
Vocabulary (Review)

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Toshi: おーい、Namiko。
Namiko: あー、Toshi。
Toshi: Namikoのペットって、何を食べるの?
Namiko: 1匹はお米を食べるかな?もう1匹はパンが好きだよ。
Toshi: へー、なんか人間みたいな食べ物食べるんだね。
Namiko: 変なこと言わない方がいいわよ。そんなことばっか言ってたら、痛い目にあうわよ。
Toshi: は、はい、すいません。
Yuuki: Yuukiです。
Rie: Rieです。
Marky: Marky here. So today guys, we have something very, very, very, very special for you. Yuuki, what are we doing today?
Yuuki: We are having Rie here. She is from Niigata.
Marky: Yes. We are being joined in the studio by the lovely Rie.
Rie: こんにちは、Rieです。みなさんどうぞよろしくお願いします。
Marky: So yeah as Yuuki said, Rieさん has come here from Niigata prefecture to talk to us about something very cool.
Yuuki: What is that?
Marky: Well I thought you were going to tell us.

Lesson focus

Yuuki: 新潟弁
Marky: The Niigata dialect. So it’s been a long time since we’ve done any dialect material. Actually the only other time we did one was 津軽弁 the one of the dialects of Aomori and now we are doing Niigata dialect.
Yuuki: じゃ、Rieさん、新潟で有名な物は何ですか?
Rie: 新潟で有名なのは、日本酒とお米です。あとは、雪。スキーとかスノーボードで遊べます。 Niigata is famous for Japanese sake and rice and a lot of snow.
Marky: Is there snow in Niigata right now?
Rie: Yes little bit.
Marky: So yeah as we said, Rieさん comes from Niigata. Yuuki, why are you here?
Yuuki: I don’t know. I have to go back to Niigata.
Marky: Why do you have to go back to Niigata?
Yuuki: Snowboarding.
Marky: Yeah for those of you who don’t know Yuuki is an avid snowboarder and he spends about half of the year snowboarding.
Yuuki: In Niigata.
Marky: I am jealous, very jealous. So let’s get right into this conversation. I think this is the really interesting part. Yuuki, who is our conversation between?
Yuuki: RieさんとYuukiです。
Marky: Sounds very familiar. Me and Rie, and this conversation is going to be informal right?
Rie: Yes it is.
Yuuki: この会話はどこですか?
Rie: 道端です。On the street.
Marky: I think we should try this a little bit different from the Aomori dialect lessons. We are going to listen to this conversation once and then we are going to listen to the standard Japanese version. So let’s see how this goes, let’s see what you can catch.
理恵: あやー、勇樹じゃねっけ。
勇樹: あやー、しかもおーってねかったろも、おめさん、こんげところでなにしてん?
理恵: いま犬の散歩してる所だてば。
勇樹: そういのー、ほーんね、ちんこい犬らのー。そういえばさ、なーちの隣げに、ばかかっけぇ東京のしょが引っ越してきたらしいねっけ。
理恵: ほーんね、そういんよー。だろも、しょうしで話すなんていやらいや。
勇樹: ほんねもう、、まごまごしてっと、あちさんに取られるこてさ!
理恵: どうしょばねー。
Rie: 標準語でお願いします。
理恵: あ、勇樹じゃん。
勇樹: あ、ずいぶん会ってなかったけど、あんた、こんな所で何しているの?
理恵: いま犬の散歩をしているところだよ。
勇樹: そうなんだ、すごい小さい犬だねー。そういえばさ、おまえの家の隣に、とてもかっこいい東京の人が引っ越してきたらしいじゃない。
理恵: そうなんだよー。だけど、恥ずかしくって話すことも出来ないよ。
勇樹: まったくもう、もたもたしてると、他の人に取られちゃうよ!
理恵: まったく、どうしよう。。。
Rie: ゆっくりお願いします。
りえ: あやー、ゆうきじゃねっけ。
ゆうき: あやー、しかもおーてなかったろも、おめさん、こんげところでなにしてん?
