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Natsuko: おはよう東京。ナツコです。
Peter: Peter here and we are back with another lesson. Again thank you everybody for the reviews, the votes, the emails, the posts. Again it’s Monday morning. When you read them all, it gets us ready for today’s lesson. Right, Natsuko?
Natsuko: Right, thank you.
Peter: Please keep it coming. Again we feed off this so much. Stop by japanesepod101.com and leave us a post. Okay back again with survival phrases #9.
Natsuko: Wow 9 already.
Peter: Yep. These are the phrases that give you the tools to make opportunities and help get you the most out of your trip and now we are in the stage where this is not only for people new to Japan but for those of you who have been here a while and have not had a time to get the most out of the language.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: Now these are phrases that we have carefully thought out because you are going to run into them the most.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: And being that what it is since we eat three times a day, yes we focus so much on the restaurant.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: But again a couple more of these restaurant lessons and you are going to be set.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: Probably even get a job there.
Natsuko: I will try.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay. Without further ado, we are going to give you the first expression. Now, when you walk into a restaurant, again in survival phrases 1, we gave you
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: One more time
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: Yes and that’s the first greeting, right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Now if it’s a restaurant where there is a Maitre d’ or a host, you are going to get hit with another question right off the bat. So it’s going to be…
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: Plus this question. So what we want to do is up until now, we have been giving you things you say. Now we are going to give you things that you are going to get.
Natsuko: You are right.
Peter: Whether you want to or not, they are coming.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay. So we are going to get you prepared. So Natsuko is going to give you full speed what you would get when you walk into a restaurant with a Maitre d’ or a host full speed, no holds barred, okay. Natsuko お願いします。
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。何名様ですか?
Peter: Okay ゆっくりお願いします。
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。何名様ですか?
Peter: ゆっくりお願いします。
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。なんめいさまですか?
Peter: 英語で何と言いますか?
Natsuko: How many people or how many people in your party?
Peter: Yes this is a question they are going to ask you. How many people? It's not that tough. Again for business, they just dress up the Japanese. It’s just Japanese in a Tuxedo.
Natsuko: Right, right, right.
Peter: You know the base…
Natsuko: That’s nice.
Peter: Yeah looks like, looks nice. Looks nice, talks nice but again it’s just a question, the same basic question, how many people. How many 03:30 but they just dress it up. So what we are going to do now is we are going to break it down to show you that there is not too much to this paper tiger. Okay, give us that one more time, nice and slow Natsuko.
Natsuko: 何名様ですか?
Peter: A little slower than that.
Natsuko: Sorry. なんめいさま、ですか?
Peter: And break it down by syllable.
Natsuko: なん・めい・さま・です・か?
Peter: Okay. Now the first part, give it one more time please.
Natsuko: 何(なん)
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: What or how. Well in this case how many.
Peter: Yes, break it down.
Natsuko: な・ん
Peter: One time fast.
Natsuko: 何(なん)
Peter: Then we had
Natsuko: 名
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: People.
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: め・い
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 名
Peter: Okay. Next we had
Natsuko: 様
Peter: Which is
Natsuko: A polite version of referring to someone.
Peter: Yes, break it down.
Natsuko: さ・ま
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 様
Peter: Yes. For example, in formal Japanese, we say what?
Natsuko: さん
Peter: Yes and we usually attach the last name. So in Natsuko’s case, her last name is Kawamoto, right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So I would say in formal Japanese 川本さん.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: But the next level above san and that’s what – is that the highest?
Natsuko: Yes usually.
Peter: Usually. So the next level above that is
Natsuko: 様
Peter: 様 So 川本様 is very, very polite. Usually this Japanese is usually used towards customers.
Natsuko: Yes and well in business as well.
Peter: Yeah for the utmost respect.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So when you go into the restaurant, they are just giving you the most extremely polite Japanese which is.
Natsuko: 様
Peter: Yes. So just how many people in extremely polite Japanese.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Which comes to
Natsuko: 何名様ですか?
Peter: Okay and now Natsuko, how can we answer this question?
