
Vocabulary (Review)

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Rebecca: Combining adjectives in Japanese. They are lively and funny.
Naomi: Naomiです (desu).
Rebecca: Rebecca here. こんにちは (Kon'nichiwa), Naomi Sensei. お元気ですか。 (O-genki desu ka.)
Naomi: はい、元気です。レベッカさんは、 (Hai, genki desu. Rebekka-san wa), Have you ever done homestay in Japan?
Rebecca: Yes I have.
Naomi: Did you like it, did you enjoy it?
Rebecca: I did yeah, yeah. Sometimes I got a little homesick but no, I enjoyed the home stay.
Naomi: そうですか。 (Sō desu ka.) The reason I asked you this question is because visiting Japanese family is one of today’s topics.
Rebecca: That’s right. We are going to look at some expressions which come in handy if you ever visit a Japanese family.
Naomi: そうですね。今日は、ファブリツィオさんが、冬果さんの家へ行きます。 (Sō desu ne. Kyō wa, Faburitsio-san ga, fuyu hate-san no ie e ikimasu.)
Rebecca: In today’s dialogue, Fabrizio is visiting Fuyuka’s home.
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.) それから、今日の文法は (Sorekara, kyō no bunpō wa) what’s today’s grammar point?
Rebecca: Today we are going to look at joining adjectives again but we will be looking at Na adjectives.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Let’s listen to the conversation.
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ)
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko
冬果: ただいまぁ。
Fuyuka: Tadaimā.
祖母: お帰り。あ、いらっしゃい。さあさあ、どうぞ、お上がりくださ
Grandmother: O-kaeri. A, irasshai. sā sā, dōzo, o-agari kudasai.
ファブリツィオ: うわー。動物がたくさんいますね。こんばんは。おじゃまします。
Fabrizio: Uwā. Dōbutsu ga takusan imasu ne. Konbanwa. O-jama shimasu.
母: あ、冬果ちゃん、お帰りなさいあらー、ハンサムで 素敵な人ね!ど
Mother: A, Fuyuka-chan, o-kaeri-nasai. Arā, hansamu de suteki na hito ne! Dōzo, dōzo. O-hairi kudasai.
弟・妹: いらっしゃーい。あ、冬果ちゃんの 彼氏?うわー。スマートで 背が
Younger Brother and Sister: Irasshāi. A, Fuyuka-chan no kareshi? Uwā. Sumāto de sega takakute, kakko ii nā.
父: (ちょっと酔ってる)おぉ、どうも どうも。はじめまして。こちら
へ どうぞ。ビール、どうですか。お刺身も どうぞ。新鮮で 美味しい
Father: (Chotto yotteru) Ō, dōmo dōmo. Hajimemashite. Kochira e dōzo. Bīru, dō desu ka. O-sashimi mo dōzo. Shinsen de oishii desu yo.
ファブリツィオ: 冬果さんの家族は にぎやかで 面白いですね。
Fabrizio: Fuyuka-san no kazoku wa nigiyaka de omoshiroi desu ne.
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko
Naomi: もう一度おねがいします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。 (Mōichido onegai shimasu. Kondo wa yukkuri onegaishimasu.)
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ)
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko
冬果: ただいまぁ。
Fuyuka: Tadaimā.
祖母: お帰り。あ、いらっしゃい。さあさあ、どうぞ、お上がりくださ
Grandmother: O-kaeri. A, irasshai. sā sā, dōzo, o-agari kudasai.
ファブリツィオ: うわー。動物がたくさんいますね。こんばんは。おじゃまします。
Fabrizio: Uwā. Dōbutsu ga takusan imasu ne. Konbanwa. O-jama shimasu.
母: あ、冬果ちゃん、お帰りなさいあらー、ハンサムで 素敵な人ね!ど
Mother: A, Fuyuka-chan, o-kaeri-nasai. Arā, hansamu de suteki na hito ne! Dōzo, dōzo. O-hairi kudasai.
弟・妹: いらっしゃーい。あ、冬果ちゃんの 彼氏?うわー。スマートで 背が
Younger Brother and Sister: Irasshāi. A, Fuyuka-chan no kareshi? Uwā. Sumāto de sega takakute, kakko ii nā.
