
Vocabulary (Review)

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Naomi: ナオミです。
Peter: アキヒロです。
Peter: Peter here. Celebrity survival phrases #10. Leaving Japan. Naomi Sensei, our newest celebrity.
Naomi: え? だれですか?
Peter: You…you of course.
Naomi: ああ、私? 私…は、セレブリティー?
Peter: Well to me, you are a celebrity and we also have with us
Naomi: アキヒロさん。
Peter: アキヒロさん、よろしくお願いします。
Akihiro: こちらこそ、よろしく。
Peter: Okay so Naomi Sensei, what’s going on today? It’s leaving Japan. Where are we and what’s happening?
Naomi: They are at the 空港 which means airport and saying goodbye to the celebrity.
Peter: Yeah. The fans have gathered to say goodbye and who is speaking here, who is talking in today’s conversation?
Naomi: マネージャー
Peter: The manager and
Naomi: ジョニー
Peter: Oh of course. So basically the manager is telling Johnny what’s going on and Johnny has a final message for his fans. So what’s good here is that if you are in Japan and you have some friends and they see you at the airport, you can actually use this.
Naomi: そうですね。

Lesson focus

Peter: Or maybe some of it. Okay with that said, let’s see what’s going on in today’s lesson. Here we go.
Manager: うわあ、ロビーがファンであふれていますよ。
Johnny: うれしいなあ。お礼を言う時間はあるかな?
Manager: じゃあ、出発ロビーの入り口で一言だけお願いします。
Johnny: 皆さん、見送りに来てくれて、本当にありがとうございます。皆さんのおかげで、とても楽しく過ごすことができました。また必ず、皆さんに会いに日本に戻ってきます。さようなら。
Female: もう一度お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。
Manager: うわあ、ロビーが、ファンで、あふれていますよ。
Johnny: うれしいなあ。おれいを、いうじかんは、あるかな?
Manager: じゃあ、しゅっぱつロビーの、いりぐちで、ひとことだけ、おねがいします。
Johnny: みなさん、みおくりにきてくれて、ほんとうに、ありがとうございます。みなさんの、おかげで、とても、たのしく、すごすことが、できました。また、かならず、みなさんに、あいに、にほんに、もどってきます。さようなら。
Female: 次は英語が入ります。
Manager: うわあ、ロビーがファンであふれていますよ。
Male: Wow this lobby is filled with fans.
Johnny: うれしいなあ。お礼を言う時間はあるかな?
Male: I’d be happy to hear that. I wonder if there’s time to show my appreciation.
Manager: じゃあ、出発ロビーの入り口で一言だけお願いします。
Male: Okay but in front of the departure lobby, but keep it short.
Johnny: 皆さん、見送りに来てくれて、本当にありがとうございます。皆さんのおかげで、とても楽しく過ごすことができました。また必ず、皆さんに会いに日本に戻ってきます。さようなら。
Male: Thank you for coming today everyone. I’ve had a great time. Thanks to you all. I will be sure to come back to Japan and see you again, goodbye.
Peter: Naomi sense, what did you think of today’s conversation?
Naomi: I think the second from the last sentence is useful.
Peter: I definitely agree and we are going to take a closer look at that in a bit. Akihiro san, what do you think of today’s lesson?
Akihiro: I think he sounds like a really nice guy.
Peter: Except for when he is trying to pretend to be his brother so he doesn’t have to give autographs but yeah ジョニーさんhas been really good this series. Okay so let’s take a look at the vocab before we take a look at the lesson. What do we have first, Naomi sensei?
Naomi: ロビー
Peter: Lobby.
Naomi: ろ・び・い、ロビー
Peter: Then we have
Akihiro: お礼
Peter: Expression of gratitude.
Akihiro: お・れ・い、お礼
Peter: Now Naomi sensei, what’s the base word here?
Naomi: 礼
Peter: Which means?
Naomi: Gratitude.
Peter: But here we put O in front to increase the politeness level.
Naomi: And if you want to be even more polite, 御礼(おんれい)
Peter: Really おんれい?
