
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tomoyuki: こんにちは、トモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 25, See Mt. Fuji from the Japanese Bullet Train.
Tomoyuki: こんにちは、皆さん。がんばって日本語を勉強しましょう。
Jessi: 今回はどんなアナウンスですか。What kind of announcement are we hearing in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 新幹線のアナウンスです。You'll hear an announcement on the Shinkansen again.
Jessi: 文法のポイントは何ですか?What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 「お待ちのお客様」とか「お降りのお客様」とか「~のお客さま」という形を勉強します。
Jessi: You'll learn a sentence pattern frequently used for getting the attention of customers or passengers in announcements.
Tomoyuki: では、聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation.
Father: 車掌(しゃしょう)さん、富士山はどっちに見えますか?
Conductor: もうすぐ、右側にご覧になれます。あ、ほら。
Misaki: あ、見えた!すごーい。
Mother: すみません。写真、撮っていただけますか?
Conductor: いいですよ。はい、チーズ!
Announce: 間もなく名古屋です。
Misaki: 京都は次?
Father: ああ。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Father: 車掌さん、富士山はどっちに見えますか?
Conductor: もうすぐ、右側にご覧になれます。あ、ほら。
Misaki: あ、見えた!すごーい。
Mother: すみません。写真、撮っていただけますか?
Conductor: いいですよ。はい、チーズ!
Announce: 間もなく名古屋です。
Misaki: 京都は次?
Father: ああ。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Father: 車掌さん、富士山はどっちに見えますか?
Jessi: Mr. Conductor, which side can you see Mt. Fuji from?
Conductor: もうすぐ、右側にご覧になれます。あ、ほら。
Jessi: You'll be able to see it momentarily from the right-hand side. Oh, there you go.
Misaki: あ、見えた!すごーい。
Jessi: Oh, I can see it! Wo-ow.
Mother: すみません。写真、撮っていただけますか?
Jessi: Excuse me. Could you take our photo?
Conductor: いいですよ。はい、チーズ!
Jessi: Of course. Say cheese!
Announce: 間もなく名古屋です。
Jessi: Presently we will be arriving at Nagoya.
Announce: お降りのお客様は、お忘れ物のないよう、ご準備ください。
Jessi: Those passengers getting off, please get ready so that you don't forget anything.
Announce: 名古屋の次は、京都に止まります。
Jessi: After Nagoya, we will be stopping at Kyoto.
Announce: 左側のドアが開(ひら)きますので、ご注意ください。
Jessi: The doors on the left will be opening. Please take care.
Misaki: 京都は次?
Jessi: Kyoto's the next stop?
Father: ああ。
Jessi: Yup.
Jessi: 駅に着くときに聞くアナウンスですね。
So, this was an announcement you hear when the shinkansen arrives at a station, right?
Tomoyuki: そうです。
Jessi: 日本の新幹線のアナウンスは、とても細かいですよね。The announcements on shinkansen trains are always so detailed and include lots of things.
Tomoyuki: あー、そうですね。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: 例えば「傘(かさ)を忘れないでください」とか「ドアに注意してください」とか。
Jessi: Right. Like "Don't forget your umbrella" and "watch out for the door."
あと、日本だと駅のスタッフや車掌さんがとても親切でいいですよね。Japanese station staff and conductors are always very very nice.
Tomoyuki: そうですね。ダイアログでは写真を撮ってあげていましたね。
Jessi: Yes. In the dialogue, the conductor took a photo for Misaki and her family. ハイチーズ。
Tomoyuki: そうそう。「ハイ、チーズ」 It's like "Say cheese" in English, right?
Jessi: Right. トモユキさんは使います?「はい、チーズ」
Tomoyuki: そうですね。ときどき、友達の写真を撮ってあげるときに言いますね。「はい、チーズ」
Jessi: ああ!So when you take a picture of your friends, you say はい、チーズ。
Tomoyuki: How about you Jessi? 写真を撮るとき何と言いますか? What do you say when you take a group photo? Do you always say "Say cheese?"
Jessi: Hmm, sometimes! Sometimes it gets shortened to just cheese… Or we might just count and say 1-2-3.
Tomoyuki: あ〜なるほど。じゃあ、リスナーの皆さんは写真を撮るときに何と言いますか?コメントで教えてください。
Jessi: So listeners, what do you say when you take a picture? Please let us know in the comment section.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we'll look at is
Tomoyuki: 車掌 [natural native speed]
Jessi: conductor
Tomoyuki: 車掌 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、車掌 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: もうすぐ [natural native speed]
Jessi: soon, almost, very soon
Tomoyuki: もうすぐ [slowly - broken down by syllable]、もうすぐ [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: ほら [natural native speed]
Jessi: Hey, look!, you know (interjection)
Tomoyuki: ほら [slowly - broken down by syllable]、ほら [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 準備 [natural native speed]
Jessi: preparation, arrangements
Tomoyuki: 準備 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、準備 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: 開(ひら)く [natural native speed]
Jessi: to open
Tomoyuki: 開く [slowly - broken down by syllable]、開く [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. トモユキさんお願いします。 What are we looking at first?
Tomoyuki: 車掌
Jessi: train conductor.