父: (ちょっと酔ってる)おぉ、どうも どうも。はじめまして。こちら
へ どうぞ。ビール、どうですか。お刺身も どうぞ。新鮮で 美味しい
Father: (Chotto yotteru) Ō, dōmo dōmo. Hajimemashite. Kochira e dōzo. Bīru, dō desu ka. O-sashimi mo dōzo. Shinsen de oishii desu yo.
ファブリツィオ: 冬果さんの家族は にぎやかで 面白いですね。
Fabrizio: Fuyuka-san no kazoku wa nigiyaka de omoshiroi desu ne.
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko
Naomi: 今度は英語が入ります。 (Kondo wa eigo ga hairimasu.)
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ)
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko
ANIMALS: ruff ruff, meow, cockadoodle-doo!
opening a door
冬果: ただいまぁ。
Fuyuka: Tadaimā.
FUYUKA: I'm home.
祖母: お帰り。あ、いらっしゃい。さあさあ、どうぞ、お上がりくださ
Grandmother: O-kaeri. A, irasshai. sā sā, dōzo, o-agari kudasai.
GRANDMOTHER: Welcome back. Oh, welcome so come on in.
ファブリツィオ: うわー。動物がたくさんいますね。こんばんは。おじゃまします。
Fabrizio: Uwā. Dōbutsu ga takusan imasu ne. Konbanwa. O-jama shimasu.
FABRIZIO: Wow! There are a lot of animals, aren't there? Good evening. May I
come in?
母: あ、冬果ちゃん、お帰りなさいあらー、ハンサムで 素敵な人ね!ど
Mother: A, Fuyuka-chan, o-kaeri-nasai. Arā, hansamu de suteki na hito ne! Dōzo, dōzo. O-hairi kudasai.
MOTHER: Welcome home, Fuyuka. Wow, what a handsome and good
looking guy. Come in, come in.
Fluttering, fluttering
弟・妹: いらっしゃーい。あ、冬果ちゃんの 彼氏?うわー。スマートで 背が
Younger Brother and Sister: Irasshāi. A, Fuyuka-chan no kareshi? Uwā. Sumāto de sega takakute, kakko ii nā.
YOUNGER BROTHER AND SISTER:Welcome! Oh, are you Fuyuka's boyfriend? Wow, you're slim and tall and you look cool!
父: (ちょっと酔ってる)おぉ、どうも どうも。はじめまして。こちら
へ どうぞ。ビール、どうですか。お刺身も どうぞ。新鮮で 美味しい
Father: (Chotto yotteru) Ō, dōmo dōmo. Hajimemashite. Kochira e dōzo. Bīru, dō desu ka. O-sashimi mo dōzo. Shinsen de oishii desu yo.
FATHER: (tipsy) Oh, nice to meet you. Come right this way. How about a
beer? and help yourself to some sashimi. It's fresh and delicious!
ファブリツィオ: 冬果さんの家族は にぎやかで 面白いですね。
Fabrizio: Fuyuka-san no kazoku wa nigiyaka de omoshiroi desu ne.
FABRIZIO: Your family is lively and funny.
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko
ANIMALS: arf arf, meow, cockadoodle-doo!
Rebecca: Fabrizio は (wa) Fuyuka の彼氏ですか (no kareshi desu ka). Is Fabrizio Fuyuka’s boyfriend?
Naomi: 彼氏じゃないです。 (Kareshi janai desu.) I don’t think so. I think Fuyuka’s family misunderstood.
Rebecca: Yeah you can see how that would happen I guess. She has just come with him. I don’t know. Maybe she didn’t say anything to them. Maybe she just said oh I am bringing my friend home and they just thought she met boyfriend.
Naomi: そうかもしれないですね。 (Sō kamo shirenai desu ne.) But it must be fun to go out with Fabrizio. Don’t you think?
Rebecca: Well he is a pretty interesting sort of a guy. Isn’t he? Mind you if there are any cockroaches around. You have to kill them yourselves.
Naomi: うるさいね。 (Urusai ne.) Gokiburi
Rebecca: 怖い (kowai)
Naomi: 怖いですね。うるさいですね、ちょっとね。 (Kowai desu ne. Urusai desu ne, chotto ne.)
