
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tomoyuki: こんにちはトモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 22, You Don't Want to End up in the Wrong Japanese Bullet Train Car.
今回のアナウンスはどんなアナウンスですか。What kind of announcement are we hearing in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: はい。新幹線のアナウンスです。An announcement on the Shinkansen.
Jessi: The Shinkansen is known as the bullet train in English.
Tomoyuki: ミサキちゃんと、ミサキちゃんのお父さんとお母さんが新幹線に乗っているみたいです。
Jessi: Misaki and her parents are traveling by shinkansen.
What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: はい。ここでは「ご遠慮ください」と「申し上げます」を勉強します。
Jessi: You'll learn the usage of ご遠慮ください "Please refrain from..." and 申し上げます "to say" "to tell" or "to do for".
Tomoyuki: では、聞いてみましょう
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation.
Announce: 新幹線をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。
Misaki: 今日は、京都のおばあちゃんちに行くんでしょ?
Mother: そうよ。どこに座る?
Father: 3号車がいいんだけど……。
Mother: ダメよ。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Announce: 新幹線をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。
Misaki: 今日は、京都のおばあちゃんちに行くんでしょ?
Mother: そうよ。どこに座る?
Father: 3号車がいいんだけど……。
Mother: ダメよ。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Announce: 新幹線をご利用くださいまして、ありがとうございます。
Jessi: Thank you very much for using the Shinkansen.
Announce: この電車はのぞみ101号、新大阪行きです。
Jessi: This train is the Nozomi 101 bound for Shin-Osaka.
Announce: 途中の停車駅は、新横浜、名古屋、京都です。
Jessi: The stations at which we will stop on the way are Shin-Yokohama, Nagoya, and Kyoto.
Announce: 次に、車内をご案内申し上げます。
Jessi: Next, we will provide some information regarding the interior of the train.
Announce: 自由席は1号車、2号車、3号車です。
Jessi: Unreserved seats are located in the first, second, and third carriages.
Announce: 自由席の禁煙車は1号車、2号車です。
Jessi: The non-smoking unreserved seat carriages are the first and second carriages.
Announce: 禁煙車では、デッキでのおタバコもご遠慮ください。
Jessi: In the non-smoking carriages, please refrain from smoking in the corridors.
Misaki: 今日は、京都のおばあちゃんちに行くんでしょ?
Jessi: Today we're going to Granny's house in Kyoto, right?
Mother: そうよ。どこに座る?
Jessi: That's right. Where shall we sit?
Father: 3号車がいいんだけど……。
Jessi: I want to sit in the third carriage, but...
Mother: ダメよ。
Jessi: No!
Tomoyuki: ジェシーさん、新幹線は英語だとBullet train ですか?
Jessi: そうですね。Yep. Shinkansen is often translated as "bullet train" or "super express train" in English.
On signs at train stations in Japan, you will sometimes see it transliterated simply as shinkansen.
Tomoyuki: ジェシーさんは乗ったことがありますか?Have you ever taken the shinkansen?
Jessi: はい。あります。When I went to Kansai, I took the shinkansen.
Tomoyuki: あ〜、あと、今回のダイアログで、1つクイズがあります。
Jessi: Uh-oh. You have a quiz question about this lesson's dialogue?
Tomoyuki: はい。どうして、お父さんは3号車に座りたいんですか?
Jessi: Why did the father want to sit in car number 3?
Hmm...Was the reason mentioned in the dialogue?
Tomoyuki: Umm, Nope. But I think the reason is quite obvious if you read the announcement part again.
Jessi: Well... let me read the dialogue again...
自由席は1号車、2号車、3号車……So "Unreserved seats are located in the first, second, and third carriages."...Is that because 3号車 or car # 3 is for unreserved seating?
Tomoyuki: うーん……Not really, but read the next line.
Jessi: Hmmm... Ah!!! I think I've got! That's because 3号車-car # 3 is a smoking car and the father wanted to smoke.
Tomoyuki: Right. It says “自由席の禁煙車は1号車、3号車です”.
Jessi: "The non-smoking unreserved seat carriages are the first and second carriages." So that means that 3号車, car # 3 is a smoking car.
Tomoyuki: そうです!じゃ、単語を勉強しましょう
Jessi: OK. On to the vocab section.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is:
Tomoyuki: 号 [natural native speed]
Jessi: number, issue, model, edition; Suffix
Tomoyuki: 号 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、号 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 車内 [natural native speed]
Jessi: inside a car, inside a carriage
Tomoyuki: 車内 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、車内 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 遠慮 [natural native speed]
Jessi: restraint, reserve, discretion
Tomoyuki: 遠慮 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、遠慮 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 号車 [natural native speed]
Jessi: number ---car, classifier for naming train cars; Suffix
Tomoyuki: 号車 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、号車 [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: んち [natural native speed]
Jessi: one's house, one's home
Tomoyuki: んち [slowly - broken down by syllable]、んち [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What are we looking at first?