りえ: いまいぬのさんぽしてるところだてば。
ゆうき: そういのー、ほーんね、ちんこいいぬらのー。そういえばさ、なーちのとなりげに、ばかかっけぇとうきょうのしょがひっこしてきたらしいねっけ。
りえ: ほーんね、そういんよー。だろも、しょーしくではなすなんていやらいや。
ゆうき: ふんねもう、まごまごしてっと、あちさんにとられるこてさ!
りえ: どうしょばね。
Rie: 今度は英語が入ります。
理恵: あやー、勇樹じゃねっけ。
Hey Yuki.
勇樹: あやー、しかもおーってねかったろも、おめさん、こんげところでなにしてん?
Hey it’s been a while since the last time we met, but what are you doing here?
理恵: いま犬の散歩してる所だてば。
Ah I am just walking my dog.
勇樹: そういのー、ほーんね、ちんこい犬らのー。そういえばさ、なーちの隣げに、ばかかっけぇ東京のしょが引っ越してきたらしいねっけ。
Oh that’s a really small dog. By the way, I heard a really cool guy from Tokyo just moved next door to you, is that right?
理恵: ほーんね、そういんよー。だろも、しょうしで話すなんていやらいや。
Yeah that’s right but I am too shy to talk to him.
勇樹: ほんねもう、、まごまごしてっと、あちさんに取られるこてさ!
Well, some other girl might start dating him before you try.
理恵: どうしょばねー。
Oh what should I do?
Yuuki: Rieさん、この会話どう思いましたか?
Rie: このあと、Rieさんはデートに行ったんですかね?
Yuuki: Marky, どう思う?
Marky: Sounds like this Yuuki guy is really pressuring her to talk to that guy. Really cool guy from Tokyo. I wonder if it’s me.
Yuuki: 次行きましょう。
Marky: I was very impressed by the sound of this. This is really different from Tokyo, Japanese. I could hear some different kinds of intonation in here.
Rie: そうですね。東京の人の言葉に比べて、伸ばす音が多いですね。
Yuuki: So Rie said, there are lots of long vowels in there.
Marky: Yeah there were a lot of long vowels and I was noticing a lot of け at the end of sentences.
Yuuki: Rieさん、「け」って何ですか?
Rie: 東京の人の言葉でいうと、「じゃん」
Marky: So what do you guys say we take a look at some vocabulary now.
Yuuki: First you have
Marky: Peterの言い方ね。
Rie: あやー。
Marky: Oh! An exclamation of surprise.
Rie: あやぁ。あやー。
Peter: Next we have
Yuuki: しかも
Marky: More than I expected.
Yuuki: しかも。しかも。
Marky: Now this looks like a standard Japanese word しかも. In a standard language, this means in addition but in this dialect, it’s clearly different right?
Yuuki: Right.
Marky: That’s pretty cool. I noticed some other words in here that look very similar to standard Japanese but…
Yuuki: This means sounds like とても
Marky: Oh really!
Yuuki: Yeah for example, しかも長い
Marky: Very long. All right, next we have
Rie: おめさん。
Marky: You.
Rie: おめさん。おめさん。
Yuuki: I think this sounds like too casual. What do you think?
Rie: そうでもないです。みんなが使います。
Marky: So yeah this is related to the standard Japanese term, おまえwhich is very casual, you, but Rieさん is saying that everyone uses this and because it has さん attached to the end, it sort of raises the politeness level. So it makes it okay to use this but just be careful. In the standard language, if you go around calling people おまえ you better have a pretty good relationship with them or you might get into a fight. Okay so next we have
Yuuki: こんげ
Marky: This.
Yuuki: こんげ。こんげ。
Marky: Now in Japanese dialects, I love this series of words. This is like この
Yuuki: そうです。
Marky: How about その and あの?
Yuuki: あの becomes あんげ and その becomes そんげ
Marky: どの
Yuuki: どんげ
Marky: All right. So next, we’ve got
Rie: ちんこい
Marky: Small.
Rie: ちんこい。ちんこい。
Marky: Next we have
Yuuki: なーち。
Marky: Your house.
Yuuki: なーち。なーち。
Marky: Okay. I have a theory about this word. This is actually two words combined
Yuuki: な andち. な means your
Marky: Like あなた
Yuuki: あなた。そして、「ち」は、家 house
Marky: Like うち
Yuuki: そうです。
Marky: Oh yeah.
