
Vocabulary (Review)

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Tomoyuki: こんにちはトモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 16, Getting Played Out of the Store in Japan.
このレッスンでは何を勉強しますか。What are we going to learn in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 謙譲語の「いただく」を勉強します。
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn the usage of the humble verb “いただく”.
Tomoyuki: 今回は、ミサキちゃんとお母さんがデパートにいます。
Jessi: Misaki and her mother are at a department store.
Tomoyuki: たぶん、午後7時くらいですかね。もうすぐデパートが閉まります。
Jessi: It's around 7 p.m, and the department store is about to close for the night.
Tomoyuki: では、聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: OK. Let's listen to the conversation.
Announce: 本日はご来店いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
Misaki: ママ、この音楽何?
Mother: もうお店はおしまいって言ってるのよ。帰りましょう。
Misaki: うん。帰ろう、帰ろう。
Announce: 当店は、本日の営業を終了いたしました。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Announce: 本日はご来店いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
Misaki: ママ、この音楽何?
Mother: もうお店はおしまいって言ってるのよ。帰りましょう。
Misaki: うん。帰ろう、帰ろう。
Announce: 当店は、本日の営業を終了いたしました。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Announce: 本日はご来店いただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
Jessi: Thank you very much for coming to our store today.
Announce: お買い物中のお客様に、ご案内申し上げます。
Jessi: We have an announcement for our customers who are currently shopping.
Announce: あと5分で閉店のお時間でございます。
Jessi: In five minutes, it will be closing time.
Announce: 最後までごゆっくりお買い物をお楽しみください。
Jessi: Please take your time and enjoy your shopping until the very end.
Misaki: ママ、この音楽何?
Jessi: Mommy, what's this music?
Mother: もうお店はおしまいって言ってるのよ。帰りましょう。
Jessi: It's saying that the shop's finished now. Let's go home.
Misaki: うん。帰ろう、帰ろう。
Jessi: Yeah. Let's go home, let's go home.
Announce: 当店は、本日の営業を終了いたしました。
Jessi: This store has now finished business for the day.
Announce: またのご来店を、心からお待ち申し上げます。
Jessi: We eagerly await your next visit to our store.
Announce: ご来店ありがとうございました。
Jessi: Thank you very much for coming to our store today.
Jessi: 日本では、この音楽よく聞きますね。You hear this melody in Japan a lot, don't you.
Tomoyuki: そうですね。これは「蛍の光」ですね。
Jessi: The title of the song is “蛍の光” or "Glow of the Fireflies'".
Tomoyuki: よく、デパートとかショッピングセンターとか図書館とかの営業時間が終わるときに、「蛍の光」のメロディーを聞きます。
Jessi: そうですね。In Japan, when public facilities such as libraries or shopping centers close for the night, they play the melody of "Hotaru no Hikari".
Tomoyuki: ジェシーさんは、この曲を知っていますか?
Jessi: そうですね。YouTubeで探して聞いてみたら、「あ、聞いたことがある!」と思いました(笑)
I searched for it on Youtube and listened to it, and realized that I did know it.
Tomoyuki: ああ、そうですか(笑)
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: では、単語を勉強しましょう。
Jessi: On to the vocab.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word is:
Tomoyuki: 終了 [natural native speed]
Jessi: end, completion
Tomoyuki: 終了 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、終了 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 閉店 [natural native speed]
Jessi: closing of business
Tomoyuki: 閉店 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、閉店 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: ゆっくり [natural native speed]
Jessi: at leisure, at one's own pace, slowly; Adv
Tomoyuki: ゆっくり [slowly - broken down by syllable]、ゆっくり [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: おしまい [natural native speed]
Jessi: the end, closing, being done for
Tomoyuki: おしまい [slowly - broken down by syllable]、おしまい [natural native speed]
Jessi: The last word is
Tomoyuki: 心 [natural native speed]
Jessi: heart
Tomoyuki: 心 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、心 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some words and phrases from the dialogue. 最初の言葉は?
Tomoyuki: ゆっくり
Jessi: "slowly" "at ease" The adverb "ゆっくり" basically has two meanings. The first meaning is "slow", or "slowly."
