Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone.
Welcome to the Ultimate Japanese Particle Guide.
In this lesson, you'll learn the particle...
の (no)
This particle is often referred to as the modifying particle, because we use it between two nouns to indicate that the first noun modifies the second noun.
One of the main usages of の (no) is the one that shows possession.
It’s like the possessive or the word “of" in English.
Let's see how it functions in a sentence. How do you say "Risa’s," as in "belongs to Risa"?
リサの (Risa no)
So then how would you say, for example, “Risa’s pen”?
リサのペン (Risa no pen)
Great. So then how would you say “Alisha’s?”
アリーシャの (Arīsha no) and “Alisha’s computer” is アリーシャのコンピューター (Arīsha no konpyūtā).
So how about “my”?
私 (watashi) means “I" or "me,” so 私の (watashi no) is “my.”
For example, how do you say "This is my computer."
これは私のコンピューターです。(Kore wa watashi no konpyūtā desu.)
Please note that リサの (Risa no), アリーシャの (Arīsha no), can mean "Risa's (one)," "Alisha's (one)," too.
私の (watashi no) also can mean “mine.”
Good point. When it's obvious what the first noun possesses, the second noun can be left out.
For example how do you say "This is mine."
これは私のです。(Kore wa watashi no desu.)
Let's take a look at a few more examples.
これはアリーシャさんの鞄ですか。 (Kore wa Arīsha-san no kaban desu ka.)
“Is this your bag, Alisha?”
ゴッホの絵が好きです。 (Gohho no e ga suki desu.)
"I like Van Gogh's paintings."
太郎の話は嘘です。 (Tarō no hanashi wa uso desu.)
“Taro's story is a lie.”
From a broader perspective, this particle marks the category, origin, material, or any attribute of the noun that follows.
Let's see some examples.
英語の先生 (Eigo no sensei)
This literally means "teacher of English," so "English teacher" let's see a sample sentence.
彼は英語の先生です。(Kare wa Eigo no sensei desu.)
Literally, it means "He is a teacher of English."
さくらの花 (Sakura no hana)
This literally means "flower of cherry," so "cherry blossom" let's see a sample sentence.
さくらの花が咲きました。 (Sakura no hana ga sakimashita.)
"The cherry blossom bloomed."
Note that this particle can be used multiple times. For example, "My friend's name is Yuko" is...
私の友だちの名前は裕子です。(Watashi no tomodachi no namae wa Yūko desu.)
Let's take a look at a few more examples with the same particle used as a category marker.
日本の車が好きです。(Nihon no kuruma ga suki desu.)
"I like Japanese cars."
今週の日曜日、暇ですか。(Konshū no nichi-yōbi, hima desu ka.)
“Are you free this Sunday?”
田中さんの考えは面白いです。(Tanaka-san no kangae wa omoshiroi desu.)
“Mr. Tanaka's idea is interesting.”
Now, let's use what you learned in this lesson.
We learned how to say "This is my computer."
これは私のコンピューターです。(Kore wa watashi no konpyūtā desu.)
In this sentence, the particle の (no) marks possession. The structure is...
の (no)
Now let's try with "This is Suzuki's book."
The word for "book" is...
本 (hon)
“This is a book” is...
これは本です。(Kore wa hon desu.)
Try to say "This is Suzuki's book" in Japanese. [pause]
The answer is...
これは鈴木さんの本です。(Kore wa Suzuki-san no hon desu.)
Did you get it right?
In this sentence, the particle の (no) indicates possession.
Let's try one more. We learned how to say "He is an English teacher."
彼は英語の先生です。(Kare wa Eigo no sensei desu.)
Here the particle の (no) marks the category of the noun that follows, "teacher." The structure is...
の (no)
Now let's try with "She is a math teacher."
Here are the words you need for "math" and "she."
数学 (sūgaku)
彼女 (kanojo)
Try to say "She is a math teacher" in Japanese.
The answer is...
彼女は数学の先生です。(Kanojo wa sūgaku no sensei desu.)
Well done! In this case, the particle marks a category, math.
In this lesson, you learned about the particle...
In the next lesson, you'll learn about the particle...
See you in the next lesson. Bye!