Yuuki: Oh yeah.
Rie: Oh yeah.
Marky: Okay this next word is great. Next we have
Rie: ばか。ばか。ばか。
Marky: What did you call me?
Yuuki: Maybe.
Marky: Now this doesn’t mean stupid right?
Yuuki: No, not at all. This ばか means very.
Marky: Can you give us an example?
Rie: ばかでけぇ。
Marky: Very big.
Rie: ばかうまい。
Marky: Very delicious. So this is great like I am just making a mental connection between the meaning of stupid and this even though, I know there is no connection but sometimes in United States, I’ve heard people say something like yo, this is so delicious, it’s stupid and maybe we would spell it with two Os, like this is when I was young but yeah it kind of reminds me of that. So what is the word for stupid in 新潟弁?
Rie: あったかい
Marky: Wow, that sounds like another Tokyo word.
Yuuki: あたたかい means warm, どんなふうに使いますか? how do you use this?
Rie: あいつあったけぇ。
Marky: That guy is stupid.
Yuuki: How about とてもばかな人。
Marky: Like you wouldn’t say ばかばか.
Rie: ばかあったけぇ。
Marky: Very stupid.
Yuuki: Maybe Tokyo people get confused with that, stupid hot. This is a great dialect. Okay next we have,
Yuuki: しょ
Marky: Person, people. Now I have another theory about this one. 江戸っ子 people who are maybe two generations or more in Tokyo. So like real native Tokyoite. When they pronounce the word ひと for person, they say it like しと. I have a theory. This is the same word. Just that t sound is dropped.
Yuuki: なるほどね。
Marky: This is just the theory. I can’t back that up. Next we have
Rie: だろも。
Marky: But.
Rie: だろも。だろも。
Marky: What is this word in standard Japanese?
Rie: 「だけど」です。
Marky: Can Tokyo people understand this word?
Yuuki: They might understand in だろも. ●●00:10:34 like similar to Tokyo だけど.
Marky: Next we have
Yuuki: しょうしい。
Marky: Embarrassed, shy.
Yuuki: しょうしい。しょうしい。
Marky: What’s this word in the standard language?
Yuuki: はずかしい。
Marky: This next one I like. This is a cool word.
Rie: あちさん
Marky: Other person, other people.
Rie: あちさん。あちさん。
Yuuki: Why do you like this phrase?
Marky: Because it looks like it’s combining あっち over there and the polite suffix さん.
Rie: あっちにいる人で、あちさんですね。
Marky: Yeah that’s really cool. I have noticed a lot of vocabulary like this in 新潟弁 and more than in the Aomori dialect which is just really out there. This one seems more logical to me. Okay now let’s take apart some of the grammar that we saw here. As we just mentioned before, we talked about こんな、あんな、そんな、どんな and in 新潟弁 these become
Yuuki: こんげ、そんげ、あんげ、どんげ
Marky: So let’s try a sample sentence. Rieさん、 can you give us an example how to use this?
Rie: こんげところで何してん。
Yuuki: こんなところで何しているの?
Marky: So what are you doing here? What are you doing in this place?
Rie: あんげしょ見たこともねぇてば。
Yuuki: あんな人、見たこともないよ。
Marky: I’ve never seen such a person, I’ve never seen a person like that. What kind of person?
Yuuki: ちょっとあやしい人かな。
Marky: 確かに。 So at the end of the question, we saw してん,what is this てん?
Yuuki: This is ているの? progressive interrogative form in standard Japanese.
Marky: So what was the sentence we saw in the dialogue Rieさん。
Rie: こんげところで、何してん。
Marky: What are you doing here? So can we use this to ask anybody like what they are doing?
Rie: 何してん?
Marky: 何してん。 That’s cool.
Rie: I use this phrase to my close friend and my family.
Marky: Is there a polite form in the dialect or is the dialect only for close friends and family?
Rie: Casual form.
Marky: So no, no polite forms?
Rie: No.
Marky: So can you give us an example of how to use this?
Rie: 何してん?
Yuuki: 料理してんよ。
Marky: So what is this in standard Japanese?
Rie: 何しているの?
