
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Tomoyuki: こんにちは、トモユキです。
Jessi: Jessi here. Upper Beginner Season 1, Lesson 11, This is Your Captain, Pikachu Speaking. Hello, and welcome back to JapanesePod101.com, the fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Japanese.
Tomoyuki: いつもUpper Beginnerのレッスンを聞いてくれて、ありがとうございます。
Jessi: このレッスンでは何を勉強しますか。 What are we going to study in this lesson?
Tomoyuki: 「〜ことをおわびします」という言い方を勉強します。
Jessi: In this lesson, you'll learn how apologies are expressed in extra formal situations using "ことをおわびします". Where does this lesson's conversation take place?
Tomoyuki: 飛行機の中です。
Jessi: On an airplane.
Tomoyuki: ミサキさんと両親が、ハワイに向かっています。
Jessi: Misaki and her parents are on their way to Hawaii.
Tomoyuki: では、聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: Let's listen to the conversation.
Captain: えー、よい子の皆さん、メリークリスマス! 機長のピカチュウでーす。
Misaki: キャハハ。ピカチュウだって。
Captain: 本日の飛行ルートの天候は良好ですが、ときどき、ゆりかご、ブランコ、またはジェットコースターのように、少し揺れることがあります。
Father: ああ、今日は24日だから……。
Mother: 面白い機長さんね。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue once without sound effects.
Captain: えー、よい子の皆さん、メリークリスマス! 機長のピカチュウです。
Misaki: キャハハ。ピカチュウだって。
Captain: 本日の飛行ルートの天候は良好ですが、ときどき、ゆりかご、ブランコ、またはジェットコースターのように少し揺れることがあります。
Father: ああ、今日は24日だから……。
Mother: 面白い機長さんね。
Jessi: Now listen to the dialogue with the English translation.
Captain: えー、よい子の皆さん、メリークリスマス!
Jessi: Uh, Merry Christmas to all you good little boys and girls.
Captain: 機長のピカチュウです。
Jessi: This is your captain, Pikachu.
Misaki: キャハハ。ピカチュウだって。
Jessi: Ha ha ha! He said he's Pikachu!
Captain: 本日の飛行ルートの天候は良好ですが、ときどき、ゆりかご、ブランコ、またはジェットコースターのように少し揺れることがあります。
Jessi: The weather on today's flight is favorable, but sometimes the plane might rock a little, like a cradle, or a swing, or a roller coaster.
Captain: しかーし、安全ですのでご安心ください。
Jessi: Buuuut, it's safe, so please don't worry!
Captain: また、途中でサンタクロースさんを追い抜きますが、暗くて見にくいことをお詫びいたします。
Jessi: Also, we'll be overtaking Santa Claus during the journey, but we apologize if you can't see him very well because it's dark.
Father: ああ、今日は24日だから……。
Jessi: Ah, because today's the twenty-fourth...
Mother: 面白い機長さんね。
Jessi: What a funny pilot!
Jessi: Ah, so they're listening to an announcement from the captain. 機長のあいさつを聞いているんですね。
Tomoyuki: 面白い機長さんですね。機長のピカチュウです!This is your captain, Pikachu(笑).
Jessi: 面白いですね。
Tomoyuki: はい。
Jessi: As you probably know, Pikachu is one of the characters in the Pokemon series. If you remember, Misaki and her family are taking the Pokemon Jet!
Tomoyuki: こういうあいさつをする機長さんがいたらしいです。実際のスピーチを聞いて、ダイアログとして書き換えたみたいですよ。
Jessi: Really? So there actually was a flight captain who made his announcements like this. I didn't know that!
Tomoyuki: 珍しいですよね。
Jessi: はい。
Tomoyuki: 日本の機長って、あまり冗談言わないですからね~。
Jessi: Ahh, so you think it's rare for Japanese captains to make jokes when they make announcements... I guess you're right. I can't really remember any instances of that. I think it's good that this captain has a sense of humor!
Tomoyuki: そうですね。外国の、特にアメリカの飛行機に乗ると、キャプテンが冗談を言ったり、フライトアテンダントもずいぶんカジュアルで、びっくりします。
Jessi: あ〜、So captains on flights in other countries, especially the US, like to make jokes and stuff. Now that you mention it, that's quite true! They'll usually throw in some funny comments here and there.
Tomoyuki: そうですね。ジェシーさんは、好きな航空会社”airline”とか、ありますか?
Jessi: Hmm.. which airline do I like? Actually, I had an opportunity to take a flight on JAL, Japan Airline, once, and I have to say it was very nice. Good service, good food... I was impressed!
Tomoyuki: No jokes, though.
Jessi: ああ、そうですね(笑)
Tomoyuki: 皆さんは、好きな航空会社 “airline” がありますか?
Jessi: So listeners, what's your favorite airline company. Please let us know in the comment section! OK. On to the Vocabulary.
Jessi: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Tomoyuki: 途中 [natural native speed]
Jessi: on the way, midway, in the middle of
Tomoyuki: 途中 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、途中 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 天候 [natural native speed]
Jessi: weather
Tomoyuki: 天候 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、天候 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 良好 [natural native speed]
Jessi: favorable, satisfactory
Tomoyuki: 良好 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、良好 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: 追い抜く [natural native speed]
Jessi: to pass, to overstride
Tomoyuki: 追い抜く [slowly - broken down by syllable]、追い抜く [natural native speed]
Jessi: Next word is
Tomoyuki: わびる [natural native speed]
Jessi: to apologize
Tomoyuki: わびる [slowly - broken down by syllable]、わびる [natural native speed]
Jessi: Last word is
Tomoyuki: 飛行 [natural native speed]
Jessi: aviation, flight
Tomoyuki: 飛行 [slowly - broken down by syllable]、飛行 [natural native speed]
Jessi: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. What's the first item we're looking at?