Rebecca: Let’s have a look at today’s vocabulary.
Naomi: 動物 (dōbutsu)
Rebecca: Animal.
Naomi: (slow) どうぶつ (dō butsu) (natural speed) 動物 (dōbutsu)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: ただいま (tadaima)
Rebecca: I am home, here I am.
Naomi:  (slow) ただいま (tadaima) (natural speed) ただいま (tadaima)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: お帰りなさい (okaerinasai)
Rebecca: Welcome home, welcome back.
Naomi: (slow) おかえりなさい (okaerinasai) (natural speed) お帰りなさい (okaerinasai)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: お上がりください (oagari kudasai)
Rebecca: Please come in.
Naomi: (slow) おあがりください (o agari kudasai) (natural speed) お上がりください (oagari kudasai)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: お邪魔します (ojama shimasu)
Rebecca: Excuse me for interrupting you.
Naomi: (slow) おじゃまします (ojama shimasu) (natural speed) お邪魔します (ojama shimasu)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: お入りください (ohairi kudasai)
Rebecca: Please come in.
Naomi: (slow) おはいりください (o hairi kudasai) (natural speed) お入りください (ohairi kudasai)
Rebecca: Next item.
Naomi: ハンサム (hansamu)
Rebecca: Handsome. This is a Na-Adjective.
Naomi: (slow) はんさむ (han samu) (natural speed) ハンサム (hansamu)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: スマート (sumāto)
Rebecca: Slim, smart, stylish. This is a Na-Adjective.
Naomi: (slow) すまーと (suma ̄ to) (natural speed) スマート (sumāto)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 刺身 (sashimi)
Rebecca: Sliced raw fish.
Naomi: (slow) さしみ (sa shimi) (natural speed) 刺身 (sashimi)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 家族 (kazoku)
Rebecca: Family, members of a family.
Naomi: (slow) かぞく (ka zo ku) (natural speed) 家族 (kazoku)
Rebecca: Next.
Naomi: 賑やか (nigiyaka)
Rebecca: Bustling, busy, lively. This is a Na-Adjective.
Naomi: (slow) にぎやか (nigiyaka) (natural speed) 賑やか (nigiyaka)
Rebecca: So in today’s vocabulary in phrase use section, we will be looking at these really useful words – useful phrases sorry that you can use when you are in a Japanese home. iPhone is really interesting Naomi Sensei because you have set phrases for different activities in the house right. So when you come home you say ただいま (tadaima).
Naomi: はいはいはい。 (Hai hai hai.)
Rebecca: And when someone goes you say, いってらっしゃい (itte rasshai).
Naomi:はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: The name is like that and it’s always the same right.
Rebecca: I suppose every household in Australia has their sort of habits and they say the same things but it’s not like there is an official thing that you say to say goodbye to somebody apart from goodbye.
Naomi: 面白いですね。 (Omoshiroi desu ne.)
Rebecca: That’s what I mean yeah. I don’t know. I just think it’s really interesting and it’s a bit like you also say いただきます (itadakimasu) when you start eating and ごちそうさまでした (gochisō-sama deshita) when you are finished.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) Most of them are set phrases. So people use them as they are.
Rebecca: Yeah they are like the standard.
Naomi: そうで (Sōde) we don’t have much variety.
Rebecca: No but it’s useful and it’s – you know what to say to people. You know when you go home at night, お疲れ様です (otsukaresama desu) this kind of thing. I think it’s really useful.
Naomi: If you are planning to do a homestay in Japan, those expressions will be useful.
Rebecca: Yeah it’s a good way to be polite and to show you appreciation to the family by saying these standard phrases at the right time.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Of particular interest I think is おあがりください (o-agari kudasai) and お入りください (o-hairi kudasai).
Naomi: はいはいはい。 (Hai hai hai.)
Rebecca: So that’s what your host would say to you as you came into their house.
Naomi: そうですね。おがりください (Sō desu ne. O-gari kudasai) is to enter or climb up or go up you will rise.
Rebecca: Yeah I was thinking. That’s very interesting because they both mean please come in but one is お上がりください (oagari kudasai). Does that come from how in Japan you have a 玄関 (genkan) like a step. You take off your shoes and you step up into the house.
