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Lesson Transcript

なつこ: こんにちは、なつこです。
Peter: Yojijukugo lesson 5. Four character kanji idiomatic phrases. Now Natsuko san, today we have something really nice.
なつこ: One of your favorite phrases right?
Peter: That’s right. The second phrase recently is one of my favorite phrases and it made into the rotation of phrases I use and it was introduced by a good friend Larry Raka.
なつこ: Okay.
Peter: You know, anybody who is wondering about the benefits of this course, all I remember is Larry Raka using this and the laughter from you Natsuko was unstoppable.
なつこ: No. But he was like you know on and on, going on and on about this.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay we will get into that in a minute but let’s have our first one.
なつこ: Okay.
Peter: Which is also pretty good.
なつこ: 興味津々
Peter: Highly interested, with great interest, with much interest. Oh this one is also amazing.
なつこ: Yes it’s very – how should I say positive word.
Peter: Yeah like I am really interested. I am psyched about him like really into it.
なつこ: Yes.
Peter: And I use this one regularly too.
なつこ: Oh really?
Peter: 興味津々
なつこ: 興味津々Sounds cute. 興味津々
Peter: It sounds a lot better when you say it 興味津々. Okay on we go. Let’s have a look at the characters one by one. First we have
なつこ: 興
Peter: Interest.
なつこ: 味
Peter: Taste.
なつこ: 津
Peter: Port as in naval port.
なつこ: 々
Peter: Port. So interest, taste, port, port.
なつこ: Sounds a bit strange here.
Peter: Yeah I think we have to go into look at this character port closer.
なつこ: Okay.
Peter: Now the character
なつこ: 津
Peter: Means port or harbor and by using it two times it means water springs after and after.
なつこ: Ah I see.
Peter: So
なつこ: 興味津々
Peter: Indicates interest springs up after and after and to have great interest.
なつこ: So it’s like unstoppable.
Peter: Yeah.
なつこ: You can’t help but be interested in.
Peter: It’s a great phrase. So it’s often used with でattached and used as an adverbial phrase which is
なつこ: 興味津々で
Peter: For example,
なつこ: 興味津々で聞く
Peter: Listening with interest and intent, listening eagerly or
なつこ: 興味津々で読む
Peter: To read with much interest like really be into the book.
なつこ: Yes what’s in here? What’s written here like that.
Peter: And this is a great lesson. Okay let’s have some example sentences.
なつこ: 子供たちは宇宙の話を興味津々で聞いていた
Peter: The kids were listening to the talk about the universe with great interest.
なつこ: 人々はスターのゴシップ報道を興味津々で見ている
Peter: People watch celebrity gossip reports with great interest.
なつこ: ファンは彼女のバッグの中身に興味津々だ
Peter: Her fans were very curious about what she had in the bag.
なつこ: 何が入ってたんでしょうね What was in the bag.
Peter: But I like how it’s used here as curious.
なつこ: Oh right.
Peter: 興味津々
なつこ: Yes. So because it means you know great interest, it can turn into curiosity.
Peter: Yeah. You know it’s funny and when we started the lesson, I was so excited about the second one. I overlooked the first one and the first one is much more practical.
なつこ: 興味津々ですね
Peter: Okay what do we have second?
なつこ: The Peter’s favorite. 社交辞令
Peter: Diplomatic remarks. Just so good and just quickly before we get into this, if you have the PDF, it can be really beneficial to open up and we always talk about the characters but if you see them and you use the kanji close, it will really help you kind of visualize and see where this kanji comes from.
なつこ: Yes right.
Peter: Okay let’s have a look character by character. First we have,
なつこ: 社
Peter: Company.
なつこ: 交
Peter: Association.
なつこ: 辞
Peter: Term.
なつこ: 令
Peter: Decree. So put it altogether
なつこ: 社交辞令
Peter: So it means polite words or greetings which people use to get along with each other.
なつこ: But
Peter: Sometimes it means empty compliments or flattery.
なつこ: Yes.
Peter: And it’s used in a negative sense. Again, these are four letter compounds but a lot of the times, inside of these four letter compounds, we have two letter compounds.
なつこ: Yes.
Peter: And of course character compounds is what I am talking about. So let’s look at the first one.
なつこ: 社交
Peter: Meaning social relationship.
なつこ: Yes. So this word is often used by itself or sometimes attached to another word like 社交的
Peter: Which is social. The second two letter compound is
なつこ: 辞令
Peter: Which is a formal expression. So we put them together and it’s a social relationship formal expression. So let’s take a look at some examples. Sample sentences that is, Natsuko san
なつこ: 若いですねと言われた。社交辞令でも嬉しい。
Peter: I was told that I look young. I am happy even if I know it was just social flattery.
なつこ: そうですね。社交辞令かもしれないが、彼女はまた会いたいですと言った
Peter: It might be social etiquette but she said, I want to meet you again.
なつこ: Uhoo…
Peter: I could see this used in a comedy you know.
なつこ: Yes right.
Peter: Yeah she said she wants to meet me again.
なつこ: But in reality, she didn’t really mean it.
Peter: Yeah and then like the other character cuts in あ、すいませんですが、社交辞令ですね. It’s just the social etiquette. Natsuko san, what a lesson hah!
なつこ: すごいですね Very characteristics words, vocabularies.
Peter: Right. 私は社交辞令に興味津々
なつこ: そういう人も珍しいと思うんだけど。So you are really interested in social remarks.
Peter: Yeah well this is Japan.
なつこ: Umm yes right.
Peter: Okay Natsuko san,
なつこ: はい
Peter: 有難うございます。
なつこ: みなさんは、今日のレッスンに興味津々でしょうか。それとも、面白かったよというのは、社交辞令ですか。
Peter: So were you really interested in today’s lesson. If not, leave us a remark saying 面白かった it was fun as social etiquette.
なつこ: 使えますね


Peter: Today’s lesson was so good. The other lessons were really good too. Again 社交辞令
なつこ: みんなに信じてもらえなくなりますよ。
Peter: Okay we are going to stop here. So thank you again Natsuko san and that’s going to do for today. Remember, inside the PDF, the characters are there. Seeing this, visualizing this will really help and the kanji close up has even a further detailed explanation of the character. So that’s going to do for today.
なつこ: それじゃあまた今度


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