
Vocabulary (Review)

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Momoyo: やぁ、みなさん、Momoyoです。
Yasunori: Yasunoriです。

Lesson focus

Marky: Marky here and welcome to the final installment of our 岡山弁 spectacular. I am joined in the studio by Momoyo and Yasunori and we are going to hear another great conversation in the Okayama dialect. So today’s conversation again takes place between Momo and Yasunori and the topic of conversation is a very special fruit. What fruit is that?
Marky: Are these just any old kind of peach or something special about this peach?
Momoyo:Okayama white peaches!
Marky: So Okayama is quite famous for these peaches right?
Momoyo:Yes. They are so delicious. You can’t eat peaches from other areas….
Marky: Really?
Momoyo:After eating Okayama’s yes.
Marky: That’s the end of the story. This is the best peach on the planet.
Momoyo:On the planet, yes exactly.
Marky: Amazing. I have to go to Okayama because I love peaches. All right, so on that note, let’s think about delicious peaches and listen to the conversation. Here we go.
ヤス: あちいのー。かなわんのー。どねーかならんかのー。
モモ: しゃあないわな、温暖化が進みょうるし。でも白桃は暑いほうが甘うて美味しいよ。
ヤス: 確かにのー。よその桃は食えんのー。そういやあ、岡山からいつ届くんな?
モモ: さっき届いたよ。食べる直前に氷水で冷やして食びょうな。
ヤス: 冷蔵庫はおえんのか?
モモ: 甘さが落ちるらしいわ。そういやあ、綺麗な形しとったわ。あんたのお尻とはえらい違い。
ヤス: うるせー。
Sakura: もう一度お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。
ヤス: あちいのー。かなわんのー。どねーかならんかのー。
モモ: しゃあないわな、おんだんかがすすみょうるし。でもはくとうはあついほうがあもうておいしいよ。
ヤス: たしかにのー。よそのももはくえんのー。そういやあ、おかやまからいつとどくんな?
モモ: さっきとどいたよ。たべるちょくぜんにこうりみずでひやしてたびょうな。
ヤス: れいぞうこはおえんのか?
モモ: あまさがおちるらしいわ。そういやあ、きれいなかたちしとったわ。あんたのおしりとはえらいちがい。
ヤス: うるせー。
Sakura: 次は標準語です。
ヤス: 暑いなー。かなわないなー。どうにかならないかなー。
モモ: 仕方ないわ、温暖化が進んでるし。でも白桃は暑いほうが甘くて美味しいよ。
ヤス: 確かにね。よその桃は食べられないな。そう言えば、岡山からいつ届くんだ?
モモ: さっき届いたよ。食べる直前に氷水で冷やして食べようね。
ヤス: 冷蔵庫は駄目なのか?
モモ: 甘さが落ちるらしいわ。そう言えば、綺麗な形をしてたよ。あなたのお尻とは凄い違い。
ヤス: うるさい。
Sakura: 今度は英語が入ります。
ヤス: あちいのー。かなわんのー。どねーかならんかのー。
Ah it’s hot, just overwhelming. How can we survive this heat?
モモ: しゃあないわな、温暖化が進みょうるし。
There is nothing you can do. Global warming is going on.
But peaches get delicious in the hot weather.
ヤス: 確かにのー。よその桃は食えんのー。
They sure do. I can’t eat peaches that come from other areas besides Okayama.
Speaking of Okayama, when are we receiving Okayama peaches?
モモ: さっき届いたよ。
They just arrived.
Let’s chill a couple with ice water before we eat.
ヤス: 冷蔵庫はおえんのか?
What’s wrong with using the fridge?
モモ: 甘さが落ちるらしいわ。
I heard it reduces the sweetness of the sugar in them.
By the way, they had such a beautiful shape.
Unlike your rear end.
ヤス: うるせー。
Shut up!
Marky: All right, what a conversation! I’ve noticed the theme. There is a lot of fighting and sarcasm in these Okayama conversations. Yeah I think if I go to Okayama, maybe I will get into a fight. So I have to be careful what I take out of these. Okay let’s jump right into the vocab because we had a lot in here. All right, so our first word is
Yasunori: あちぃ。
Marky: To be hot. In standard Japanese, what would this be?
Yasunori: あつい。
Marky: Okay. Our next word is
Momoyo: かなわん。
Marky: And this means too much or overwhelming. In the standard language, this would be
Momoyo: かなわない。
Marky: Okay. Next one, we have a phrase.
Yasunori: どねーか。
Marky: And this is anyways to get by or some means to survive something. What would this be in 標準語?
Yasunori: どうにか。
Marky: Okay. Our next phrase is
Momoyo: しゃーない。
Marky: This is our old friend.
Momoyo: しょうがない。
Marky: So this is the all purpose, it can’t be helped or there is nothing to do phrase that you hear in many JPod lessons. Our next word is
Yasunori: 温暖化
Marky: Global warming. And this is not dialect. This is standard Japanese. Okay our next phrase is
Momoyo: 進みょうる。
Marky: To be ongoing. In the standard Japanese.
Momoyo: 進んでいる。
Marky: Okay. Our next word is
Yasunori: 白桃。
Marky: White peaches and this is also standard Japanese. Okay our next phrase is
Yasunori: 食えん。
Marky: And this means inedible or I can’t eat it. What would this be in standard Japanese?
Yasunori: 食べられない。
Marky: I can’t eat it. Okay our next word is
Momoyo: 直前
