Vocabulary (Review)

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みなさん、こんにちは。(Mina-san, konnichiwa).
Hi everyone, my name is Chihiro and welcome back to japanesepod101.com’s Kantan kana series. In the last lesson, we learned the Hiragana characters か(ka), き(ki), く(ku), け(ke), こ(ko) . We will be using some of those characters today. So if you are not sure, feel free to review the last lesson. We have ten characters down and we are going to tackle five more today.
Let’s start with さ(sa) 1, 2, 3. Do you remember the character き(ki)? さ(sa) is the same as き(ki) except it only has one line here instead of two like き(ki) when さ(sa) is printed, the last two strokes are also made into one single stroke but when you are reading it, keep them separate like this. This is かさ(kasa) umbrella and this is さけ(sake) alcohol.
Next is し(shi) another easy one. Notice that it’s pronounced as “shi” and not “si”.
Here we have うし(ushi), “cow”, and しお(shio), “salt”.
The next character is す(su). This first line is straight but the second line loops once and curves slightly to the left. Here is how you write すし(sushi). You can also write いす(isu) “chair”.
This is せ(se). Pay attention to the stroke order. First, the straight line. Then the second stroke. The last stroke goes just pass the second stroke.
Here is あせ(ase) ”sweat”.
Here is せき(seki), ”cough”.
Our last character today is そ(so). There are two ways to write this character. So pick your favorite. The first way is one long stroke. It’s like a “z” in English with the curve at the end. The second way is like this. The only difference is this part at the beginning. You can write it however you like it but be prepared to see it both ways when it’s written.
Here is うそ(uso), “lie”. And here is そこ(soko), “over there”.
Let’s try a short quiz. See if you can read these words. If you can, see if you understand the meanings.
うし(ushi), “cow”
うそ(uso), “lie”
あせ(ase), “sweat”
Now it’s time for Chihiro’s tip. The order of learning the Hiragana is called 五十音(go-jū on) like the alphabetical order in English, it’s the method used for organizing words in Japanese. Be sure to learn this 五十音(go-jū on) ordering if you want to use a Japanese dictionary.
Have you ever written in ちかてつ(chikatetsu)? You will learn how to write that and many other words in the next lesson. See you then.