Tomoyuki: 号
Jessi: Go?(笑)
Tomoyuki: (笑) Right. The suffix "号(ごう)". 数字の後ろにつきます。順番を表します。
Jessi: So,"号" is a suffix that comes after a number to indicate order. 例えば? For example?
Tomoyuki: 1号車
Jessi: "Car number 1"
Tomoyuki: 2号車
Jessi: "Car number 2"
Tomoyuki: 3号車
Jessi: "Car number 3" The last sound "車(しゃ)" means car, cart or vehicle. OK. Listeners, can you guess how to say "car number 4?"
Tomoyuki: (wait for 3 sec) That would be ”4号車”. suffixの「号」は乗り物の名前にの後ろにもつきます。
Jessi: "-Go" also comes after the names of vehicles.
Tomoyuki: For example...タイタニック号
Jessi: "The Titanic". What's the name of the Shinkansen Misaki and her parents are taking?
Tomoyuki: のぞみ101号
Jessi: "Nozomi 101" OK. What are we looking at next?
Tomoyuki: んち
Jessi: んち?
Tomoyuki: Yes, this is same as のうち
Jessi: I see. んち means "one's house" "one's home" and is a contracted form of "のうち" and is used in informal conversation.
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, Misaki said...”おばあちゃんち”. This means おばあちゃんのうち...
Jessi: My grandma's house, my grandma's home
Tomoyuki: For example, わたしのうち is "my house" or "my home"
Jessi: In a casual conversation, this becomes ”わたしんち".
Tomoyuki: ”キムのうち” is?
Jessi: "Kim's home" or "Kim's house". This becomes?
Tomoyuki: キムんち
Jessi: OK. On to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement on a train. In this lesson, you'll learn how to tell people to refrain from doing something in an extra formal manner.
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, the announcement said…”禁煙車では、デッキでのおタバコもご遠慮ください”.
Jessi: "In the non-smoking carriages, please refrain from smoking in the corridors."
Tomoyuki: この「ご遠慮ください」がポイントです。
Jessi: ご遠慮ください means "Please refrain from [blank]"
Now, you may remember that you learned "[Noun] はお控え下さい" means "please refrain from [Noun]" in lesson19.
In this lesson, you'll learn another common way to say "Please refrain from [blank]".
Tomoyuki: That is…”ご遠慮ください".
Jessi: The sentence pattern is the same... [Noun]+"はご遠慮ください".
Tomoyuki:「ご遠慮ください」は「遠慮してください」という意味ですね。 Jessi, what's the literal translation?
Jessi: Well... 遠慮 means "self-restraint" and the verb 遠慮する means "to behave with modesty" or "to hold back". So 遠慮してください or ご遠慮ください literally means "please hold back".
Tomoyuki: I see. But “[blank] はご遠慮ください” is translated as "Please refrain from [blank]"...
Jessi: Right. OK! Let us show you with some examples. Tomoyuki, how do you say "picture taking" or "taking pictures"?
Tomoyuki: 写真撮影
Jessi: OK, now attach "はご遠慮ください".
Tomoyuki: 写真撮影はご遠慮ください。
Jessi: "Please refrain from taking pictures." OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki.
Tomoyuki: 写真撮影はご遠慮ください。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec). Great! Of course, you can also say 写真撮影はお控えください。
Tomoyuki: Right. There's no difference in the meaning or nuance.
Jessi: OK. So Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue again?
Tomoyuki: はい。禁煙車では、デッキでのおタバコもご遠慮ください。
Jessi: Let's break down this sentence.
Tomoyuki: 禁煙車では(Jessi: In non-smoking car) デッキでのおタバコも(Jessi: Smoking even on the deck or at the end section near the door on a train) ご遠慮ください(Jessi: please refrain)
Jessi: Can we hear the sentence again?。
Tomoyuki: 禁煙車ではデッキでのおタバコもご遠慮ください。
Jessi: Literally, "In non-smoking cars, please refrain from smoking even at the end section near the door." A more natural translation would be, "In the non-smoking cars, please refrain from smoking in the corridors."
Tomoyuki: では、アナウンスをもう一度聞いてみましょう
Jessi: Now listen to the announcement section and check if you can understand everything now.
Tomoyuki: ところで、リスナーの皆さんは「申し上げます」と「いたします」の違いは分かりますかね?
Jessi: So listeners, do you know the difference between “申し上げます” and “いたします2?
Both are humble verbs that mean "to do". If you want to know the difference, please check the lesson notes for this lesson, where you'll find a detailed write-up.


Tomoyuki: ぜひ、読んでおいてくださいね。じゃ、また。
Jessi: See you next time.


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