Tomoyuki: または
Jessi: "または" is a conjunction meaning "or" or "either", and it's mainly used in written language or formal conversation.
Tomoyuki: そうですね。カジュアルな会話のときは「か」を使います。
For example, in casual conversation, we say “金曜か土曜”.
Jessi: this means "Friday or Saturday"
Tomoyuki: In a formal conversation, or written language, we say “金曜または土曜”.
Jessi: OK. Let's practice. How do you say "6 o'clock or 7 o'clock"?
Tomoyuki: 6時か7時
Jessi: Ok, so listeners, in written language or formal conversation, what would you say?
Tomoyuki: (wait for 3 sec) 6時または7時
Jessi: OK. 次は何ですか?What are we looking at next?
Tomoyuki: しかし
Jessi: しかし means "however", or "but", but this should also be reserved for a formal situation or in formal writing.
Tomoyuki: カジュアルな会話のときは「でも」を使ってください。友達に「しかし」を使うと、ちょっと変です(笑)
Jessi: そうですね。So don't use “しかし” when talking to your friends. I agree, that would sound a bit strange.
Tomoyuki: じゃ、文法に入りましょう
Jessi: OK. On to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Jessi: The focus of this lesson is listening to an announcement from a flight captain.
In this grammar section, you'll learn how apologies are expressed in extra formal situations.
Tomoyuki: In this lesson's dialogue, the captain said “暗くて見にくいことをお詫びいたします”.
Jessi: "We apologize if you can't see him very well because it's dark."
Tomoyuki: この「おわびいたします」がこのレッスンのポイントです。
Jessi: Right. おわびいたします is a humble way to say おわびします meaning "to apologize"
Tomoyuki: The formation is...[ Noun ]+[をおわびいたします]
Jessi: "I or We humbly apologize for [noun]" Sample sentence, please.
Tomoyuki: 間違いをおわびいたします。
Jessi: "I or We apologize for the mistake." OK, listeners, please listen and repeat after Tomoyuki."I or We apologize for the mistake."
Tomoyuki: 間違いをおわびいたします。
Jessi: (Wait for 5 sec) OK. Now, listeners, say "I or We apologize for the mistake." in Japanese.(Wait for 5 sec.) Alright, if you said...
Tomoyuki: 間違いをおわびいたします。
Jessi: Then you've got it right! 
Tomoyuki: But, Jessi, We have the word "koto" in the sentence for this lesson.
Jessi: Ah, good point!
Tomoyuki: The captain said “見にくいことをおわびいたします”.
How would you translate this “こと”? “こと” means basically "thing" right?
Jessi: Right."こと" means "thing" and it works as a nominalizer, which means it turns a verb, adjective or sentence into a noun.
So, I guess we can literally translate “見にくいことをお詫びいたします” as "we apologize for it being difficult to see" or "We apologize that it's difficult to see". Let's give you another example. How do you say "to be late"?
Tomoyuki: 遅れる
Jessi: If you came in late and wanted to make a formal apology.... you'd say...
Tomoyuki: 遅れたことをおわびいたします。
Jessi: "I apologize that I was late." Now listeners please listen and repeat after Tomoyuki."I apologize that I was in late."
Tomoyuki: 遅れたことをおわびいたします。。
Jessi: (wait for 5 sec) OK.Great.Tomoyuki, can we hear the sentence from the dialogue?
Tomoyuki: また、途中でサンタクロースさんを追い抜きますが、暗くて見にくいことをおわびいたします。
Jessi: Wow, that's a long sentence. Let's break it down.
Tomoyuki: また(Jessi: Al so) 途中で(Jessi: on the way) サンタクロースさんを追い抜きます(Jessi: we'll pass or overtake Mr.Santa Claus)が(Jessi: but)、暗くて(Jessi: Dark and) 見にくい(Jessi: difficult to see) ことを(Jessi: he thing that ) おわびいたします。(Jessi: We apologize)
Jessi: Can we hear it again?
Tomoyuki: はい。また、途中でサンタクロースさんを追い抜きますが、暗くて見にくいことをおわびいたします。
Jessi: Literally, "So, We'll overtake Mr. Santa Claus on our way, but we'll apologize that it's dark and difficult to see him."
The natural translation would be... "we'll be overtaking Santa Claus during the journey, but we apologize if you can't see him very well because it's dark."
Tomoyuki: では、機長のアナウンスの所だけをもう一度聞いてみましょう。
Jessi: OK. Now listen to the announcement part only and see how much you can understand now.
えー、よい子の皆さん、メリークリスマス! 機長のピカチュウです。
Tomoyuki: どうでしたか?「飛行」「天候」「良好」など、難しい単語がありましたが、レッスンノートを読んで確認しておいてください。
Jessi: Since we have some difficult vocabulary words in the dialogue, be sure to check the lesson notes for the meaning.


Tomoyuki: それでは、また。
Jessi: Until next time everyone!


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