Yuuki: 料理をしてんだよ。
Marky: Okay so in that example, you added よ at the end which changed it from a question to a declarative statement. Okay and next we saw
Yuuki: ろも
Marky: And this meant but or however. It’s a kind of conjunction. What was the first example we saw in the dialogue?
Yuuki: しかも、会ってなかったろも。
Marky: Okay that’s pretty difficult. So what is that in standard Japanese?
Yuuki: ずいぶん会ってなかったけど。
Marky: It’s been a long time since we’ve met but Rieさん can you give us an example of how to use this?
Rie: さっきまんま食ったろも、もう腹が減ったわね。
Yuuki: さっきご飯食べたけど、もうおなかが減った。
Marky: I just ate a meal but I am already hungry. A cool thing in that simple sentence too is that まんま that’s almost the same as Aomori dialect まま that means food. So if this ろも comes at the beginning of a sentence, what happens?
Yuuki: Change it to だろも
Marky: So can you show us how to use that in a sentence?
Rie: だろも、しょうしで話すなんていらやいや。
Marky: But I was too shy to talk to him. Okay another cool phrase was
Yuuki: らの
Marky: This one was difficult for me to understand. When do you use this?
Yuuki: This is usually when you are talking to yourself as like だね or ですね.
Marky: Is the ら in this like だ?
Rie: そうですね。新潟弁だと、「だ、で、ど」が、「ら、れ、ろ」に変わることが多いですね。
Marky: So often the sounds だ、で、ど become
Rie: ら、れ、ろ
Marky: So can you show us how to use this?
Rie: うんめ酒らの。
Yuuki: おいしいお酒だね。
Marky: This Sake is delicious, isn’t it?
Rie: 今日は、ばか寒い日らの。
Yuuki: 今日はとても寒い日ですね。
Marky: Today is a really cold day, isn’t it?
Rie: あのしょ、いとおしげな人らの。
Yuuki: あの人、美しい人ですね。
Marky: She is a very beautiful person. Another thing that was interesting for me that seems like Tokyo style but I get the feeling it’s different is this て at the end of sentences and we also start withてば. What’s going on there?
Yuuki: The word て is emphasizing the command and if you put the てば end of the sentences, you can emphasize any sentences more.
Marky: So it doesn’t really have a meaning or even a grammatical function?
Yuuki: Meaning nothing, just emphasizing.
Marky: And it just sounds like
Yuuki: Niigata dialect.
Marky: Very interesting. So can you show us how to use this?
Rie: 飯食いながらテレビ見るなってば。
Yuuki: ご飯食べながら、テレビは見るなよ。
Marky: Don’t watch TV while you are eating.
Rie: はよ宿題終わらせれて。
Yuuki: 早く宿題終わらせなさいよ。
Marky: Finish your homework quickly.
Rie: 今日は、あっつぇーって。
Yuuki: 今日は暑い。
Marky: Today is hot.
Rie: はよ帰ろうて。
Yuuki: 早く帰ろうよ。
Marky: Let’s go home now.
Yuuki: Me and Rie was talking about て and then all I guess is that Niigata people wants to て
because they want a rhythm4. If I say テレビ見るな maybe Niigata people might want to てsome kind of sounds.
Marky: So then to keep the rhythm, they need that extra syllable.
Yuuki: Yeah.
Marky: Ah so maybe put in for a euphonic reasons to make it flow better.
Rie: Yes I think so.
Marky: Very interesting. Okay guys, I think that’s all the time we have today. So did you have fun?
Yuuki: どうでしたか、Rieさん。楽しかったですか?
Rie: こんなレコーディング初めてだったので、緊張したんですけれども、次回はもっとうまくやります。
Marky: Okay so Rieさん was just a little nervous because it’s her first time recording but we know she did a great job. So really appreciate you coming out here and helping us and explaining to everyone about your hometown dialect. Okay so – so we have a lot more sample sentences based on the vocabulary that we didn’t have time for today and those are all in the PDF. So you want to be sure to check that out. We will be following this up with two more 新潟弁 lessons again with Yuuki さん and Rieさん. So you don’t want to miss out on that.
Rie: [*]00:16:50
Yuuki: また今度。


Marky: See you next time.


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