rebecca: はい。 (Hai.) Naomi Sensei は (wa).
Naomi: 私の家族は5人です。 (Watashi no kazoku wa 5-nin desu.)
Rebecca: You have five people in your family.
Naomi: それから犬です。 (Sorekara inu desu.)
Rebecca: And one dog.
Naomi: はい。父、母、弟、祖母、それから私です。 (Hai. Chichi, haha, o-tōto, sobo, sorekara watashi desu.)
Rebecca: そうですか。お父さん、お母さん、弟さん、お婆さんとなおみ先生と犬です。 (Sō desu ka. o-tō-san, o-kā-san, o-tōto-san, o-bā-san to Naomi sensei to inu desu.)
Naomi: そうですそうです。小さい犬が。 (Sō desu sō desu. Chiisai inu ga.)
Rebecca: Small one, one small dog, okay.


Naomi: では、みなさんの家族は何人ですか。 (Dewa, mina-san no kazoku wa nan nin desu ka.)
Rebecca: See you next week.
冬果: ファブリツィオ、うちの父と 母と 祖母と 弟と 妹です。
Fuyuka: Faburitsio, uchi no chichi to haha to sobo to o-tōto to imōto desu.
ファブリツィオ: お父さん、お母さん、おばあさん、弟さん、妹さんですね。ファブ
リツィオと 申します。どうぞ よろしく おねがい いたします。こ
Faburitsio: O-tō-san, okā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san desu ne. Faburitsuio to mōshi masu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. Kore, tsumaranai mono desu ga, dōzo.
母: あら、すみません。わざわざ、ありがとう ございます。
Haha: Ara, sumimasen. Waza waza, arigatō gozaimasu.
父: さあ、さあ、ファブリツィオさん、ビールどうぞ。(ビールを注
ぐ)じゃ、ファブリツィオさんに 乾杯!
Chichi: Sā, sā, Faburitsio-san, bīru dōzo. (Bīru o sosogu) ja, Faburitsio-san ni kanpai!
ファブリツィオ: プファー。冷たくて 美味しいですね。
Faburitsio: Pufā. Tsumetakute oishii desu ne.
冬果: ファブリツィオ、うちの父と 母と 祖母と 弟と 妹です。
Fuyuka: Faburitsio, uchi no chichi to haha to sobo to o-tōto to imōto desu.
ファブリツィオ: お父さん、お母さん、おばあさん、弟さん、妹さんですね。ファブ
リツィオと 申します。どうぞ よろしく おねがい いたします。こ
Fabrizio: O-tō-san, okā-san, o-bā-san, o-tōto-san, imōto-san desu ne. Faburitsuio to mōshi masu. Dōzo yoroshiku onegai itashimasu. Kore, tsumaranai mono desu ga, dōzo.
母: あら、すみません。わざわざ、ありがとう ございます。
Mother: Ara, sumimasen. Waza waza, arigatō gozaimasu.
父: さあ、さあ、ファブリツィオさん、ビールどうぞ。(ビールを注
ぐ)じゃ、ファブリツィオさんに 乾杯!
Father: Sā, sā, Faburitsio-san, bīru dōzo. (Bīru o sosogu) ja, Faburitsio-san ni kanpai
ファブリツィオ: プファー。冷たくて 美味しいですね。
Fabrizio: Pufā. Tsumetakute oishii desu ne.


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