Natsuko: If you are not confident enough with your Japanese, you can just use your fingers.
Peter: Yes and you know what the funny thing is, the advanced people, they use their fingers.
Natsuko: Oh right.
Peter: Because we understand what’s coming and it’s just easier. So just however many people are in your party, that’s it. Just give them the flash. Now for those of you who want to try out answering, we are going to give you 1 to 5 people.
Natsuko: Okay.
Peter: What do you think about that, 5 is enough right?
Natsuko: I hope so or maybe there are very big family people.
Peter: Yes. Anybody with bigger families, check back to our other lessons. We got the details in there, okay. So can you just count 1 to 5 people for us?
Natsuko: 1人、2人、3人、4人、5人
Peter: Okay and give us one person.
Natsuko: 1人
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: ひ・と・り
Peter: One time fast.
Natsuko: 1人
Peter: Two people.
Natsuko: 2人
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: ふ・た・り
Peter: One time fast.
Natsuko: 2人
Peter: Three people
Natsuko: 3人
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: さ・ん・に・ん
Peter: One time fast.
Natsuko: 3人
Peter: Four people.
Natsuko: 4人
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: よ・に・ん
Peter: One time fast.
Natsuko: 4人
Peter: Five people.
Natsuko: 5人
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: ご・に・ん
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 5人
Peter: Okay. If you are going higher than this, all you need is to take the number and put on
Natsuko: 人
Peter: Yep. And again check back to our other lessons. Now we got this. So let’s just do a little example. Let’s pretend that I walk into a restaurant. Here we go.
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。何名様ですか?
Peter: 3人です。
Natsuko: はい。かしこまりました。
Peter: Whoa whoa whoa whoa! What did you just say?
Natsuko: Oh かしこまりました。
Peter: Now what does this mean?
Natsuko: It’s just another polite way to say I understand.
Peter: Yes. Again don’t be tricked by the smoking mirrors. It’s just dressed up Japanese.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Give it to us one time, break it down please.
Natsuko: か・し・こ・ま・り・ま・し・た
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: かしこまりました。
Peter: And it just means
Natsuko: I understand.
Peter: Yep that’s it. Just saying I got it. So I came in, Natsuko said
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。何名様ですか?
Peter: Welcome, how many people. I said
Natsuko: 3人です。
Peter: Three people and she said
Natsuko: はい。かしこまりました。
Peter: Got it. Now after that, the next question that would come would be
Natsuko: 喫煙ですか? 禁煙ですか?
Peter: Okay. Natsuko ゆっくりお願いします。
Natsuko: きつえんですか? きんえんですか?
Peter: ゆっくりお願いします。
Natsuko: きつえん・ですか? きんえん・ですか?
Peter: And what’s this?
Natsuko: Smoking or not smoking.
Peter: Yes. In Japan, smokers still have some powers and rights, right?
Natsuko: Yes, yes.
Peter: So when you go to a restaurant, they are going to ask you, smoking or non-smoking.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: And you don’t want to get this one wrong because if you are non-smoker, it’s pretty tough because it is a big cloud of smoke right?
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Okay. So what we want to do is give you the words and show you how to answer this one because this could make or break a meal right Natsuko?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Okay. Can you give us the first one?
Natsuko: 喫煙
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Smoking.
Peter: Okay break it down.
Natsuko: き・つ・え・ん
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 喫煙
Peter: Okay. Smoking. Next we have
Natsuko: 禁煙
Peter: And this is
Natsuko: Nonsmoking.
Peter: Give it to us one more time.
Natsuko: 禁煙
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: き・ん・え・ん
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 禁煙
Peter: Okay. Now give us the question, nice and slowly.
Natsuko: 喫煙ですか?
Peter: Smoking.
Natsuko: 禁煙ですか?
Peter: Non-smoking. Perhaps a good majority of you out there would like the non-smoking.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: So give it to us one more time.
Natsuko: 禁煙
Peter: Yes, great. Okay so now we are going to do the conversation when you walk in the door again because you don’t want to get that one wrong right?