Naomi: 多分そうですね。 (Tabun sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: So it means the same as come in but actually what you are saying is come up.
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.) Come up here みたいな感じ (mitaina kanji)
Rebecca: Yeah. And also I like the phrase お邪魔します (ojama shimasu)
Naomi: そうです。 (Sō desu.) おが (O ga) honorific prefix. で邪魔が (De jama ga) intrusion とか (toka) annoyanceですね (desu ne). I am going to interrupt you.
Rebecca: Yeah. It’s a good way to say excuse me.
Naomi: そうですね。失礼しますも同じです。 (Sō desu ne. Shitsureishimasu mo onaji desu.) I think 失礼します (shitsureishimasu) and お邪魔します (ojama shimasu) have pretty similar nuance but at the office we tend to say 失礼します (shitsurei shimasu) instead of お邪魔します (ojama shimasu).
Rebecca: So you would use お邪魔します (ojama shimasu) when you visit your host family when you go into the house for the first time. Is that right, お邪魔します (ojama shimasu).
Naomi: お邪魔します (ojama shimasu) It doesn’t have to be the first time.
Rebecca: Alright. So every time.
Naomi: Every time お邪魔します (ojama shimasu) and お上がりください (oagari kudasai) and お入りください (ohairi kudasai). If you are working at the office and if you are going to say like oh please come in, you can’t say お上がりください (oagari kudasai) because there is no steps
Rebecca: It’s not your home either. Is it?
Naomi: Yeah.
Rebecca: So what do you say?
Naomi: お入りください (ohairi kudasai)
Rebecca: I see okay.
Naomi: 面白いですね。 (Omoshiroi desu ne.)
Rebecca: So I think these phrases are very interesting. They are very handy too because you don’t have to think what to say. As long as you know the right phrase, you can be polite. All right. Now let’s have a look at today’s grammar point.

Lesson focus

Rebecca:Today’s grammar point is how to connect Na-Adjectives. As we learned in the previous lesson, when two or more adjectives are used to describe something or person, they can be combined in one sentence by changing the adjective into its て (te) form, the て (te) conjunction. We learnt how to do E adjectives, didn’t we?
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) For example, 美味しくて、安い (Shikute, yasui).
Rebecca: Tasty and cheap right. How would we say that somebody is smart and kind?
Naomi: That’s a tricky one. 頭が良い (atama ga ii) is smart, kind is 優しい (yasashii). So 頭が良くて優しい (atama ga yokute yasashii). That’s exception, not 頭が良いくて (atama ga ii kute).
Rebecca: 良くて (Yokute) yes, yes the て (te) form of I is 良くて (yokute).
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: You can also use 良い (yoi) instead of ii, can’t you? So that’s where it comes from, doesn’t it? So the exception to the I adjective for 良い (yoi) is ii.
Naomi: So this 良い (ii) becomes 良くて (yokute).
Rebecca: Right okay. This week we are going to look at Na-adjectives and how to join Na-Adjectives. Can you give us the target sentence which comes from today’s dialogue?
Naomi: Fuyuka さんの家族は賑やかで、面白いですね。(San no kazoku wa nigiyaka de, omoshiroi desu ne.)
Rebecca: Fuyuka さん (san)、your family is so lively and funny.
Naomi: Is it a compliment?
Rebecca: Yeah I wonder. Well I think probably coming from Fabrizio, it’s a compliment.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: Because he is 面白い (omoshiroi). He is a little different.
Naomi: And also he is 賑やか (nigiyaka).
Rebecca: And he is 賑やか (nigiyaka). That’s right. So 賑やか (nigiyaka) is a Na-Adjective. So what you do with a Na-Adjective is you just add で (de). An E adjective, you drop the E and add くて (de) but Na-Adjectives, you just add で (de).
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.) 便利 (Benri) becomes 便利で (benride). 元気 (Genki) becomes 元気で (genkide).
Rebecca: Okay. What about here is one Na-Adjective that I think is little tricky because it actually ends in E. 綺麗 (kirei)
Naomi: そうですね。綺麗な、綺麗、綺麗で (Sō desu ne. Kireina, kirei, kireide)
Rebecca: Yeah. It’s important to remember that because people often use that word. It’s very useful word and it’s not an E adjective. It’s pretending to be but it’s really a Na-Adjective.