Tomoyuki: 「社長(しゃちょう)」じゃないですよ。「車掌(しゃしょう)」です(笑)。
Jessi: Ah! 社長(しゃちょう) is a company president and 車掌(しゃしょう) is a train conductor. They sound a bit similar, doesn't it? OK. Repeat after Tomoyuki. "company president" is?
Tomoyuki: 社長
Jessi: (wait for 3 sec.)社長. Repeat after Tomoyuki. "train conductor" is?
Tomoyuki: 車掌
Jessi: (wait for 3 sec.)車掌
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, the father calls the train conductor "車掌さん".
Jessi: 車掌さん? "Mr. Conductor"? (笑)
Tomoyuki: Right.「車掌」は?
Jessi: train conductor
Tomoyuki: 「さん」は?
Jessi: A polite name suffix... Like Mr. or Ms.
Tomoyuki: We use this formation, "the name of an occupation plus さん" when addressing a worker whose name we don't know. 英語では無いですか?
I guess it's not common in English...
Jessi: う~ん Not really... I think if you do that in English it sounds like something children would say. Mr. Fireman, or something like that.
Tomoyuki: 日本語ではよくしますね。例えば「看護士さん」。
Jessi: 看護士 is "a nurse" so 看護士さん would be used when you address a nurse directly?
Tomoyuki: そうです。あと「運転手さん」
Jessi: 運転手 is "a driver" so 運転手さん is used when addressing a driver.
じゃ、次は何ですか?What are we looking at next?
Tomoyuki: ほら!
Jessi: ほら! is an interjection. It's like "hey" or "look" in English. It's used to get the listener's attention.
Tomoyuki: そうです。
Jessi: All right. On to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement on the shinkansen. In this grammar section, you'll learn a sentence pattern often used for getting the attention of customers or passengers in announcements.
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, the announcement said…”お降りのお客様は、お忘れ物のないよう、ご準備ください”.
Jessi: "Those passengers getting off, please get ready and ensure you don't forget anything."
Tomoyuki: レッスンのポイントは「お降りのお客様」です。
The pattern is the polite prefix "お" + "the ます stem of a verb" + ”のお客様”.
Jessi: First, let's explain this pattern.
This “お” + [the ます stem of a verb] + ”のお客様” literally means "passengers who will do the verb, or are going to do the verb, and it's used to get the customer or passenger's attention.
Tomoyuki: So…”お降りのお客様” is
Jessi: Passengers who are getting off at the next station. Let's break this down.
Tomoyuki: お (Jessi: polite prefix) 降り (Jessi: the ます stem of the verb 降りる "to get off") の(Jessi: particle) お客様 (Jessi: customer or passenger)
Tomoyuki: Here's a sample sentence
Jessi: お降りのお客様はボタンを押してください。 "Those passengers who are getting off, please press the button."
Tomoyuki: ボタンを押してください.means "please press the button"
Jessi: OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki."Those passengers who are getting off, please press the button."
Tomoyuki: お降りのお客様は、ボタンを押してください。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) All right Great job! Let's give one more example.
This time, let's say "Those customers who have tickets, please come this way."
Tomoyuki: "Please come this way" is こちらへどうぞ.
Jessi: こちらへ (Jessi: to this way) どうぞ (Jessi: Please) So...こちらへどうぞ means "this way, please" or "please come this way".
All right. How do you say..."Those customers who have tickets".
Tomoyuki: チケットをお持ちのお客様
Jessi: チケットをお持ちのお客様?"Those customers who have tickets"...
All right. Listeners, how do you say..."Those customers who have tickets, please come this way" in Japanese? (wait for 10 sec)If you said...
Tomoyuki: チケットをお持ちのお客様は、こちらへどうぞ.
Jessi: Then, you are correct! OK. Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue again?
Tomoyuki: はい。お降りのお客様は、お忘れ物のないよう、ご準備ください。
Jessi: Let's break this down.
Tomoyuki: お降りのお客様(Jessi: passengers who are getting off) は(Jessi: particle “は(wa)”)、お忘れ物のないよう(Jessi: so that there are no forgotten items)、ご準備ください(Jessi: please prepare or please get ready)。
Jessi: Can we hear the sentence again?
Tomoyuki: お降りのお客様は、お忘れ物のないよう、ご準備ください。
Jessi: Which is "Passengers who are getting off, please get ready so that you don't forget anything."
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度アナウンスを聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: All right.Let's listen to the announcement part again.
Tomoyuki: 今回でアナウンスのレッスンは最後ですね。
Jessi: Right. This is our last lesson of the announcement series!
Tomoyuki: このシリーズはとても難しいと思います。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: 最低でも5回は聞き直してほしいですね。
Jessi: そうですね!This is a tough series, we will admit that. This is definitely one we would like listeners to listen to multiple times to really let everything sink in.
Tomoyuki: 敬語は難しいですが、中級になるためには絶対に必要です。レッスンノートをよく読んで、敬語の基本をマスターしてくださいね。
Jessi: Keigo(敬語), or honorific language definitely has its challenges, but it is essential for going on to the intermediate and advanced levels. Make sure that you read the lesson notes as well to really master those basic Keigo concepts.


Tomoyuki: このシリーズを聞いてくれてありがとうございました。それじゃあまた。
Jessi: Thank you for listening to this upper beginner series. We hope to see you again soon! Until then, everyone.


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