Naomi: It’s really polite.
Peter: And can you use it in a – can you give us a feel of how to use it, when would you use this?
Naomi: 御礼申し上げます。
Peter: I think that’s way too polite.
Naomi: はい。
Peter: For this level.
Naomi: そうですね。 If I say 御礼申し上げます。 to my friends, my friends are going to say, what’s wrong with you.
Peter: But needless to say, like you may hear this while you are traveling around Japan because you are going to be put on that honorific pedestal because you are a customer.
Naomi: はい、そうですね。 At a ceremony or party.
Peter: Yeah.
Naomi: Yeah.
Peter: A lot of people come to Japan for weddings and for many various occasions.
Naomi: はい。
Peter: So you could hear this. Give it to us one more time.
Naomi: はい。御礼申し上げます。
Peter: Interesting. So just for argument's sake, if you umm instead of saying thank you to someone, can you say this as a joke kind of?
Akihiro: Yeah sure. Yeah I think this will be a good joke.
Peter: So if someone holds a door for you, you can say 御礼申し上げます。
Akihiro: That’s really funny.
Peter: Okay I will take that as a yes. All right 勉強になりましたthat was really good. Okay what do we have next?
Naomi: あふれる
Peter: To flood, to overflow.
Naomi: あ・ふ・れ・る、あふれる
Peter: Then we have
Akihiro: おかげ
Peter: Thanks to, owing to.
Akihiro: お・か・げ、おかげ
Peter: Now this is really good because even if you are at basic level, if you sprinkle this into your Japanese, it could work out really well. Now the way we will use this is, you take a noun, you follow it with の the possessive and then you follow it with
Akihiro: おかげ
Peter: Akihiro san, how can we say thanks to Naomi sensei?
Akihiro: ナオミ先生のおかげで
Peter: Thanks to Naomi Sensei. So that whole phrase, のおかげですor sometimes if it’s in the middle of a sentence のおかでor sometimes people just leave it there with the rest inferred. This means thanks to and then whatever you are thanking, you put in the front.
Akihiro: Yeah if you use this word おかげ it sounds like you really have good understanding to Japanese culture.
Peter: Yeah it’s really, really nice. So for example, if someone compliments on your Japanese, Naomi Sensei, how can they say thanks to Japanesepod101.com?
Naomi: ジャパニーズポッド101ドットコムのおかげ。
Peter: Now we are laughing a bit because it’s very unJapanese to praise yourself.
Naomi: そうですね。
Peter: But it is just an example of how it works. Most of the time you can use it with the person you are speaking with のおかげです Your pitch accent is so good. ナオミ先生のおかげです。
Naomi: 何だか恥ずかしいです。
Peter: Yes. Look, Akihiro san, your turn. Let’s turn Naomi san, let’s turn Naomi sensei a little more red.
Akihiro: ナオミさんのおかげで、とても楽しく仕事をさせていただいています
Peter: Ah thanks to Naomi sensei. It’s so much fun to work. Okay let’s move on. Next we have
Naomi: 時間
Peter: Time.
Naomi: じ・か・ん、時間
Peter: Followed by
Akihiro: 出発
Peter: Departure.
Akihiro: しゅっ・ぱ・つ、出発
Peter: If we take this word and the previous word and we put them together, we get
Akihiro: 出発時間
Peter: Departure time. Next we have
Naomi: 一言
Peter: Single word.
Naomi: ひ・と・こ・と、一言
Peter: And what this means here although it literally means ‘single word,’ it means a few words. So if you want someone to say a few words, 一言を言ってくださいplease say a few words.
Naomi: はい。or 一言お願いします。
Peter: Even better. Next we have
Naomi: 過ごす
Peter: To spend, to pass.
Naomi: す・ご・す、過ごす
Peter: Finally we have
Akihiro: 戻る
Peter: To return.