Tomoyuki: For example, “ゆっくり話してください” means "Please speak slowly."
Jessi: Right. The other meaning describes a situation where one does something at a leisurely pace, where they take their time.
Tomoyuki: これは「リラックスして」と似ていますね。
Jessi: And when encouraging someone to take their time when doing something in an extra formal situation, the polite prefix "ご" comes before "ゆっくり".
Tomoyuki, can we have a sample sentence?
Tomoyuki: ごゆっくり、どうぞ。
Jessi: "Please take your time," "Please relax." or "Please enjoy!"
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, the announcement said....
Jessi: Please take your time and enjoy your shopping.
OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki.
"Please take your time and enjoy your shopping "
Tomoyuki: ごゆっくりお買い物をお楽しみください。
Jessi: (Wait for 5 sec.) Great. OK. What are we looking at next?
Tomoyuki: 閉店
Jessi: This means the "closing of a shop".
The meaning is quite obvious from the Kanji. The first Kanji means "closing" and the second Kanji means "shop" or "store".
To clarify, this can mean both a store closing for the day, AND a shop closing down for good. In this dialogue, though, it has the first meaning - the shop closing for the day.
Tomoyuki: そうですね。じゃあ、反対の言葉をチェックしましょう。
Jessi: Let's check the word with the opposite meaning. What's the opposite of “閉店”.
Tomoyuki: 開店.
Jessi: "opening of a shop".
Tomoyuki: The first Kanji is "opening" and the second Kanji is "shop" or "store."
Jessi: Can we hear them again? "closing of a shop" is?
Tomoyuki: 閉店
Jessi: And "opening of a shop" is?
Tomoyuki: 開店
Jessi: OK. On to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement giving information about the closing of a shop.
In this grammar section, you'll learn how to express one's gratitude in an extra polite manner using the humble verb "いただく".
Tomoyuki: In the dialogue, the announcement said...
Jessi: "Thank you very much for coming to our store today."
Tomoyuki: この「いただきまして」が、このレッスンのポイントです。
Jessi: First of all, let's explain the humble verb いただく.
"いただく" is the humble form of the verb "もらう", which means "to receive."
Tomoyuki: 例えば、For example “先生に英語を教えてもらいます”.
Jessi: This is a formal sentence meaning "I will have the teacher teach me English".
Tomoyuki: If you said “先生に英語を教えていただきます”.
Jessi: The sentence becomes even more formal. "I will humbly have the teacher teach me English".
Tomoyuki: You can express your gratitude using “いただく”.
Jessi: Right. The formation is ”[て form of a verb] +いただきまして+ありがとうございます".
Tomoyuki: 例えば、For example, “教えていただきまして、ありがとうございます”.
Jessi: Literally, "I humbly had you to teach me and I appreciate it." Of course, it means "Thank you for teaching me".
OK. listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki."Thank you for teaching me"
Tomoyuki: 教えていただきまして、ありがとうございます。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec). Great. Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue again?
Tomoyuki: はい。ご来店いただきまして、ありがとうございます。
Jessi: "Thank you for visiting our shop."
Tomoyuki: Did you notice that “して” was dropped?
Jessi: Right. The original sentence is “ご来店していただきまして、ありがとうございます”."Thank you for visiting our shop." But “して” has been dropped.
Tomoyuki: Right. That “して” is often dropped.
Jessi: OK. Listeners, listen and repeat after Tomoyuki. "Thank you for visiting our shop."
Tomoyuki: ご来店いただきまして、ありがとうございます。
Jessi: (Wait for 5 sec) Sounds good!
Tomoyuki: では、もう一度アナウンスを聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Let's listen to the announcement part again to see how much you can understand now.
Tomoyuki: 皆さん、Japanesepod101.comをいつも聞いていただきまして、誠にありがとうございます。
Jessi: Wow, that's a great sample sentence! Oh, I have a good one, too.
皆さんのコメントを、心からお待ち申し上げます。We eagerly await your comments!


Tomoyuki: はい。それでは、このレッスンは「おしまい!」
Jessi: That's all for this lesson. See you next time.


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