Naomi: そうですね。 (Sō desu ne.)
Rebecca: So you add で (de) on the end. So let’s practice just a couple more sentences. Can you give us another example please Naomi Sensei?
Naomi: このお刺身は新鮮でおいしいですよ。 (Kono o-sashimi wa shinsende oishii desu yo.)
Rebecca: This 刺身 (sashimi) is fresh and tasty.
Naomi: Not すしみね (sushi mine).
Rebecca: Not すしみ、刺身 (sushi mi, sashimi)
Naomi: さしみ (Sa shimi) And we sometimes put polite suffix お (o) in front of it and お刺身 (o-sashimi).
Rebecca: Yeah I wanted to ask you about that actually. In the conversation, Fuyuka’s father says お刺身 (o-sashimi). Doesn’t he?
Naomi: はい。 (Hai.)
Rebecca: Usually older men are not as polite as that I thought of. I was surprised. Also he has been drinking and so I was like wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a guy say お刺身 (o-sashimi) but is that?
Naomi: お刺身 (o-sashimi)
Rebecca: Is that possible?
Naomi: Yeah.
Rebecca: Sorry, obviously it’s possible. But yeah I just thought that was a little unusual.
Naomi: そうですね。(Sō desu ne). I think that’s because Fabrizio is a guest.
Rebecca: Yeah I see.
Naomi: So he is being polite and the father is being polite I think.
Rebecca: Yeah, okay. Now that makes sense. Thank you. Just to go back to that example sentence you gave us. Can you say that one more time?
Naomi: このお刺身は新鮮で美味しいですよ。 (Kono o-sashimi wa shinsende oishii desu yo.)
Rebecca: Okay so the Na-Adjective in the sentence is 新鮮 (shinsen) and you are adding a で (de). 新鮮でおいしいです (Shinsen de oishii desu). In the PDF, we also have a write up on how to combine two nouns.
Naomi: はい、そうですね。例えば、ファブリツィオは、イタリア人でファッションコーディネーターです。 (Hai, sō desu ne. Tatoeba, Faburitsio wa, Itaria-jin de fasshon kōdinētā desu.)
Rebecca: Fabrizio is an Italian and a fashion coordinator.


Rebecca: So check that out and we will see you next week.
Naomi: じゃあまた。 (Jā mata.)
冬果: ただいまぁ。
Fuyuka: Tadaimā.
祖母: お帰り。あ、いらっしゃい。さあさあ、どうぞ、お上がりくださ
Grandmother: O-kaeri. A, irasshai. sā sā, dōzo, o-agari kudasai.
ファブリツィオ: うわー。動物がたくさんいますね。こんばんは。おじゃまします。
Fabrizio: Uwā. Dōbutsu ga takusan imasu ne. Konbanwa. O-jama shimasu.
母: あ、冬果ちゃん、お帰りなさいあらー、ハンサムで 素敵な人ね!ど
Mother: A, Fuyuka-chan, o-kaeri-nasai. Arā, hansamu de suteki na hito ne! Dōzo, dōzo. O-hairi kudasai.
弟・妹: いらっしゃーい。あ、冬果ちゃんの 彼氏?うわー。スマートで 背が
Younger Brother and Sister: Irasshāi. A, Fuyuka-chan no kareshi? Uwā. Sumāto de sega takakute, kakko ii nā.
父: (ちょっと酔ってる)おぉ、どうも どうも。はじめまして。こちら
へ どうぞ。ビール、どうですか。お刺身も どうぞ。新鮮で 美味しい
Father: (Chotto yotteru) Ō, dōmo dōmo. Hajimemashite. Kochira e dōzo. Bīru, dō desu ka. O-sashimi mo dōzo. Shinsen de oishii desu yo.
ファブリツィオ: 冬果さんの家族は にぎやかで 面白いですね。
Fabrizio: Fuyuka-san no kazoku wa nigiyaka de omoshiroi desu ne.
動物: ワンワン、ニャーヤー、コケッコッコ
Animals: Wan wan, nyāyā, kokekkokko


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