Marky: Right before something. Immediately before something. This is also standard Japanese. Okay our next word is
Yasunori: 氷水
Marky: Ice water. Okay our next word is
Momoyo: 食びょう
Marky: Let’s eat and in standard Japanese, this would be
Momoyo: 食べよう。
Marky: Okay. Our next word is
Yasunori: 冷蔵庫
Marky: The refrigerator. So this is also standard Japanese. And our next word.
Momoyo: 甘さ
Marky: Sweetness. Again standard Japanese and our final vocab.
Yasunori: 落ちる
Marky: So this is to fall or to be reduced. Okay so the first phrase we are going to talk about is quite high frequency, pretty useful both in the dialect or in standard Japanese. What is that phrase?
Momoyo: そういやぁ
Mary: And in standard Japanese, this would be
Momoyo: そういえば。
Marky: So when you shift conversation topics, you can throw this out there. It’s like a by the way or speaking of. So can you give us an example how to use this?
Momoyo: Uhoo. そういやぁ、昨日何しよったん?
Marky: So by the way, what did you do yesterday? If this sentence was standard Japanese, what would it be?
Momoyo: そういえば、昨日何してた?
Marky: The second word I want to discuss is
Momoyo: おえん
Marky: And in standard Japanese, this word would be
Momoyo: だめ
Marky: So this is like, it’s no or it’s something is not good or it’s a bad situation. In the previous lesson, we mentioned that this is a negative form of a verb おえる which doesn’t exist right?
Marky: No one ever says that. So can you give us an example of how to use this?
Yasunori: Momo、おめぇのドライヤー使ってええか?
Momoyo: おえん。
Yasunori: なんで?
Momoyo: 私が今から使うけぇ。
Marky: Momo, can I use your dryer? No. Why not? Because I am going to use it now. In that sentence, we heard a couple of things actually that we can point out about the dialect. The word for good. So in Tokyo, we will say いい but in Okayama dialect
Momoyo: ええ。
Marky: And I’ve heard this also in other like Kansai dialects right?
Momoyo: Yes.
Marky: So Osaka. And in the last sentence, we also heard
Momoyo: け。
Marky: Umm け I think we saw that in the first lesson and that just means because から
Momoyo: Yes.
Marky: Another really interesting word in this conversation for me at least was the use of えらい
Momoyo: Yeah.
Marky: In other dialects, I’ve heard this used but in Tokyo, I don’t hear it so much.
Momoyo: Or maybe in Tokyo, it means great like he is great, he is えらい。
Marky: Umm…
Momoyo:Like he is えらい, he works hard but in Okayama, it means very much or super.
Marky: Like すごい
Momoyo: すごい yes.
Marky: Can you give us an example how to use えらい
Momoyo: 今日はえらいあちいな。
Marky: Today is really hot.
Momoyo: Ah there is another meaning in えらい. It means not feeling well or feeling sick.
Marky: Really?
Momoyo: Yeah.
Marky: How can we use it?
Momoyo: Like this, あー、えらい。
Marky: So it’s like I feel bad. I feel sick.
Momoyo: Yeah.
Marky: And another phrase that I really liked was the Okayama version of しょうがない. Can you give us that phrase one more time?
Yasunori: しゃーない。
Marky: That sounds nice. I like this. So you might hear this phrase also in Osaka and other parts of Kansai.


Marky: All right. So on that note, we are going to have to wrap things up. This is all the time we have today but this has been really interesting for me. I hope you guys had fun.
Marky: Yeah?
Momoyo:And it was very interesting that you thought there were a lot of fighting’s but we thought those were all punch lines. And we just wanted you to laugh. I hope everyone can laugh listening to our conversation.
Marky: I think everyone can laugh.
Momoyo: Oh that’s good.
Marky: Yeah, yeah.
Momoyo: I hope so.
Marky: Definitely. I think there are a lot of vary like famous dialects in Japan and everyone thinks, oh大阪弁 or maybe something kind of crazy like 津軽弁 but 岡山弁 is kind of unique one for me and I am really glad we had an opportunity to get you guys in the studio to show everybody 岡山弁. So thank you very much.
Momoyo: Thank you.
Marky: ありがとうございました。
Yasunori: ありがとうございました。
Momoyo: こちらこそ、ありがとうございます。
Marky: All right, see you guys next time.
Yasunori: ほんじゃな。
Momoyo: ほんじゃな。
Marky: ほんじゃな。


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