
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tomoyuki: こんにちはトモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 20, Be Careful During Train Emergency Stops in Japan.
Tomoyuki: こんにちは、皆さん。がんばって日本語を勉強しましょう。
Jessi: 今回のアナウンスは、どんなアナウンスですか? What kind of announcement are we going to hear in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 電車の中のアナウンスです。
Jessi: We'll hear an announcement on a train.
Tomoyuki: 特に、トラブルがあったときのアナウンスです。
Jessi: It's an announcement letting the passengers know about a problem that has occurred.
Tomoyuki: どんなトラブルがあったのでしょう。聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Please listen to the dialogue and find out what is happening.
Announce1: 次は横浜、横……
Announce2: 緊急停止をします。
Yuna: おっとっと。
Conductor: 停止信号です。原因を調べております。
Yuna: えー。デートに遅刻しちゃう……。ダイチにメールしなくっちゃ。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Announce1: 次は横浜、横……
Announce2: 緊急停止をします。
Yuna: おっとっと。
Conductor: 停止信号です。原因を調べております。
Yuna: えー。デートに遅刻しちゃう……。ダイチにメールしなくっちゃ。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Announce1: 次は横浜、横……
Jessi: Next is Yokohama, Yoko...
Announce2: 緊急停止をします。
Jessi: We are making an emergency stop.
Announce2: 止まる際、揺れますのでご注意ください。
Jessi: On stopping, the train will rock, so please take care.
Announce2: 緊急停止をします。ご注意ください。
Jessi: We are making an emergency stop. Please take care.
Yuna: おっとっと。
Jessi: Whoa.
Conductor: 停止信号です。原因を調べております。
Jessi: There is a stop signal... We are investigating the cause.
Conductor: えー、ただ今、人が線路を歩いているという連絡が入りました。
Jessi: Uh, we have just received a communication that a person is walking on the tracks.
Conductor: そのため、この電車は運転を一時(いちじ)見合わせます。
Jessi: Due to this, this train's operation will be temporarily suspended.
Conductor: 繰り返します。この電車はしばらく、運転を取りやめます。
Jessi: We repeat. We are stopping the operation of this train for a while.
Yuna: えー。デートに遅刻しちゃう……。ダイチにメールしなくっちゃ。
Jessi: Huh? I'm gonna be late for my date... I have to mail Daichi.
Yuna: 「電車が止まっちゃったから、少し遅刻する」
Jessi: "The train's stopped, so I'll be a little bit late."
Yuna: 「駅前のスタバで待ってて」
Jessi: ”Wait for me at the Starbucks in front of the station.”
Jessi: 線路の上を、人が歩いているんですか?
Tomoyuki: はい(笑)
Jessi: So a person is walking on a railway tracks?(笑)
Tomoyuki: (笑)はい。ときどきいるんですよねー。本当に困ります。It sometimes happens.
Jessi: でも、線路に入ってはダメですよね? Obviously you're not supposed to be on the railway tracks...
Tomoyuki: (笑)もちろんダメです。絶対にダメです。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: 危ないですし、捕まりますので。
Jessi: It's dangerous and you'll be arrested if you if you go onto the railway tracks.
But...what if you drop something on the tracks?
Tomoyuki: はい。そのときは、駅員さんに言って、取ってもらってください。
Jessi: In that case, you should let a station attendant know, and have him/her get it for you.
分かりました。ところで、スタバは “Starbucks” ですね。
Tomoyuki: はい。
Jessi: ”スタバ” is the abbreviation of sutābakkusu, or Starbucks (Coffee shop).
Tomoyuki: そうですね。日本人には英語の名前は難しいので、よく短くしますね。
Jessi: Umm.English names can be difficult for Japanese people, so they often get shortened. Ah, I know another one. “マック” for McDonald's
Tomoyuki: はい。東京の人は「マック」と呼びますね。Yeah, people in Tokyo calls McDonald's “マック”.
I used to live in Kyoto, people there call McDonald's ”マクド”.
Jessi: マクド? へえ! So the nickname changes depending on the area. Interesting!
Okay, on to the vocab.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is
Tomoyuki: 停止 [natural native speed]
Jessi: suspension, stop, halt
Tomoyuki: 停止 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、停止 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 緊急 [natural native speed]
Jessi: urgent, pressing, emergency
Tomoyuki: 緊急 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、緊急 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 一時(いちじ) [natural native speed]
Jessi: for a while, temporarily, for the time being
Tomoyuki: 一時 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、一時 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 見合わせる [natural native speed]
Jessi: postpone, suspend, stop temporarily; V2
Tomoyuki: 見合わせる [slowly - broken down by syllable]、見合わせる [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: 取りやめる [natural native speed]
Jessi: to cancel, to call off
Tomoyuki: 取りやめる [slowly - broken down by syllable]、取りやめる [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some words and phrases from this lesson.