Akihiro: も・ど・る、戻る
Peter: Okay let’s take a look at the conversation. Akihiro san, can you give us the first line from the managerお願いします
Akihiro: うわあ、ロビーがファンであふれていますよ。
Peter: First we have
Akihiro: うわあー
Peter: Which is an interjection showing surprise うわあ but listen to the Japanese pronunciation. There’s actually an う and a わ in there うわ、お願いします。
Akihiro: うわあ
Peter: This is followed by
Akihiro: ロビーが
Peter: Lobby followed by the subject marking particle and then we have
Akihiro: ファンで
Peter: Fans and they are the thing. So up to now, we have been lobbied by fans like the fans are the cause. Next.
Akihiro: あふれています
Peter: In a state of overflowing. Literally the lobby is overflowing with fans that で can be with because that’s the thing it’s overflowing with.
Naomi: 川が水であふれています。
Peter: River is overflowing with water. So that で marks what’s overflowing. So yeah, the lobby is packed and Naomi Sensei, now it’s your turn to be Johnny. What do we have?
Naomi: うれしいなあ。
Peter: I am happy. That な at the end is adding a bit of emphasis to the fact that he’s happy. Then we have
Naomi: お礼を言う時間はあるかなあ。
Peter: Do we have time to say thanks? This kana at the end is expressing I wonder. So he is not sure. So he is kind of confirming it. Then we have the manager.
Akihiro: じゃあ、出発ロビーの入り口で、一言だけお願いします。
Peter: Hmm okay. By the entrance of the departure lobby, but just a few words. Now again, this could take a bit of time to go through and the focus of today’s lesson is actually the following phrase which you can actually use too if you are not Johnny. So what do we have next, Johnny お願いします。
Naomi: 皆さん、見送りに来てくれて、本当にありがとうございます。
Peter: Everyone, thank you for coming to see me off today. Now a few things here. Let’s just go through this sentence really quickly. First we have
Naomi: 皆さん
Peter: Everyone.
Naomi: 見送りに
Peter: To see off. First we have 見 which is the root or the stem of 見る to see followed by
Naomi: 送り
Peter: Which is the stem of 送る to send. So see, send. To see somebody off. Then we have the particle.
Naomi: に
Peter: Followed by
Naomi: 来て
Peter: Which is the て form of the verb 来る This is followed by
Naomi: くれて
Peter: Which is the て form of くれる and this means to do for someone or to give to someone. Here it’s used with a verb. Here a verb precedes it. So we have to do for someone. Then we have
Naomi: 本当に
Peter: Really.
Naomi: ありがとうございます。
Peter: Thank you. So let’s just work our way back. At the end of the sentence, we have thank you. Modifying this is really, how do we say thank you so much.
Naomi: 本当にありがとうございます。
Peter: Which again literal, Japanese is, really? Thank you. Thank you so much. So let’s just separate that, the 本当にありがとうございます。 Let's just separate that off. Again moving backwards, we have
Naomi: 来てくれて
Peter: To come for me, to come for the speaker. To come for the speaker, really thank you is what we have to date. Let’s just work our way back a little bit more. Then we have
Naomi: 見送りに
Peter: To come to see off. To see off, to come for me, really thank you is what we have. So let’s just get that whole phrase altogether. Actually probably a sentence. Let’s get that whole sentence altogether.
Naomi: 見送りに来てくれて、本当にありがとうございます。
Peter: Now this phrase, you can use as is no matter who you are. If someone comes to the airport to see you off, you can use this phrase. And it will kind of shock them because this is some really polite Japanese. If you have a host family that came to see you off, if you met someone here and they are taking the time to take you to the airport, use this phrase.
Naomi: 見送りに来てくれて、本当にありがとうございます。
Peter: And let’s just get it nice and slow one more time.
Naomi: みおくりに、きてくれて、ほんとうに、ありがとうございます。
Peter: Okay. Even if nobody comes, just to practice this, say it to somebody. Say it to someone in the lobby.
Akihiro: Yeah practice makes perfect.
Peter: Akihiro san has the right at the end [0:14:19.6] Just…
Akihiro: Yeah. You should grab every opportunity to practice your Japanese.
Peter: Yes every opportunity 見送りに来てくれて、本当にありがとうございます。 So…
Naomi: To the flight attendant?