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Okay. So let’s take it from the top one more time.
Natsuko: いらっしゃいませ。何名様ですか?
Peter: 3人です。
Natsuko: はい。かしこまりました。喫煙ですか? 禁煙ですか?
Peter: 禁煙です。
Natsuko: はい。かしこまりました。
Peter: Okay. Okay Natsuko, can you run that back for us?
Natsuko: Okay いらっしゃいませ。
Peter: Welcome.
Natsuko: 何名様ですか?
Peter: How many people?
Natsuko: 3人です。
Peter: Three.
Natsuko: はい。かしこまりました。
Peter: Yes I understand.
Natsuko: 喫煙ですか? 禁煙ですか?
Peter: Smoking or non-smoking.
Natsuko: 禁煙です。
Peter: Non-smoking. Give it to us one more time.
Natsuko: 禁煙です。
Peter: Yes きんえん is the one you want for non-smoking.
Natsuko: You can also say 禁煙お願いします。
Peter: Okay. Give it to us one more time nice and slow ゆっくりお願いします。
Natsuko: きんえん、おねがいします。
Peter: Great. Let’s do the conversation one more time applying what you just showed us.
Natsuko: Okay いらっしゃいませ。何名様ですか?
Peter: 3人です。禁煙お願いします。
Natsuko: はい。かしこまりました。
Peter: Okay and that’s it. There you get to the table and once you are at the table, it’s no problem. Lastly, today, we want to introduce you to one of the most vital words.
Natsuko: Oh yes.
Peter: When it comes to ordering. Okay this is so important and ah, it’s a rough two months without this word here. I will tell you that.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: Now the word we are going to give you is, Natsuko please.
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: One more time.
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: It’s very easy to remember. One more time?
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: So easy to remember, so important. What does this mean?
Natsuko: Without.
Peter: Without, yes and you are going to want to write this down. Write it on your map because the first two months I was here, I couldn’t say
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: I didn’t know how to word and I always wanted something without. I was trying to say, this no, no, no and they would say, oh you don’t want to order. I said, no I want to order but I don’t want this.
Natsuko: Yes, that would be hard.
Peter: Oh then my friend finally taught me the word and to date, he is my best friend.
Natsuko: No wonder.
Peter: Okay. Can you give us the word one more time?
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: Break it down.
Natsuko: ぬ・き
Peter: And one time fast.
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: Yes. My cousin, he doesn’t like onions.
Natsuko: Oh.
Peter: So in his case, how would he – if he came to Japan and he wanted something without onions, what would he say?
Natsuko: onion 抜きでお願いします。
Peter: Okay one more time nice and slow ゆっくりお願いします。
Natsuko: Onionぬきで、おねがいします。
Peter: Yes. Now notice, we have 抜き plus
Natsuko: で
Peter: で And then we have
Natsuko: お願いします。
Peter: 抜きでお願いします。
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Again the English word goes in the front followed by
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: What you put in the front should get through.
Natsuko: Usually yes.
Peter: If not with the rest of the context, they will understand that you don’t want something on your food. So maybe they will call someone who knows English or it should get through right?
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: Again the important thing is, the 抜きで
Natsuko: Yeah right.
Peter: This is one of the best phrases out there. I had a friend and he always said ワサビ抜き
Natsuko: Oh…
Peter: He loves sushi, but he didn’t like wasabi.
Natsuko: Oh right.
Peter: A little too much for him.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: So he would always say, whenever we went to the sushi place, he would order and then say
Natsuko: ワサビ抜きでお願いします。
Peter: Yep and you guys could use this too. Again anything you don’t want in there goes in the front, in the back we have
Natsuko: 抜き
Peter: Yes because yes I like my food my way unfortunately and in Japan, so many things are set.
Natsuko: Right.
Peter: You can’t really pick and choose. Right, it comes kind of like a set meal.
Natsuko: Yes.
Peter: So if you want something out there, you got to ask for it.
Natsuko: Yeah right.


Peter: And this is the way to do it. Okay so that’s going to wrap it up for today.
Natsuko: また明日ね!
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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