最初の言葉は?What's the first word we're looking at?
Tomoyuki: 停止
Jessi: It's a noun that means "stop".
Tomoyuki: 止まること、止めることですね。If you add をする or する, it will become a verb.
Jessi: Right. 停止をする or 停止する means "to stop"
In this lesson's dialogue, there are two compound words that contain "teishi" right?
Tomoyuki: Right. 緊急停止
Jessi: 緊急 means "emergency" So...緊急停止 means "emergency halt or emergency stop".
Tomoyuki: And we have “停止信号”.
Jessi: 信号 means "signal", so....停止信号 means "stop signal"
Tomoyuki: Right.じゃ、クイズをしましょう。
Jessi: Let's recap with a quiz. Listeners, how do you say "emergency stop"?
Tomoyuki: Here are some hints. Emergency is 緊急, and Stop is 停止. So...
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) Tomoyuki, the answer is?
Tomoyuki: 緊急停止
Jessi: 緊急停止, emergency stop. OK. Next one. Listeners, say "stop signal".
Tomoyuki: Here's a hint. Signal is “信号”.
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) Alright, and the answer is?
Tomoyuki: 停止信号
Jessi: Ok, great! Now let's move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement on a train.
In this grammar section, you'll learn how to inform people that something is going to be postponed or called off in a formal situation.
Tomoyuki: Right. You'll learn two sentence structures using “見合わせます” and “取りやめます”.
In the dialogue, the announcement said…”この電車は運転を一時(いちじ)見合わせます”.
Jessi: "This train's operation will be temporarily suspended."
Tomoyuki: この「見合わせます」が、ポイントですね。The dictionary form of “見合わせます” is “見合わせる”.
Jessi: OK. Let's explain the verb ”見合わせる”.
The verb “見合わせる” originally means "to look each other" or "to exchange looks," but it also means "to refrain from doing something".
Tomoyuki: はい。「見合わせる」は「中止する」(Jessi: to cancel) や「止める」(Jessi: to call off)と同じ意味です。でも、少しindirect な言い方ですね。”見合わせる” is a roundabout way to say "to call off".
Jessi: Since “見合わせる” sounds more indirect than "中止する" or "やめる", it sounds formal, and is preferred in formal speech like announcements.
Tomoyuki: The sentence structure is [Something] を見合わせる.
Jessi: This means "We will cancel or stop something."
Let's show you with some examples. Tomoyuki, how do you say "marriage"
Tomoyuki: 結婚
Jessi: To that, attach を 見合わせる
Tomoyuki: 結婚を見合わせる。
Jessi: "To call off the marriage"
Let's do one more, how do you say "trip" or "travel"?
Tomoyuki: 旅行
Jessi: How do you say "to cancel the trip"?
Tomoyuki: 旅行を見合わせる。
Here's a sample sentence. 地震があったので、旅行を見合わせた。
Jessi: "We canceled our trip since there was an earthquake." Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "We canceled our trip since there was an earthquake."
Tomoyuki: 地震があったので、旅行を見合わせた。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) Great. Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue again?
Tomoyuki: この電車は、運転を一時(いちじ)見合わせます。
Jessi: Let's break this sentence down.
Tomoyuki: この電車は(Jessi: This train + particle “は”) 運転を (Jessi: driving or service +particle “を”)一時(いちじ)(Jessi: for a while, temporarily) 見合わせます (Jessi: cancel or stop)
Jessi: Can we hear the whole sentence again?
Tomoyuki: この電車は、運転を一時(いちじ)見合わせます。
Jessi: Literally, "As for this train, for a while, service is canceled." In more natural English, "This train's operation will be temporarily suspended."
Tomoyuki: 「見合わせます」の代わりに「取りやめる」でもいいです。
Jessi: Right. The verb “取りやめる” meaning "to cancel what has been planned" is also used in announcements.
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, they said…”この電車はしばらく、運転を取りやめます”.
Jessi: So this also means " "This train's operation will be temporarily suspended."
Tomoyuki: 「運転を見合わせます」と「運転を取りやめます」は、意味は同じです。
Jessi: So the meanings for both “運転を見合わせます” and “運転を取りやめます” are exactly the same. Alright, now let's listen to the announcement part again and see how much you understand now.
Announce1: 次は横浜、横……
Announce2: (ピピピ)緊急停止をします。
Conductor: 停止信号です。原因を調べております。
Tomoyuki: こういう緊急のアナウンスは英語には訳されませんので、日本語が分からないと不安ですよね。
Jessi: そうですね。These kinds of announcements explaining emergency situation are not translated into English. So that's why we recommended studying the language used in them - if you understand what's being said, you'll feel much more secure, and know what to do!
All right, well that about wraps up this lesson.


Tomoyuki: では、また。
Jessi: Thanks for listening! See you next time.


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