Peter: Everybody. Really good practice. Okay, then you can follow it up with this. Well let’s just take a look at the next sentence. Then we have
Naomi: 皆さんのおかげで、とても楽しく過ごすことができました。
Peter: Quite complex but thanks to everybody, I had such a great time. I was able to have such a great time. Okay again the first part is what we were talking about earlier but again here we are using everyone. Thanks to everyone. So if it’s just one person, ナオミ先生のおかげで Thanks to Naomi sensei. コバヤシさんのおかげでThanks to Mr or Ms. Kobayashi. This is followed by…
Naomi: とても楽しく、過ごすことができました。
Peter: And quite complex. You are going to just have to memorize this but I was able to have a great time. Now we will get into the next sentence because we are running out of time and this is a sentence Naomi sensei really enjoys. So we are going to get to this. Again stop by, check out the PDF. Inside the PDF, a much more detailed explanation of what we are talking about here. What’s that sentence?
Naomi: また、必ず皆さんに、会いに日本に戻ってきます。
Peter: I will surely come back to Japan to see you again. How nice! We will just go to the details into this. What do we have first?
Naomi: また
Peter: Again followed by?
Naomi: 必ず
Peter: Certainly.
Naomi: 皆さん
Peter: Everyone and again if you are not talking to everyone, if you are talking to a specific person, you are going to want to change this part. We will go over this in a second but then we have
Naomi: に
Peter: Here it would be to, meet to someone. In Japanese, that’s what they say usually marked by に followed by
Naomi: 会いに
Peter: Come to see, to meet, the ますstem of the verb to meet followed by に followed by
Naomi: 日本
Peter: Japan followed by
Naomi: に
Peter: Marking the direction, come back and finally we have the verb
Naomi: 戻ってきます
Peter: To come back, to return. So literally again, ‘certainly everyone meet Japan to come back.’ So this gets translated into I will certainly come back to see everyone again. And then finally we have
Naomi: さようなら
Peter: Goodbye which is kind of finite. So maybe a better phrase here would have been また会いましょうor I will see you again. We shall meet again but what we are going to do now is go over that, the one Naomi sensei really liked. We are going to switch the person who is saying this and we are going to go through some variations of it. Okay, so one more time Naomi sensei お願いします.
Naomi: また、必ず皆さんに会いに、日本に戻ってきます。
Peter: I will be sure to come back to Japan to see you again. Now it’s the 皆さん we want to change and that comes midway through the sentence. First we have
Naomi: また
Peter: Followed by
Naomi: 必ず
Peter: Then we have everyone which is
Naomi: 皆さん
Peter: So if we wanted to say this to Akihiro san, how can we say this?
Naomi: また、必ずアキヒロさんに会いに日本に戻ってきます。
Peter: Akihiro san, what do you think?
Akihiro: あ、ぜひ…(laugh) お待ち、お待ちしてます。
Peter: Which ぜひ means definitely. Yeah sure. So Akihiro san, give us the romantic, the guy’s version of – I will definitely come back to Japan and see you again.
Akihiro: また、必ず君に会いに、日本に戻ってきます。
Naomi: You don’t need to put 日本に. You can say また、必ず君に会いに戻ってきます。
Peter: Yeah which works out probably better because that’s shorter and you can use it anywhere if your girlfriend or your loved one is in Australia, the US or any other location, you could tell them that. Now what would the girl’s version be?
Naomi: また、必ずあなたに会いに、日本に戻ってきます。
Akihiro: ああ、いいですねえ。
Naomi: 何で笑ってるの?


Peter: Not bad. Ah Naomi sensei, you have a future in acting. All right, that said, we are going to stop here because this is a fun lesson but a long lesson and that’s actually the final celebrity survival phrase. So stop by japanesepod101.com, if you haven’t heard them all, stop by, you can get them all there. In addition, pick up the PDF. Inside the PDF, so much to bring it all together and finally inside the learning center, stuff to test out what you learned here. I think that’s going to do it for today.
Naomi: また!
Akihiro: では、また。


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